If you died right now, where would you spend eternity?
The only way to the one true, Heavenly Father, is through His Son, Jesus Christ, the only way to Jesus Christ is through the Cross, the only way to the Cross, is the repentece of your sins, a denial of your own good works, and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life. Repent! Make Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life and don't miss eternity!
The missing message of the modern day church
The entirety of the Bible teaches that the Gospel message is Jesus Christ and Him Crucified as the answer to every problem we are faced with. Simple, child like faith in Him and what He did at Calvary. Where has this message gone? You have to do some serious searching to find a church that is preaching The Cross. The answer is that greed has long since entered the modern church and there is no money for them in The Message of The Cross, the gospel is freely given, freely received! I would ask you to search out the Bible and look for all the referencs to Christ and the Cross and do some study on the TRUE Gospel message.
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