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About Me

This profile was edited by ELIXIR Dizajn
SRPSKI: je moj oficijalni sajt, pa uzivajte!
Tog leta, ne tako davne 1997. godine, na prvom koncertu instrumentalista, upriličenom u Ateljeu 212, “probio je led” i svojim nastupom, sa gitarom u naručju, očarao publiku Novosadjanin Zoran Alvirović Kina. Tada smo još saznali da svira zato što voli i da sa publikom najradije komunicira preko šestožičane električne “ljubimice”. No, kako svaka priča ima svoj početak, red nalaže da na ovom mestu, upravo od njega i krenemo.
Svoju prvu i najveću ljubav – gitaru, Kina je upoznao već kao radoznali sedmogodišnji dečak. Od tada, od prve češke “Jolane” do naredne gitare, japanskog “Ibaneza”, svakodnevnim višesatnim vežbanjem i upornošću, već sa nepunih 11 godina Kina je sa svojim vršnjacima osnovao prvi bend “Kašmir”. Zagovarajući domaću i stranu rok muziku “Kašmir” je do 1985. godine nastupao po Vojvodini. Nakon tog perioda, Kina je nastavio gitarsku solo karijeru, nastupao (tezgario) sa drugim bendovima, radio kao studijski muzičar, a neretko svoj raskošni muzički talenat primenjivao svirajući i bubanj i bas.
Kina je 1989. godine postao stalni član, tada popularnog novosadskog sastava “Garavi sokak” u kojem se zadržao do 1993. godine. Posle tog iskustva, Zoran Alvirović prešao je u bend “Ruža sa Dunava”, gde je proveo naredne dve godine. Na zahtev muzičara iz Beograda 1995. Kina odlazi u prestonicu i nastavlja da pleni svojom gitarskom virtuoznošću kako beogradsku, tako i publiku širom Evrope sve do bombardovanja 99., nakon koga je Zoran Alvirović ušao u bend svog brata “Apsolutno romantično” u kome i danas radi kao gitarista, aranžer, ali i pevač.
ENGLISH: is my official website, so enjoy!
That summer, in the not so distant year of 1997, on the first concert of instrumental musicians in Atelje 212, Zoran Alvirovic, Kina, with a guitar in his hands, broke the ice with his performance and enchanted the masses. It was then that we found out that he plays because he loves to and enjoys communicating with the crowd through his “six string pet”.
And, because every story has a beginning, it’s more that appropriate that we start it from here. His first and biggest love, the guitar, Kina found as a curious seven year old boy. Starting with his first guitar, a chech “Jolana”, and later switching to a Japanese made Ibanez, with hourless hard work and persistence he formed his first band called “ Kashmir”, at barely the age of eleven. Kashmir toured the region of Vojvodina, spreading the word of rock music until the year 1985. Later on, Kina went on with his career and performed with various artists, worked as a studio musician, and occasionally applied his talent to playing drums and bass guitar. In 1989, he became a member of a popular local bend “Garavi Sokak”, in which he stayed until 1993. After that experience, he switched to a band called “Ruza s Dunava” (“Rose of the Danube”), in which he stayed for two years. On demands by some musicians in Belgrade, he then left for the capital and continued to enchant audiences with his virtuosis, in Belgrade and Europe as well, all until the bombardment of Serbia in 1999, after which he moved to his brothers band “Apsolutno Romanticno” (“Apsolutely Romantic"), where he still plays a role as a guitarist, arranger and singer today.

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