William - In Christ alone USMC profile picture

William - In Christ alone USMC

In Christ alone

About Me

Gods plan Be compassionate, care for others, treat others fairly, study Scripture, apply the teachings of Jesus in your life, search for God in difficult times & good, help the needy & your health will return, feed the hungry & God will Bless you, give the hurting attention & you will be lifted up, seek to do right, seek truth but be graceful with it, help others in humilty, not to gain recognition, with a humble heart seek Gods will for your life. let the light of Jesus encompass you. love others even when they dont love you back. Do you know what Gods plan is for your life? The plain teachings of Scripture is for us to give glory to The Lord, & to be a witness to a lost & dying world. Finding Gods plan for your life is realising how to be a witness, as we all have different gifts. The fruit of the Righteous is a tree of life, & he who is wise wins souls. Proverbs 11:30 Let the hope of Christ return fill your heart, & start by praying to the Lord that he come into your heart to reign supreme, to forgive you of your sins, confess that you believe Jesus lived, died, & rose again that you would be freed from the bondage of sin. & believe with all of your heart that he is now King of your life.Amen If you prayed this prayer & believe it with all of soul, you are now a new creature, start by going to a Gospel believing church & reading the Holy Bible.===============================================I do not drink, smoke, do drugs, I am Southern Baptist, Ultra - Conservative, Christian===============================================IRAQ : OUR BLOOD, SWEAT, & TEARS As I was sitting here I was looking at a picture of a video someone posted of a lady who was kidnapped, she had a black eye, and the look of absolute terror in her sweet eyes, you see she was sold into modern slavery, for the sake of the slavers they better hope I never find them, just ten seconds alone with them in a room & one of us will not come out alive. And it will not be me 6 feet under, that was a very hard picture for me to look at, & as I was sitting here searching the web sites that were in loving memory of certain fallen soldiers, & some had been written by the soldier, but now he has lost his life to terrorists. You see there are so many bad people out there, terrorists, & criminals who do not have morals or a conscience, and unless we stand up to them, they're darkness will only grow stronger. If we had setbacks in modern day slavery would you all of a sudden lose heart & say we should not continue fighting slavery? NO? if your child, your own precious child died to criminals who shot him or her in the streets of Chicago or Atlanta, would you say Well we should just stop fighting crime and send our police officers home? NO? Well we have had some setbacks fighting terrorists but we MUST continue building democracy and ending the reign of terrorists, we MUST fight crime internally and externally, at home and abroad, what difference does it make if it is a child on the other side of the Globe being sexually abused and murdered or your own baby? by fighting terrorism abroad we are preventing terrorism coming back to our homeland. BY FIGHTING FOR A BETTER TODAY, WE ARE BUILDING A BETTER TOMMOROW FOR OUR CHILDREN.While the day when Iraq is free of violence may be a long ways off, we need to hold onto what we have built with our blood, sweat, & tears, because if we let go, we will start over from scratch with a new dictator coming in, only with an organized, well funded terrorist army. We have pushed the enemy out of their stronghold into the open where they are vulnerable, lets keep them there.Am I saying to vote Republican or Democrat? NO I am saying lets finish what the terrorists started. Am I saying vote conservative or Liberal? NO I am saying lets not grow weary of carrying the sword of Justice & Truth. Lets be honest with ourselves. Am I saying to vote for a Bush clone or a Hillary look alike? NO I am saying lets vote for some one who has the courage to not back down, someone that is not guided by their own ambitions, but by our Creator, the Lord.I am not saying to believe this way or that way, but to insure our children have a safe tommorow from criminals & terrorists.Stand strong America..we did not gain our Freedom by backing down..nor did we gain it overnight. ===============================================THE STRONG HAVE TO INTERVENE Do you remember in October of 84' in Lebanon when the USMC base was attacked with 12,000lbs. of explosives by a suicide bomber, & 241 Marines were killed & 70 others wounded? No, did'nt think so. The American people seems to have a problem remembering past events. Or not studying them & when something happens having a skewered point of view. Let me refresh your memory, in an interview with Osama he said when he saw our President (Reagan) pull our troops out of Lebanon a few months after being attacked he realized our Nation was a weak Nation & would run at the sight of conflict. And seeing this it gave him the courage to start training to bring the war to our turf. Guess what folks he is starting to win on that front, with more Democrats being elected & the looming possibility of another Democratic President being elected to office, we may see more & more troops being pulled out. Wonderful, another Vietnam, what happened in Vietnam after all of our victories when we started a gradual pulling out? We lost. suprise suprise Unlike the Vietcong the Taliban (& a hundred other Terrorists groups) will bring the war of terror to our front door as they already have, & are doing so all over the world!!! So yeah, lets pull out of Iraq, & Afghanistan & then the terrorists will be knocking at our front door!!! Splendid!!! What do you think happens to a bully when he pushes other boys around & nobody makes him stop? He starts taking away their lunch money & next goes after the girls for more unwanted adventure! You cannot merely pull out of his territory & appease the bully. The strong have to intervene. or else he becomes a monster. We need to stand up to these InterNational bullies that are killing innocent people & put an end to their reign of terror. Remember, we are not acting offensively, we are acting on the defense from 911, & many, many other attacks on our Homeland, so we need to spread Democracy & freedom so that we can live peacefully, & then we can bring our troops home.It starts with you. It starts with your voting, calling your Congressman, calling your representatives, & most of all with prayer to Jesus.