Guns, travel, literature
Gamblers, shooters, fast women and users!
Joy Division, Master Musicians of Jajouka, Earth, Circle, Voivod, Michael Jackson, Phil Spector, Psychic TV, R.Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet"...
Gremlins, Dune, Critters, Eyes Wide Shut, The Howling,Society, Videodrome, Empire of the Sun, Jonestown:Life and Death of Peoples Temple, Ghoulies,
CNN...other news networks...
Well, it would be a very very long list if it was any book that I read...actually, I don't like that many books even though I am an author...I believe in a small core of literary works...Artaud, the Bible, Shakespeare's Tragedies, DeSade, "Moby Dick" Lautreamont "Maldoror" Notes from Underground", Kafka "the Metamphorisis", William Faulkner "the Sound and the Fury","Mass Pyschology of Fascism" by Wielhelm Reich,Genet, Mishima,"Divine Horseman" by Maya Daren, Philip K. Dick,J.G. Ballard Thomas Pynchon,"Blood Meridian" By Cormac McCarthy, William T. Vollmann
My grandfather, for inventing the m-14 assualt rifle.