Baron Anastis van Hustler profile picture

Baron Anastis van Hustler

Baron Anastis van Hustler at *Listen to the Vintage&Used at

About Me

What about me?
I'm into music and photography.
I lead the Vintage&Used
There is my full music bio at (NOT including my personal info...) the rest:
I am more sensitive than more people think, so I get hurt all the time. I'll just kill myself sometime and get over everything I guess, bad, but the only solution...
If you want my msn ask for it, if you want my personal e-mail, ask for it!
The e-mails on the website, are being forward to my personal e-mail if they are worth it, if not, my web masters delete them.
I enjoy good music (R'n'R), good alcohol (Irish whiskey, Tsipouro, Cretian Raki (Tsikoudia), Scotch single malts, Wine), good food (caviar, french, greek, turkish sweets) seducing innocent creatures (no more info)...
By the way, I'm gonna be in Thessalonica, Greece for about a year (maybe more???)
Baron Anastis van Hustler at *Listen to the Vintage&Used at*
of the Vintage&Used *LIVE* 20th of February at Vardia music hall, Thessaloniki, Greece! BE THERE!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr.Jekyll&Mr.Hyde album of the Vintage&Used out soon!!!!
Survey Time
Name: Baron Anastis van Hustler
Birthday: 12 May
Birthplace: Sparta
Current Location: Thessalonica, Greece
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: Tall enough
Weight: Enough Extra to be sexier than normal people
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Ethnicity: Ancient Hellenic Macedonian
Your Weakness: Cute virgins, turkish sweets, caviar and smoked salmon
Your Fears:
Your Perfect Pizza: Mashroom
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Another record and more than 100 shows
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol, fuckin-ey
Your Best Physical Feature: Lips&Hands
Your Bedtime: Always and never
Pepsi or Coke: Gerani Sodas from Crete, I hate both Pepsi and Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: Goody's, if you wanna eat shit, then you better find the one that tastes better!
Single or Group Dates: Single
Chocolate or Vanilla: Which one is a bigger sin?
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Do you Smoke Cigarettes: Yes I do, Karelias gold
Do you Smoke Marijuana: not often & I prefer Choco hash.
Do you Swear: Yeah
Can you Cook: Of Course I can!
Do you want to go to College: went there
Do you want to get Married: I dunno, depends on a million things
Do you belive in yourself: Hell yeah
Do you get Motion Sickness: naa
Do you think you are Attractive: I dunno, in a way...
Do you play an Instrument: Electric Bass, Guitar, Upright bass, Percussion but I mostly sing
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yeah
In the past month have you Smoked Cigarettes: Yeah
In the past month have you Smoked Marijuana: Yeah
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yeah
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Nope
In the past month have you been Dumped: Naa
In the past month have you Had Sex: Yeah
Ever been called a Tease:
Ever been Beaten up: Yes
Ever Shoplifted: Yeah
How do you want to Die: Kill myself on stage.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Ashes
Which countries would you most like to Visit: Czech Republic, Mexico, Thailand
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: none
Favorite Alchoholic Beverage: Irish whiskey & Scotch single malts, Merlot wine, Bourbon
Favorite Band/Singer/Musician: Vintage&Used
Big Sleep
Vassilis Gountaroulis
Ex Anemou
Dave Kusworth
Sonny Vincent
Nikki Sudden

Favorite Cars: Toyota Celica '90
Coupe De Ville '56
Mini Cooper GT '69

Favorite Colors: Red & Black
Favorite Season: Spring
Are You A Virgin: Naaa
Have you ever Been Cheated On: Yes
Have you ever Cheated On a girlfriend: Yes
Would you ever Cheat On a girlfriend: Depends on the girlfriend
Would You Sleep With Others If Your girlfriend Permitted It: Yeah
Money or Happiness: Both
Beach or Mountains: Both
Chevy or Ford: Chevy
TV or Radio: Radio
Car or SUV: Both
SUV or Motorcycle: Both
Religion: Atheist
Favorite Foods: Sushi, fois gras, greek chicken soup-any kind of soup
But I'm mostly a vegeterian lately

Favorite Drinks: Jameson 18
Bushmills 21
Bowmore 17
Costa Lazaridis Chateu Julia Merot