=============================================WHERE I STAND I was listening to Bruce Springstein, he said in one of his 1985 anti-war songs, "blind faith in a leader will get you killed", You see there are some things worth dying for, my Freedom is one of them, your childs safety & Freedom is another, as Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee stated:I believe that we are currently engaged in a world war. Radical Islamic fascists have declared war on our country and our way of life. They have sworn to annihilate each of us who believe in a free society, all in the name of a perversion of religion and an impersonal god. We go to great extremes to save lives, they go to great extremes to take them. This war is not a conventional war, and these terrorists are not a conventional enemy. I will fight the war on terror with the intensity and single-mindedness that it deserves.You can sit at home if you want to, read your Mad Magazine, bury your head in some left wing conspiracy theory, but I support any one who would stand up for my Freedom, from the soldier, to the politician, to the policeman in Iraq who is risking his neck & his families lives to protect *FREEDOM*, what do you think will happen to his family when a democrat is elected & he is hunting down terrorists, our troops are withdrawn, you know what will happen to this police man in Iraq or Afghanistan? THATS RIGHT ITS A THOUGHT I HAD TO PUSH OUT OF MY MIND AS WELLNext will be our country fighting to stay afloat,Bruce Springstein also said "war is absolutely good for nothin" Well without war with Brittain, our great Nation would not exist, without war we would not have a bill of rights, now stop hiding behind that imagined shield that says " I'm a Christian I cant kill" & remember the Lord sent His followers into battle many times, after the Ten Commandments were written stating "thou shall not kill" God sent his people into battle time after time, YOU SEE WE ARE NOT KILLING, WE ARE DEFENDING, DEFENDING OUR RIGHT TO LIVE, & LIVE PEACEABLY, IF WE END THE WAR, THE TERRORISTS WILL BRING THE WAR TO OUR FRONT DOOR, ONLY THEY WILL BE FIGHTING ON THEIR TERMS, SO GET A BACKBONE & STAND UP FOR MCCAIN, HES THE TOP PERSON ON MY FRIENDS LIST, SO HE IS EASY TO FIND.=============================================GEORGE WASHINGTON WAS NOT A LIBERALWhen Washington took our Flag across the Deleware, & it got punched full of holes, do you think the American people said O.K., lets pull our troops out! Our freedom was not gained by backing out with an exit strategy, our Democracy was built on standing up to tyranny. on standing up to those who would suppress us. And to think the English only wanted to tax us. people still cannot grasp that a Jihad has been issued against us!! (which is to "exterminate all those under the moon who do not believe in their Islam belief"!!! WOW and to say there are people who do not believe Islam is a loving religion). So America is willing to stand up to the English, who fought a Gentlemens war, but we back down to terrorists even after they bomb us with our planes, killing our own Mothers.Our Freedom was built on fighting, on Prayer, on honesty, morality, & being honest with ourselves. If we had created an exit strategy, we would not have a Bill of Rights, We would not have the Freedom of religion, Well I support George washington, & I support fighting terrorists on the same grounds. If we create an exit strategy, the terrorists, & those who seek to take not only our freedom, but our very Lives, know all they have to do is wait for us to leave, As President Reagan did when he pulled out our Marine battalions after they were bombed & 241 Marines lost their lives to terrorists in Lebanon. Thats when Osama Bin Laden came to power. When we leave Iraq, & Afghanistan, they will reacquire funding, Terrorist Training Camps, & weapons, then they soon will have enough funding or power to acquire some of those missing nukes from Russia, how do you like that New York?What do you think would have happened if we had created an exit strategy in WWII? Adolph Hitler certainly would not have taken those pills ending his murderous reign.What do you think will happen when we America pulls out of Iraq & Afghanistan, some one else will step up to the plate, & we can go through 911 all over again, only this time they will make less mistakes in their planning & execution. So we need to keep building Democracy.We need to stand tall, stand strong, & not listen to the liberals who would not even defend their own mother if she was raped. Stand strong America, have a backbone.=============================================Well Ladies & gentlemen, when our Navy ships were attacked, when our embassies were bombed, we were not trying to spread Democracy, those attacks were pre-911, instead after our ships were bombed, with suicide speed boats, we still sat around like a bunch of panzy liberals sucking our thumbs, now after 911, the liberal left still wants us to withdraw troops, so we can be attacked again. Still wants us to sit around doing nothing, it is time for America to stop sitting around watching liberals on TV complain & nag about the current state of affairs, as they drive around in their limosuines while our children starve, & look on, as if though they are somehow in the midst of worldwide crisis God's gift to mankind. Wake up America!! from the shores of Tripoli, to WWII defending your mother's A$$'s, to Iraq, we (American's, not just Marines) have kept America safe, so get a backbone, support our troops agressively, stop whining about your crappy job that only you are responsible for, and have the guts to stand up publicly for what you know is right, just, & truthful, we are defending ourselves because we support Freedom, Freedom of choice, Freedom of religion, Freedom to walk your own walk and sing your own song, but if you take that Freedom & vote for someone who would not