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Communist League


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League Literature
» What Is Communism?
» Basic Principles
» Action Platform
» Workers Library Series
» Other Literature
League Bulletins
» 1. There Is No Unity!
» There Will Be No Peace!
» 2. From Political Protest
» to Political Power
» 3. Unite for Liberation!
» Unite for a Workers
» Republic!
» 4. One-Two Punch: First
» Hurricane Katrina then
» Hurricane Capitalism
» 5. The Stark Choice
» Facing Delphi
» Workers...
» Strike or Surrender
» 6. Defend Immigrant
» Workers!
» 7. For Workers’ Actions
» to Stop the Invasions!
» 8. What Next?
» An Open Letter to
» the Antiwar Movement
» League Forum
We are the Communist League, a political organization of, by and for working people. As our name makes clear, we are communists. We work for the creation of a communist society - a society without masters or servants, without the wealthy or the poor, without the oppressor or the oppressed - a society without classes or the hostility and bitterness that comes with them - a society where everyones needs are met through working together to build a better world.
The society we live in today, the capitalist society, is one where a minority of people, the capitalists, own and control the vast wealth of the world, and another minority, the real middle class, acts as managers, policemen and bureaucrats on their behalf.Workers, the vast majority of people in society, only really own our ability to work (everything else was either bought on loan, on credit or is used as some other kind of collateral); we sell that ability to work to the capitalist for wages.
However, our wages are only a fraction of what the capitalist makes when they sell the things we make; the difference between what we get as wages and the amount of money the capitalist makes when they sell what we make is the surplus value - the profit - that goes directly into his or her pocket.The fact that we are not paid even close to the value of what we make is what alienates us from, and often makes us despise, our work. It also is a sign of how we and our work are exploited for the benefit of the capitalists.
Our goal as communists is to put an end to this capitalist system - to end the exploitation for profit that is the dominant feature of todays society.
In the struggle for the liberation of working people from the capitalist system, our goal is to win working people to the understanding of the need to overthrow the capitalists as the ruling class of society, to dissolve the armed groups - the police and standing military - that keep the capitalists in power, to sweep away of the capitalists corrupt politicians and their government of corruption and terror, and to take power in their own name, with their own organizations of self-defense and administration, and establish a working peoples republic.
Of course, we would like for this revolution to take place as peacefully as possible. However, we are not fools or pacifists, and we realize that it will be necessary for working people to arm themselves in order to defend what they have won against the agents of a capitalist class unwilling to give up its positions of power and control - even in the face of a movement of tens of millions demanding their removal.
A working peoples republic would be the first step on the road to creating a communist society.
By taking power as a class, working people, as the great majority in society, would not have the need for permanent armed agents of state power, which are used by a minority to keep the majority in line, or for a system of professional politicians and their government of lies and corruption.
By putting the economy into the hands of working people, though the organization of direct workers control of every factory, shop and workplace, we would not only be able to reorganize production to meet your needs and those of everyone you know, we would also be able to raise the living standards of everyone and make it possible for us all to live decent lives.
By reintroducing those who were bosses and managers, or by introducing their children, into society as fellow workers, we would create a society of free producers, where we all put in our share and live by the principle from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
By liberating ourselves here, we make it much more likely that our brothers and sisters in other capitalist societies are able to liberate themselves and begin to make their own way toward a communist society.
But we can only make it to communism with their help, and they can only make it to communism with our help. Capitalism has made our society global, and only a global movement of liberation can free us from capitalisms grip.
To make this fight, however, we must be able to challenge capitalism in the most organized and united way possible. And since our fight will be won or lost on the political battlefield, because it is on this field that the capitalists have built up their armed forces, that organization and unity must be political.
The Communist League works to build a working peoples political movement often called a political party that has the support and confidence of the majority of working people, and fights for a working peoples republic.
In this work, we do not separate ourselves from our brothers and sisters, but rather we fulfill our role as an organization of working people who are among the most politically forward-thinking and active.
As part of the work to build this movement, we support our brothers and sisters when they fight for immediate goals, while pointing out that we all must look higher and farther if we are to really win something lasting. We support the calls for greater freedom and democracy in capitalist societybecause it would allow working people more of a space from which to better organize.
We stand with our brothers and sisters who are attacked and discriminated against because of gender, race, nationality, age, ability and sexuality, and consider their struggles an essential part of the overall fight for liberation.
We reach across national borders and seek to unite working people, regardless of the homeland, motherland or fatherland the capitalists tell them they have, and regardless of whether or not they are seen by the capitalists as illegal.
We also raise our own demands, based on what we see as needed today, and work to bridge them with the broader struggle for self-liberation.
We stand against the threats capitalism makes against all humanity: war and the threat of war, environmental devastation, artificially-created famines and shortages, terrorism and repression.As well, we will organize and fight against those specially-created groups that capitalism uses as their shock troopers in times where they feel threatened: fascists (Nazis, KKK, racist skinheads, etc.), death squads, mercenaries and other hired guns.
Finally, as part of this work, we encourage working people to be on guard against both false friends - whether they call themselves liberal, socialist, labor or even communist - and the different forms of ideology the capitalists use to keep us all under control. We encourage working people to think for themselves, act for themselves and decide for themselves what it will take to build a better life for themselves and their children.
If you are a working person, or a young person whose parents are working people, and you agree with what you read here, then we encourage you to contact us and consider joining the Communist League. You have nothing to lose and only the world and your future to gain. Workers of the world, unite!
If you would like to find out more about the League, or are interested in joining, you can contact [email protected] and you will be provided with more information.Visit The Site: The Worker [Communist]
March 24, 2007
» A Federal Case
» Jailbird
» Support Iraqi Workers!
» Commentary: A Tale of
» &nbsp 2,000 Protests
- Archive -
Working People's Advocate
March 2007
» League Bulletin
» &nbsp No. 8: What Next?
» Officially Worthless
» Boston Terror Plot Foiled!
» UCPA NewsWire
» War against Iran ...
» &nbsp Just Over the Horizon
» War against Iran ...
» &nbsp Any Day Now
» The Urge to ‘Surge’
» Sordid Arabian Nights
» UCPA WorldWire
» Opening Pandora’s Box
» Most Trusted Tool
» A Necessary Task
» A Study in Class Bias
» Editorial: Celebrate
» &nbsp International Working
» &nbsp Women’s Day!
- Archive - Workers Republic
Autumn 2006
» Bulletin No. 6: Defend
» &nbsp Immigrant Workers!
» Bulletin No. 7: For Workers’
» &nbsp Actions to Stop the
» &nbsp Invasions!
» Five Years
» The Theory of Decline and
» &nbsp Capital
» Communism and ‘Leftism’
» A Comment on the
» &nbsp ‘USSR Experience’
» Everybody Looks Up
» Communism and the
» &nbsp Environment
» From the Editor
» &nbsp • League News
» &nbsp • Upcoming Events
- Archive -

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