I am interested in dress making, couture fashion and skilled textile work; knitting and embroidery; crime fiction particualry pre-war; cooking, afternoon tea and cake making; buying and selling on ebay; collection obscure art deco stuff; writing and reading (we got ourselves a reader..) clubbing at Torture Garden, Kinki's and other costume heavy venues; making costumes for said nights out; creating huge worlds of the imagination and shoes. I can't spell as I am dyslexic and proud and I can't drive; I have never eaten anything purchased at a MacDonalds; haven't left the UK since I was 21, don't like holidays much but am not adverse to travel, just prefere it to have a purpose and don't have the money or time to do it. I also love film, both obscure european ones with subtitles and a few hollywood offerings, and I collect earrings. I love long walks in the country and gardening, and hate water sports, winter sports, but love dancing and cricket. I love sideways thoughts and things which haven't happened yet and regualr amounts of uncertainty.
lovely people who eat cake
Swing and big band music; dance music esp. faithless, hard house etc, tricky, Bec,Nin, Kate Bush, the Dammed, the pistols, the beat, Sisscor sisters, Prince, classical including Beethoven, Puccini, Tzykoski (and I know I can't spell)
Burnt by the sun, the truth about love, the Crow, the Cohen brothers movies esp. The Big Lebouski, Todd Solence movies, Big Fish, Lone Star, American Graffiti, Pirates of the Carribean (hem hem), The Mummy, The Haunting (1948 origional) the big sleep (194?) Casablanca, Passport to Pimlico, School for Scoundrels, Man in the White suit, The Lady Killers (origional), King hearts and Coronets, Closely oberved trains, Get Carter, Blade Runer, performance, Fried Green Tomatoes, Brief encounter, Topsey Turvey, Clerks, Dogma and many more....
Anything set in the 1940's and 30's - Priot, Agatha Christe (the Joan Hickson series esp - total escapsim!); Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Campion (you won't remeber it...) Dr Who (but prefere the Tom Baker years), My name is Earl, Shooting the past, the singing detective, Blakes 7 (ahh, now that takes me back...) Green Wing, Brass Eye, Big Train, Ideal.
Margery Allingham, Dorethy L Saylers
My Mum, Vivienne Westwood, Beth Hardwick, Virgina Woolf, George Elliot, Mary Shelly, so many people!