defend her mother being raped by a dog, where does that us leave us? Where does that leave our children? being ruled by Islam terrorists I guess, dont think it will happen? What do you think the Crusades were all about? They were a result of 400 years of terrorism from fanatics racing across the world forcibly drugging, circumcising, & converting to their hate beliefs, and dont forget the raping & murdering, thats the best part!! The Crusades were to prevent the spread of terrorism, & regain stolen land. Do you know what the difference between terroists then and now? now they have technology on their side, & bombs, only requiring 1 person to do what used to take twenty. So lets stop whining, and start building, building a future of hope, everybody has different gifts, use them wisely, maybe one person has their own radio station, or will someday, one person is an executive who will decide which show will air on TV, one maybe a child, a child with friends in school who will someday be the leaders of tommorow, investing in the future, we need to start with the children of today. Investing in your children, will not require simply a pat on the back and a hearty "dont use drugs", but bringing them to a Bible believing church, "Faith comes by hearing & hearing by the Word of God". It will start with the amount of time you spend with your children also, lead by example. in Christs love - William - feel free to repost=============================================MISSING SUBSTANCEThere is something missing in todays world - Substance - whether it be a caring friend, wholesome TV, a platter of food for the neighbor who is at home sick, or just a shoulder you can lean on in life when you have more clouds than rainbows. People dont care, they turn a blind eye to National problems, community problems, personal problems, & even family problems. I believe it comes from our intake, whether it be the people that we allow to influence us, parents, music, or TV. As a child I remember watching Mr. Rogers on TV, when you watched Mr. Rogers you felt like he was a part of your family, you felt like he was talking only to you, even though he may have been talking to a million people. As you watch even childrens TV today, it does not seem family orientated, like those weird Japanese cartoons, theres no SUBSTANCE, its like eating noodle soup, afterwards your hungry again, & you will never gain satisfaction, or a sense of belonging. I believe that is why a city like Hong Kong has established itself as an ULTRA violent city, everybody sits around just watching action movies, & those cartoons that have no meaning. The family is the bedrock of any society, and when that God ordained structure breaks down, society starts to crumble, becomes confused, lost, looking for purpose in life.Most people I know have a heart like the setting sun, but guess what! 'But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10 I dont know about you, but I had read John 3:16 for many years, and it was not until I accepted Jesus as my Saviour that I wept tears of joy, when I fully understood the actions of Jesus, when He laid his sinless life down, as a lamb before the slaughter, allowing me to reign with Him, in heaven.For God so Loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.John 3:16, 17The point of what I am saying is this, do not blame the inadequecies of society on a small group of people, or the lack of love & warmth in your community on your upbringings, but we all share an equal yoke in this world, contact studio executives stating you want wholesome television shows for your children, contact your Congressman & representatives stating your Christian viewpoints, give food & kindness to homeless people,I came across a very interesting Scripture a few days ago, "Now when you reap the harvest of your land.....nor shall you glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard, you shall leave them for the needy and for the stranger, I am the Lord your God" Leviticus 19:9,11 you see I have always been opposed to stealing, & anything dishonest, therefore in my own incorrect way of thinking if I had been a farmer in that day I would have taken down every last piece of fruit, to make sure people stayed off my property, but according to the Lord, in his compassion & grace, he teaches us to help the needy. So lets all do our part to bring SUBSTANCE into this world, from checking all those flyers in the mail with the pictures of the missing children, STUDY that face! who knows maybe you will help find a kidnapped child, when your at the store & the family in front of you doesnt have enough money to pay for the food, pay the bill for them, if your able, when you go out to eat & there is a starving homeless person, invite them in to eat with you, remember whoever does this to the least of these, does this to me! (Jesus) God has entrusted certain gifts with all of us, if we do not use them, we are robbing God's storehouse. Ask Jesus to come into your heart, repent of your sins, attend a Bible believing church, & give glory to Jesus, the King of Kings. A good President will bring Substance back into our land. Jesus will bring peace into hearts. :)=============================================ABORTION, SLAVERY & AMERICAKeep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent or the righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty. Exodus 23:7 I dont know where America has gotten off thinking abortion is ok, its not only disgusting, its not only wrong, its not only a sin, its MURDER. An unborn baby is still a person, with feet, hands, a brain, a heart....a soul, theres another verse in Genesis 4:8 'and it came about when they were in the field, that cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain "Where is Abel your brother?" And he said " I do not know, Am I my brothers keeper?" He said, "What have you done? the voice of your brothers blood is crying to me from the ground" You see, Abels death caused his future children not only to not be born, but not to even be conceived in the womb!I once heard a story when I used to be in the medical field, a woman was having an abortion, when the unborn baby was killed in the mothers womb (aborted) ,they broke his neck, then the body of the still living child was plucked out and thrown into the bio-hazard bag, with other baby parts, WHEN THE BABY STARTED CRYING FROM THE TRASH BAG!!! The mother went crazy, ended up in a mental institution, the Nurse who reported this story, is now a Christian going around the country telling people the truths of abortion--ITS MURDER--Did you know that from when the book from earlier (Exodus) was written means, it means Exit, as in when the Israelites left Egypt, & pharoah, they just had left slavery, a result of sin, is this what it will take to get us back on track again? Slavery, it would be better for us enslaved, living for Jesus, than free, to die in our sins.