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About a B.
I'm a: Vulnerable sadist. Passive adventurer. Loquacious mute. Nomadic homebody. Extroverted hermit. Hedonistic puritan. Dominant bottom. Pretentious spendthrift. Methodological flitterer. Graceful klutz. Mostly honest liar. Creative destroyer. A mass of contradictions. Moodier than your average bear. Conceptually bipolar. Emotionally dyslexic. Honorably unethical. Violently ambivalent. Lovingly cruel. Sensitively indifferent. Complexly simple. Aggressively fragile. The word most often used to describe aspects of my personality by others is voracious. My speaking is tangential. Language is my first love. And friendship with me comes on a seesaw.
I enjoy many aspects of BDSM. Don't believe in traditional relationships. Love words more than the humans that bear them as meaning. Am excessively self-absorbed. Completely hypocritical. Abuse the bounds of grammatical precision. Like to get history lessons in coitus. Put up a mask of my life as a public study to trick people from realizing how selectively secretive I really am. Tend to take the most obvious sarcasm literally. Believe in: Romance and cheating; mystery and reason; empowerment and misogyny; passion and apathy. Often use nouns as verbs. Dance every day. Read, watch and laugh torrientially. Give lash kisses as foreplay. Still see animals in clouds and realism in magic. Find travel seductive. Bear random fascinations with other people's lives. Am always tempted to betray kindnesses. Obsess about things that will never matter. Realize that my moral compass came bent. That the only rules I live by were written by me. And that every opinion I hold is always subject to change without notice.
I'm always on the edge of disappearing. Chase happiness. Abuse love. Believe I'm made of equal parts superfluous, egomaniacal and awesome. And enjoy my own company more than anyone else I've ever met.
Yet and still, I like to meet: Skeletal structures that smile with their whole bodies. Stories with people to tell. Innocent cynics. Seduction by words. Jaded optimists. Forehead kisses that bear no expectations. Trees that hold the answers to questions in their roots. Mountains that echo back silences. Rivers that hold screams under their surfaces. Eyes that see emotions and consider them precious. Tongues that line the ridges of the ugliest beauty in honor. People who realize that really getting to know anyone else is a lesson in digging, forgiving, recycling, repeating ... and still give it a go past the inevitable repetitive failures.
And anyone that makes for the B's brand of funny.