Cooking, extreme and deep powder skiing, fly fishing where no one can find me, the outdoors, travel especially to Cozumel, guitar, ethereal jamming, music, and helping those I love with promoting, expanding, and enjoying music, and renting condos in Breckenridge.
You baby....YOU!
The Church (most intellectual, amazing, aurally orgasmic, and life changing band in the entire world) official,,, Pink Floyd, Rush, Yes, Isidore, Jeffrey Cain, A Melodic Daydream, Tony Pucci, Noel Christian, John Kilbey, A Karmic Hit, and my good friends Steve Kilbey, Marty Willson Piper, Peter Koppes, Tim Powles. Thank you for letting me be able to do what I do every day. Oh so many more, but these are the ones that affect me daily.
Serendipity, Crash, Silence of the Lambs, Caddyshack, Mystic River, Falcon and the Snowman, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Love the food network..not much else.
The DaVinci Code, My Side of the Mountain, The Lovely Bones, all Hunter S. Thompson, Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road by Neil Peart
My parents, my son, my friends, and Steven John Kilbey