=============================================I ONCE HAD A FRIEND WHO:was easygoing, relaxed, always happy to see a friend or neighbor, always listened to my concerns, helped me with my problems, but something happened to that person & I dont know where they are. And the stork that dropped them off doesnt come this way anymore. Are those days gone or was it just an imagined vision of an America where everyone had little white pickett fences & beautiful families with two or three cars in the garage, on one side your neighbor had a son who played all American football & was the quarterback, your other neighbor had a daughter just going to college, & your new neighbor down the road had a new born child that your wife brought them a baked casserole. Now as your turn on the news prominent politicians are in trouble over infidelity, my neighbors have died of STDs, & their kids are all on drugs. Is it so hard for Adults to raise up their child the right way with love, compassion, the rod, caring, the Bible, Jesus in the home, Sunday School & church on sunday morning, & a quiet nap in the afternoon, followed by a devotional. As a child I remember watching Tom & Jerry next to a family orientated show, now I sometimes have a hard time finding an English speaking station. If we want to be where should be, it will require us stepping out of our comfort zones, will require us not just saying a quick little three second prayer, but our full devotion. Do you still care for America? do you care for your childrens future? IT STARTS WITH JESUS============================================= WHEN EVIL IS CONSIDERED GOOD In a time when evil is considered good, when good is critized, when Prayer is taken out of school, & school shootings take place, when abortion happens on a daily basis, & the blood of the innocent cries out, when our SIN and wrongdoing takes God out of our presence because he is Holy, Jesus will guide our feet to peace, for he is like a a calm stream of water to the thirsty, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased" Luke 2:14 but this does not happen by filling our eyes with violence for violence sake, by listening to music that does not honor Him, or that does not bring peace to the soul of the Christian. when arising our first task should be to pray alone. when going to bed, taking our kids by the hand, & going to the Lord in prayer, & throughout the day, giving glory to Jesus.=============================================LOVE Jesus Loves you, & cares for you. Jesus can only work in our life, when we allow him to. (You cannot teach a child if he will not look at the training material)Do not let others wrong doing fill your heart with hatred, but let your Heart overflow with God's love. After Jesus was nailed to the Cross, He said "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" Love others, even when they do not love you back, Do not put your Faith in others, put your Faith, your life, your very being into Jesus, & let his Glory, radiate in your life. It is a very terrible & freightening thing, not to trust, in the name of Jesus, Believing that he lived, died, & rose again that we may have Eternal Life. I Love all of my friends on Myspace, but not the way Jesus loves, only his Love can show you the way to Heaven.=============================================THE BIBLE AND ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION The Lord spoke to Manasseh and to his people, but they paid no attention, Therefore the Lord brought upon them the commanders of the army of the King of Assyria, who captured Manasseh with hooks and bound him with chains of bronze and brought him to Babylon. And when he was in distress, he entreated the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. He prayed to him, and God was moved by his entreaty and heard his plea and brought him again to Jerusalem into his Kingdom. Then Manasseh knew the Lord was God. Afterward HE BUILT AN OUTER WALL for the city of David west of Gihon, in the valley and for the entrance into the Fish Gate, and carried it around Ophel and raised it to a VERY GREAT HEIGHT. He also put commanders of the army in all the fortified cities in Judah. AND HE TOOK AWAY THE FOREIGN GODS and the idol from the house of the Lord, and all the altars that he had built on the mountain of the house of the Lord and in Jerusalem, and he threw them outside of the city. HE ALSO RESTORED THE ALTAR OF THE LORD and offered on it sacrifices of peace offerings and of thanksgiving, AND HE COMMANDED JUDAH TO SERVE THE LORD, the God of Israel. 2 Chronicles 33:10-16 I think these Old Testament leaders had great LEADERSHIP, they built a very large wall around their city to keep it safe, something we should do for our country, and very deep with alarms, to keep people from going under, they made it a great height, to keep trespassers from going over, they took the foreing gods, statues, false teachings & threw them outside of the city, and they were commanded to serve the Lord. BUT WHERE WE ARE AT NOW, ILLEGAL CROSSINGS ARE SO COMMON, WE SHOULD PUT ROADS & STREET LIGHTS OUT FOR THE IMMIGRANTS!!