Sociology, Linguistics, History ...outdoors activities love hiking, table tennis ...
I’d like to meet anybody who is open minded, kind hearted and true to themselves. I appreciate a good sense of humor, enjoy meeting people who love to laugh but also know when it’s time to be serious.
..Tracy Chapman, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Bjorn Afzelius, Mikael Wiehe, Rickard Wolff (Det sitter en pojke på månen, Zülfü Livaneli.
..Life of Brian, La Commune, anything by ken loach, The Magdalene Sisters, Billy Elliot, Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (The Edukators), Änglagård.
.. Capital, Grundrisse, The German Ideology, The Communist Manifesto, Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.(Marx) The Condition of the Working Class in England, Origins of the Family, Anti-Dühring( Engels), Federico GarcÃa Lorca, Louis Aragon and Langston Hughes poems.Many HEKMAT's books and artickes (, BRECHT, SHAMLU's poems ( GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ (One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gud och Snoppen! (Soleyman Ghasemiani),John Steinbeck, Aziz Nesin ...
..Everybody who resist mainstream culture and thinks this miserable world needs to be changed.