Do you have a fetish: Tons!!!
Boxers, Briefs or Boxer Briefs: Boxers
Turn On: Nice legs,feet and cute faces with cute noses
Turn Off: Hairy girls
Gum or Mints: depends...
Snow Boarding or Skiing: Skiing
City or Country:
Hugs or Kisses: Both
Dinner and a Movie, or Clubbing. Dinner
In a Girl..
First Feature you notice: Lips and eyes
Favorite Body part: Legs!
Favourite Eye Color: No problem... Beautifull eyes can be in any color
Favourite Hair Color: I dunno, depends on the girl's face and eyes
Short or Long Hair: Long
Best Clothing Style: Glam
Favorite Article of Clothing: Tenis skirts, socks, jeans athletic shoes...
Height: depends on the girl!
Weight: Depends on the girl!
Equipment & Backline:
LEM Head 120 Watts 300E & Speaker 300 Watts 250E Together: 500E
Laney BC50 100 Watts combo: 450E
Jazz Bass Handmade by Soul Spectrum fretless 5string 1250E
Yamaha BBG4A 2 single coil active pickups 4string 350E
Blade 6 string electric strat 620E
Career practice amp 15 Watts 65E
Eko 1965 6str acoustic 200E
Hughes&Kettner 20Watts all tube combo 500E
Pavlou Kyrou str.
number: 8
55236, Panorama, Thessaloniki

Myspace Layouts at / Red spikes

*Vintage&Used* have: Merchandise-Backline-Instruments for sale!
-Bookers, Labels, Distributors, Venues please contact:
*Electric Muse Eneterprises* management:
+30.2310.347.130 land line
+30.6945.380.999 cell phone
OR Anastis through
Listen to the Vintage&Used at:

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ & his friends, Antanas Mockus...


Vintage&Used, Vassilis Gountaroulis, Big Sleep, Dave Kusworth, Ex Anemou, The Hydes, Batlord, Phil Shoenfelt, Jacobites, Nikki Sudden, Swell Maps, Pixies, Fuzztones, Hydes, Crack Jack Radio, Mini Monster band, Sonny Vincent, Ben Harper, Stooges, Power Solo, Truboskes band, Testors, Seeds, Cure, Voodoo Healers, Dogs D Amour, New York Dolls, Ramones, UK Subs, Golden Earing, Last Drive, Mashrooms, Absinthe House, What?ever, Heartbreakers, Johnny Thunders, Epic Soundtracks, Play Girls Magazine, I Knew Them, Green Goblins, Vibrators, Sonic Youth, The Malakas, Walkabouts, Hitchcockgohome!, Blues Wire, Cliche, Mr.Lookman, Dream Runners, Infaderz, Faces, Rolling Stones, Lil' Ed and the Blue Imperials, Jayne County, Jesus Himself, BellRays, Droogs, Afrodite's Child, Pink Floyd, Ghost, Generation X, Vandaloup, MC5, Radio Birdman, Pretty Things, Only Ones, Nick Philips, Clash, Adicts, Dead Kennedys, Led Zeppelin, Alice Cooper, Who, Cramps, Blondie, Hellacopters, Dictators, Johnny Cash, Agent Orange, Damned, Misfits, Buddy Holly, Dead Boys, Dead Moon, Ventures, Flaming Groovies, Lords of Altamont, Jerry Lee Lewis, Black Flag, Husker Du, Sugar, Bob Dylan, T-Rex, Velvet Underground, Go Over 1000, Mindisease, Grover, Frantic V, Trypes, PersonalitTy Crisis, Notis Mavroudis, Texas Terri, G.G. Allin, BullDoza, Mary Flower Superhead, SZ, Musipontaine, Whoper, Ex Girlfriends, Geto, Film, Bokomolech, V.A.S.T., Mark Stewart & MaFFia, The Pop Group, Mark Boombastik


Omos pros Enoikiasi (Dimitris Emmanoyilides)
Destroy All Brains (Dimitiris Emmanoyilides)
Bride of the Monster (Edward D. Wood)
Kids (Larry Clark)
Kill Bill (Quentin Tarantino)
Lock Stock & two Smoking Barrels (Guy Ritchie)
The Majestic (Michael Sloane-Frank Darabont)
Asterix & Obelix Contre Cesar (Claude Zidi-Gerard Lauzier),
Wolfgang's Shoes (Jesus Himself)


Just forget about TV!
Read a book
Listen to music
Hug your love and tell them how much you love them!
Okay Mr.Monk I guess
ER too? or House more? whatever...


A Season in Hell (Arthur Rimbaud)
Yes (Margarita Karapanou)
Wasted Land (T.S. Elliot)
Anarchy (Kropotkin)
The Last Bandit (Nikki Sudden)
The Sickness of Death (Margerit Dyras)
Kassandra and the Wolf (Margarita Karapanou)


Antanas Mockus