=============================================Did Jesus Drink Wine?This question has plagued Christians for years. The Bible refers to wine as poisonous & destructive (Prov. 23:31-32, Deut.32:33), yet a blessing, comfort, & necissity of life. (Gen27:28, Deut., 11:14, Joel 3:18, Ps. 104:14-15); as the cause of intoxication, violence (Prov. 4:17), woe (Prov. 23:23-29) self security & irreligion (Hab. 2:5) yet as being presented at the altar as an offering to God (Num. 18:12, Neh. 10:37); condemning to those who are devoted to drink (Isa. 5:22 1 Cor. 6:10), yet as the emblem of Spiritual blessing (Isa.55:1); as the emblem of punishment or eternal ruin (Rev. 14:10, 16:9), yet as an emblem of the blood of atonement (Matt:26:26-28, Mark14:22-24). Do these blessings & curses refer to the same substance? If Jesus drank wine, & we are to pattern ourselves after his life, should we also not drink wine? What does the Bible also say about drinking wines? To shed some light on this question, lets look at some of the terminology used in the early Manuscripts. YAVIN - a general term which means the juice of the grape (fermented or unfermented). the context in which it is used often indicates whether the juice has undergone the process of fermentation. It is mentioned 141 times in the bible (e.g. Ps. 104:14-15, Isa 55:1, Prov. 9:2). SHAKAR - a term referring to the juice obtained from dates & other fruits (grapes usually excluded) either in a fermented or unfermented state (Lev. 10:9, Num. 6:3, 28:7, Deut: 14:26, Judges 13:4, 7, 14, 1 Sam. 1:15, Prov. 20:1, Isa. 5:11, 56:12, Micah 2:11). GLEUKOS - refers to the sweet, unfermented juice of the grape. MUST - refers to newly expressed grape juice before it has begun to ferment. This term is still used today. TIROSH - refers to the natural condition of the fruits of the vines (Neh. 10:39, 13:5, 12, Prov. 3:10, Isa. 24:7, 62:8, 65:8, Hos. 9:2, Joel 1:10, Micah 6:15, Hag. 1:11). KHEMER - refers to the foamy appearance of newly expressed grape juice and fermenting grape juice (Ps. 75:8). AHSIS - is used to denote the juice of newly-trodden grapes or other fruit (Isa. 49:26, Joel 1:5, 3:18, Amos 9:13). SOVEH - possibly denotes a boiled wine (e.g. sapa, defrutum). MESEK - a mixture. It refers to a liquid compounded of various ingredients (Ps. 75:8, 102:9, Prov. 9:2, 5, Prov. 23:30, Isa. 65:11).Most of the aformentioned terms were translated simply as "wine." However, after studying these scriptures, it is readily apparent that "wine" refers to various types of beverages; sweet as well as strong, fermented as well as unfermented, intoxicating as well as non-intoxicating.Lets turn our attention now to the question "Did the people of the Bible days possess the knowledge & abiltity to preserve fresh juice expressed from fruits (grapes)?" Fermentation WILL normally occur if the following conditions are met (1) There must be a source of sugar in the proper concentration (2) There must be a type of yeast present. (3) The temperature must be suitable. (4) there must not be any material(s) present to hinder fermentation. Fermentation of fruit juices will NOT take place if: (1) a sufficient amount of water is removed such that the juice becomes a thick syrup. (2) The grape juice is filtered & yeast cells are removed. (3) The temperature is less than about 45 degrees or greater than about 75 degrees. (4) Sulfur, oil of mustard, or certain other materials are present. The ancients did possess the knowledge & abilty to preserve expressed grape juice; fresh, sweet, & unfermented. Throughout the entire year. There were at least four methods used to preserve "wine" in an unfermented state. 1. Boiling - By boiling the fresh juice, water was lost through evaporation resulting in a thick, syrupy liquid (Sapa, Defrutum). In this thickened state, it would not ferment. To restore it to its normal consistency, water was simply added. There is an abundance of evidence that the ancients mixed their wines with water to prepare them for drinking. The quantity of water varied depending upon the time of the year. 2. Filtration - by filtering the grape juice, any yeast present would be removed & fermentation would not occur. Simple filtration, through sand or various other materials, is a technique still in use today to purify liquids. 3. Subsidence - Yeast cells will settle if fermentation is prevented for a limited perios of time. The fresh juice was kept cold by placing it in tight containers in cool caves, rivers, creeks, or holes, for a few weeks. The juice was then carefully poured off into new containers leaving the yeast at the bottom of the old container. 4. Fumigation - Fementation can be stopped or prevented by sulfur-containing materials. This was accomplished by using fumes of sulfur or mixing the yolks of eggs or other materials containing sulfur with the fresh juice. There are scores of historical references (e.g. Plato, Columella, Virgil, Pliny, Aristotle, Horace, Homer, Plutarech, & Josephus) which could be cited for the above & many of them are referred to in the informative book by William Patton, Bible Wines, or laws of Fermentation & Wines of the Ancients.The last supper (Matt.26:26-30) provides further support to the use of non-intoxicating, unfermented "wine." the Passover bread & wine were used at this occasion. All leaven (yeast) was forbidden at this feast & for seven days thereafter. In order for the bread & wine to be in harmony & to qualify, they must both be unleavened or unfermented, i.e., prepared without yeast. therefore the "wine" was sweet wine or unfermented fruit of the vine.Drinking alcoholic beverages, especially wine, is very fashionable today. It is very difficult to go to a restraunt or supermarket where alcohol is not served or sold. What are we, as Christians, do? We are to live lives patterned after Christ. Jesus did not drink intoxicating wine as a beverage, therefore, neither should we. In 1 Thess. 5:21-22, Paul writes, "Examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil." Drinking alcohilic beverages can ruin a Christian witness. We have a responsiblity & a command, not to be a stumbling block to any person (Matt. 18: 7-9). Every Christian has some effect on other people by the kind of life he leads. " The higher the position of the man, the wider will be the influence of his word or deed," said William Patton. A Christian ought to be at great pains never to approve or to appear to approve of drinking alcoholic beverages nor lend his influence to in any way, shape or form.Now, in my personal life, my dad used to be the pastor for the largest homeless shelter on the west coast of the USA, I would go to work every day with him. I would see all these homeless people who were homeless not because of drugs, or crime, but because of alcohol!! About 95% of everyone who were homeless were normal people who had been movie stars, NFL players, famous people, and average good people who started out with one drop, then another, then they lost their job, then their family, then their home, and as a 14 year old, I thought to myself, if this is the end result, why would I want this in my life, affecting my testimony, and my ability to reason?