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Jonno Zilber is a talented young singer, guitarist and songwriter from Canberra, Australia. He has been performing since he was 12 years old and with a natural gift for witty observations and instrumental skills that are beyond his years, Zilber delivers decades of Blues and Folk tracks with youthful enthusiasm and a fresh energy that leaves no doubt that he is a future star of the Australian Blues circuit.
Jonno's individual brand of Blues, inspired by such artists as Tom Waits, Brownie McGhee and Lloyd Spiegel has lead him to be a two time winner of the Canberra Roots Music Young Performer award and one of five finalists in the 2006 National Youth Week ‘RockIt’ music competition (the only Blues artist to make it to the finals). He has performed with Eugene ‘Hideaway’ Bridges as well as popular Australian Blues acts such as Lloyd Spiegel, Dutch Tilders, Bondi Cigars and Matt Corcoran in countless venues across Australia.
International Guitar Festival (SA)
Australian Blues Music Festival (NSW)
National Folk Festival (ACT)
Blues on Broabeach (QLD)
Port Fairy Folk Festival (VIC)
Roomsful O' Blues Supersession (ACT)
National Gospel Happening (ACT)
Thredbo Blues Festival (NSW)
Canberra Blues & Rock Festival (ACT)
Merrimbula Jazz Festival (NSW)
Moruya Jazz Festival (NSW)
Awards and Achievements
Canberra Roots Music Young Performer (2004, 2005)
Finalist: National Youth Week Music Awards (2006)
Canberra Blues Society Award for Youth Achievement (2007)
Jonno Zilber - Debut Solo Album (2005, Independant)
Young Guns - Collaboration with Tom Richardson and Jason Lowe (2008, Black Market Music)
Pete & The Pelicans - Thick As Thievery - Lead Guitar/Piano (2007, Independant)
Pete & The Pelicans - Live To Absolutely Nobody - Lead Guitar/Bass/Backing Vocals (2007, Independant)
Caught in the ACT - Compilation CD of Canberra Bands (song: I'm Goin') (2008, Independant)
Comments and Reviews
"...Absolutely amazing...Outstanding..." - Genevieve Jacobs, ABC Radio, Canberra
"...Damn is this boy good...He busts out his version of the Blues with a maturity far beyond his years." - Sam Fell, Rhythms Magazine
"...His deft playing and mastery of the fret board was astounding...This will be one album, and artist to keep an eye on." - David LeRoy, Rock n' Roll Scars
"Jonnos song-writing is direct and to the point. His ability to say exactly what he means is enviable. He has the courage to tell us what is important to him and just how he feels about it." Mike Hardy, Canberra Blues Society
"A young man who's got his s*** together" Lloyd Spiegel
"A Little Gun Beast!" Laura Hogan, a Jonno Zilber fan.
"..King of Canberran Blues!" Rake Sodomy, The Kings of Canberran Death Metal