=============================================WHERE THE SPIRIT LEADS ME Love is wonderful when shipwrecked on the rocks of life, there is nothing like a friend everybody wants a friend, but nobody wants to be one Dear Jesus, cleanse me of all unrighteousness, give me a clean heart, a clean mind show me Your way Lord, teach me Your paths, keep me honest guide me to your streams of peace Lord help me to remember peace is not our surrounding, but a state of mind refine me, purify me, cleanse me let my image reflect You, Lord Jesus simplify my life, that I may focus on you=============================================WHAT IS GOOD Do you remember Munich? This is the place where we should have stopped Hitler, if we had stopped him there, we would have saved untold millions of lives, can you imagine 30 million? 40 million? Well, the war on terror is no different, For every bomb carrying terrorists we convert to Democracy, or drop a 2,000 Lb. ordinance on, thats 10 soldiers we have saved, 40 civilians, 70 innocent, smiling children, THESE CHILDREN DESERVE A CHANCE AT DEMOCRACY, LIFE, LIBERTY, & THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS TOO.Yes its UGLY, & DIRTY, but guess what? NOTHING IN LIFE THAT IS GOOD, WILL EVER COME EASY. Yes, we must ALWAYS be vigilant, ALWAYS on the alert, ALWAYS fighting for what is good, while we may never change every heart into a God loving, Freedom respecting good person, we can maintain Peace, BECAUSE IF WE DONT, the world may slip into what has happened countless times, lets take for example Rome, while they were Evil, with their Colosseums & Christian persecutions, & Adultery, hey America has murdered some 40 million babies through what is called abortion, & we allow Murderers to walk free, but understand THIS point, Rome brought civilization, they started 48 territories, from Paris to England, they forced cannibals to take baths & obey simple laws, but when Rome fell, guess what happened? ENTIRE CONTINENTS slipped into the dark ages!!!!!!! So yeah,,, lets pull out of Iraq, pull out of Afghanistan, while we are at it pull out of the North Korea South Korea Demilitarized Zone, in case we have offended them, they will be free to exhange Nuclear warfare, pull out of our Embassies, druglords the world over will feel free to force everyone into Prostitution, drugs, Murder for hire, & hey, we would not want to offend the Murderers & child molesters in Prison, let them go, dont want to make the American Liberal cry with their bleeding hearts, as Chavez stabs the Liberal in the back!!!Or..we can continue fighting terrorism, so that some day....your child can someday look up into your eyes with a smile, instead of a tear, & the child on the other side of the Globe who you will never meet, that will someday become a Politician, can lead his country to Peace.=============================================And one called out to another and said, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory." Isiah 6:3 For the sake of Your name, O Lord, revive me...Psalm 143:11Take everything that I am Lord, take my entire being, renew me, in my wretchedness, show me what is to live for you, keep your fire burning within me, I will hide Your Word in my heart, that I may not sin against You. When I am haughty, humble me, when I am proud, show me my weakness, when I stray, remind me of Your Son's Life, Death, & Ressurection, on the cross, Your head was crowned with thorns, Your side was pierced with a sword, & You were without sin, I deserve whatever befalls me, yet You redeemed me with Your blood, We magnify you, Everything we desire, you are higher, I exalt You, come into my life, & turn it around for you. All you are, is everything I want. For God so Loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16, 17============================================= To where will I go? The older I get the less energy I have, but the more I realize there is no where to go, the more I realize happiness, is in the heart, If you have peace in your life, it is in your mindset, it is not your surroundings, & you can only know it if Jesus is the master in your life. Lord renew a right spirit within me. I go to the mall, go shopping, searching for something never physically found since the dawn of time, do you have a restless spirit? it is in Scripture I find continment. Jesus is the only companion, Lord I pray I allow You to work within me, that others may see You in me. Why do I worry? & why do I seek that which cannot satisfy? worrying only spreads cancer, but Jesus is Life!Dont just search Scripture for truth, search the one Scripture speaks of, "You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me." John 5:39So let us reason together, dont feel ashamed to ask me even the smallest question, for the first shall be last, and the last shall be first, & the small shall be great in the Kingdom of heaven. I pray that you know the joy of my Saviour Jesus, He is full of Blessings and assurance.=============================================I do not understand why in a time when immigrants coming into our country are raping, murdering our citizens, they refuse to work, are smuggling drugs into our country, instead of working, so that children can become addiicted to drugs, why has Bush given amnesty to these rapists? you know why this is sad? its not sad because I dont support Bush, its sad because I have been his biggest supporter, I am not upset he spent the budget surplus, we have to fight this war, we have to fight, we have to build Democracy, we have to win, I support his being anti- abortion, I am upset President Bush has allowed this disease called immigration to spread into our country, soon we will begin to be overun by gangs, (filled with illegals) its already happening in my neighborhood, in my very complex, where it was once expensive to live here, now the thugs have brought the property values down, IT IS THE DUTY AND OBLIGATION OF THE GOVERMENT PROTECT ITS CITIZENS, ITS OWN BORDERS, TO UPHOLD THE LAW, LAW WITHOUT FORCE IS IMPOTENT, if the goverment would let me, I would drag the criminals & illegals by the hair outside of our country by myself, no expense to the taxpayer! Its time AMERICA stands up for itself, contact your representatives, your Congress, every country should protect itself, we have the right to live in our own land peaceably, without being raped & our children fed drugs & kidnapped, to be sold to slavery in some South American slimehole.============================================= Dear Jesus heal my broken body, heal my broken mind, cleanse me from my sin, turn me around from my wretchedness, cleanse me, heal me, restore me, restore me to You Lord. O Lamb of God, I surrender all.Just as I am without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me, and that Thou bidst me come to Thee, O Lamb of God I come, just as I am, wilt Thou recieve, wilt Thou pardon cleanse me, because Thy blood I believe, O Lamb of God I come.People are disillusioned with war, life, family, but in the end, the only thing that will matter, is when the Lord looks for your name in the book of life. When the Lord says did you accept my Son Jesus? I sent Him to the cross for you! Did you ignore His plea? did you ignore Him speaking to your heart? Today is the day of Salvation, we will meet our Lord in one of two circumstances, as our Saviour, or as our Judge. Please take this moment, this VERY moment in time, to ponder if He is your Saviour, your rock, your King of Kings.For God so Loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.John 3:16, 17Please say this prayer: Dear Jesus I accept you as Saviour in my life, I repent of my sins, which is to turn away, I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and now He is the Lord and Saviour of my life. Forgive me of my sins, accept me in to your Kingdom, in Jesus Name, Amen. If you said this, & believe it with all of you soul, start going to a Bible believing New Testament church. DECLARE THE NAME OF JESUS!!! =======================================================MY CHILD You may not know me, but I know everything about you. Psalm 139:1I know when you sit down and when you rise up. Psalm 139:2I am familiar with all your ways. Psalm 139:3Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. Matthew 10:29-31For you were made in my image. Genesis 1:27In me you live and move and have your being. Acts 17:28For you are my offspring. Acts 17:28I knew you even before you were conceived. Jeremiah 1:4-5I chose you when I planned creation. Ephesians 1:11-12You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book. Psalm 139:15-16I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. Acts 17:26You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14I knit you together in your mother's womb. Psalm 139:13And brought you forth on the day you were born. Psalm 71:6I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me. John 8:41-44I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love. 1 John 4:16And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. 1 John 3:1Simply because you are my child and I am your Father. 1 John 3:1I offer you more than your earthly father ever could. Matthew 7:11For I am the perfect father. Matthew 5:48Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand. James 1:17For I am your provider and I meet all your needs. Matthew 6:31-33My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11Because I love you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. Psalms 139:17-18And I rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17I will never stop doing good to you. Jeremiah 32:40For you are my treasured possession. Exodus 19:5I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul. Jeremiah 32:41And I want to show you great and marvelous things. Jeremiah 33:3If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. Deuteronomy 4:29Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4For it is I who gave you those desires. Philippians 2:13I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine. Ephesians 3:20For I am your greatest encourager. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you. Psalm 34:18As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart. Isaiah 40:11One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. Revelation 21:3-4And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth. Revelation 21:3-4I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus. John 17:23For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed. John 17:26He is the exact representation of my being. Hebrews 1:3He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you. Romans 8:31And to tell you that I am not counting your sins. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you. 1 John 4:10I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love. Romans 8:31-32If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me. 1 John 2:23And nothing will ever separate you from my love again. Romans 8:38-39I have always been Father, and will always be Father. Ephesians 3:14-15My question is…Will you be my child? John 1:12-13I am waiting for you. Luke 15:11-32www.FathersLoveLetter.com www.FatherLovesJacksonville.com============================= ================Serving God She will bear a Son, & you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. BEHOLD THE VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD & SHALL BEAR A SON & THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL which translated means: "God with us" Matthew 1:21, 23After being Baptized, Jesus came up immediatly from the water: & behold the heavens were opened, & he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove & lighting on him & behold a voice out of the heavens said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3: 16,17But He answered & said," It Is Written, 'MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.' "Matthew 4:4Then Jesus said to him, "Go Satan! For it is written, 'YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, & SERVE HIM ONLY."in Christs love - William
Proud to stand for Justice, Truth, & the American way

My Interests

chess,video games,music(classical, country, christian rock)

I'd like to meet:

You Are a Centaur
In general, you are a very cautious and reserved person.
However, you are also warm hearted, and you enjoy helping others in practical ways.
You are a great teacher, and you are really good at helping people get their lives in order.
You are very intuitive, and you go with your gut. You make good decisions easily. What Mythological Creature Are You?


George Frederick Handel, Andre Rieu, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Richard Strauss, Schubert, Baroque, Debussy, Ravel, Everyday Sunday, Depeche Mode, Alabama, Dwight yoakem, The Bangles, Blondie, Mahalia Jackson, chevelle, John Denver, 101 strings orchestra, 80's, The London Philharmonic orchetra & choir


.. Pride and prejudice, les miserables, passion of the christ ..


forget it Obama supports genocide! Watch videobye bye obama (we wont miss you)


The BIBLE, Military History Quarterly ..


Robert E Lee, any body who puts others above themself, those who spread the Gospel of Jesus

My Blog


Got any questions? About my profile? About me? About the Bible? About the war? I will do my best!
Posted by William - In Christ alone USMC on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 08:51:00 PST

Your Finances

Just got back from FBC Jacksonville, the service was a great one, I would like to go over a few highlights with you. In Proverbs 30:8,9 'Keep deception and lies far from me, give me neither poverty n...
Posted by William - In Christ alone USMC on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 09:22:00 PST

2 new videos camping trip

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRccRsW2Iso   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_3j0UMdZKs  ...
Posted by William - In Christ alone USMC on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 08:51:00 PST


http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=52906154239   Please listen to this in its entirety!!!!!!!! Very important!!...
Posted by William - In Christ alone USMC on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 02:35:00 PST


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o1T0P7-VW4   + check out my new pics!!!
Posted by William - In Christ alone USMC on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 06:22:00 PST

Time to act

----------------- Original Message -----------------From: Americans for Putting America 1stDate: Oct 30, 2007 8:25 PM The Americans for Putting America 1st group is preparing their Christmas Gift to W...
Posted by William - In Christ alone USMC on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 05:37:00 PST


I was listening to Bruce Springstein, he said in one of his 1985 anti-war songs, "blind faith in a leader will get you killed", You see there are some things worth dying for, my Freedom is one of them...
Posted by William - In Christ alone USMC on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 08:51:00 PST

Will you listen..... PLEASE

Once upon a time in the city of David, which was called Bethlehem, there was born unto us a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, & because there was no room for baby Jesus in the inn, they laid his he...
Posted by William - In Christ alone USMC on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 01:47:00 PST

Whats that sound?

You know I remember when I was a kid, people (cool young people) would listen to Neil Diamomd, Barry Manilow, clean country, some really classy kids would listen to classical, & my favorite Gospel...
Posted by William - In Christ alone USMC on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 02:10:00 PST


And one called out to another and said, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory." Isiah 6:3 For the sake of Your name, O Lord, revive me...Psalm 143:11 Take ever...
Posted by William - In Christ alone USMC on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:27:00 PST