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paul ill

Here for the Music and All Things Real

About Me truly blessed its ridiculous!!! Summer 2008: ...featured in the on-camera band in all episodes of Comedy Central's highly successful "THE GONG SHOW" featuring Dave Attel... ...spent 3 weeks in September 2008 in Europe on a promo tour with DANIEL POWTER ...spent October 2008 recording the LITTLE FISH record with them and Linda am preparing to return to Japan for a tour with DANIEL end of Nov/early December 2008 4 tunes into my own record... ...started the band THREE OF HELL on DEVIL'S NIGHT OCTOBER 30 2008 w/ KELLII SCOTT (x-Failure) and PETER DISTSTEFANO (x - PORNO FOR PYROS) ...not for the faint-hearted... ...October 2008 signed a book deal with THOMPSON COURSE TECHNOLOGIES... ...about to buy a house and only date women who are candidates for a long term committed relationship/life partnership and who feel the same about me... peace innumerable blessings...we musicians are merely antennae - keep yours shiny + finely tuned...keep your receptors clean and forever open...i love my family......and to quote Albert Einstein... " If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music." ...and he also said... "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." ...and then he said... "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."...Kindness and treating people, THIS PLANET AND ALL ITS INHABITANTS how I wish to be treated are of greatest value to me...Love is the will to nurture growth...know what Love is and what Love is not......on the artistic tip, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Linda Perry. As a direct result of our friendship and professional association, I just completed the soon-to released DanieI Powter CD on Warner Bros. Records titled "Under the Radar" and I am featured on two tracks on the current, straight-to-platinum release by Alicia Keys, "As I Am". I played on the 2007 Grammy - nominated recordings by Christina Aguilara and James Blunt. I have co-writing credits with Linda, Christina, Courtney Love, members of Black Sabbath and the Rolling Stones and Pink to name a few. I have platinum album credits with Alicia, Christina, James and Pink. Recently I recorded with Courtney Love, Tina Turner and Daniel Powter on their highly anticipated and soon-to-be-released recordings. I have played on hundreds of recordings with a wonderfully talented group of artists that includes Aerosmith, Robbie Williams, Celine Dion, Jewel, Vanessa Carlton, Goapele, Wayne Kramer, Zoe Deschanel, Juliette Lewis and the Licks, Ben Jelen, Gail Dorsey, Reeves Gabrels and Sierra Swan to name just a few...and I have written and recorded music for many films and television shows ranging from Missy Eliot's reality show to Comedy' Central's annual Awards Show, Cold Case, Star Search and on to the soundtrack for "Sweet Home Alabama." I am the sole composer for the film score for "Growing Up With Rockets" a documentary about coming of age on Florida's Space Coast during the '60's and '70s' This film is part of the National Record at the Smithsonian Institution and was one of 15 films about the American experience selected by the State Department for an inaugural tour of the Soviet Union during the Glasnost era. But!!! I feel that playing bass in the Willie Dixon Family Band at Willie's private wake and memorial was for me, one of the most meaningful experiences of my life...I am also the sole proprietor of the Psychedelic Shack, a funky recording studio in North Hollywood, CA. Recently, the Psychedelic Shack has yielded recordings by Justin Cotta and the Tender Hooks and Jenn Jayden. My own music, friends tell me, sounds like Pink Floyd, back from the future, crashing their spaceship into the Missisippi Delta mud...I am so truly blessed it's ridiculous!!! ..

My Interests

seeking a God of my own understanding, my family, Music, making this world a better place, Audio Recording, Now, intelligent, kind, self-actualizing ectomorphic women, vintage musical instruments and vintage audio recording gear, social anthropology (particularly the differences between men and women), communication with the Spirit World, swimming, sobriety, books, collecting musical + popular cultural artifacts and clothing + housewares from 1969 - 1975 (particularly 1973), contact with other sentient beings and life forms, health and well being, 18 Century French Tarot, Hermetic Christianity, OTO, advanced technologies, life extention, biomechanics, cryogenics, outsider art (particularly art of the insane), space travel, creating Peace, fun, science fiction, benign hedonism, who/what is God?...making records, Magic, Beauty, unconditional love...and anything that manifests goodness...buying a house in SoCal in 2009 and land in northern British Columbia for when things get a bit and crazy here...

I'd like to meet:

I am here for the Music and All Things Real... I only date women who I consider candidates for a long term committed relationship/life partnership and who feel the same about me... ...i'd like to meet Hendrix, Miles, 'Trane and Bonzo so we all can jam...i also want to meet sentient aliens, and my Mom and my sister in Heaven...whatever and wherever that may be...I am also open to meeting and making new friends via this medium...especially Ava Gardner, Jane Berkin and Franciose Hardy in their prime...i just met Carla Bruni this past September in Paris..we kissed (ABSOLUTELY TRUE - ask Peter Thorn!!!), but she's married to the President of France, so things immediately ground to a halt...


Hendrix, Zep, my own, Miles Davis (particularly 1967 - 1975), Bob Dylan, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Beatles, good songs, 20th century avant garde electronic music, traditional and rural Blues, Kraut Rock, Psychedelia, Space Music, Sly, James Brown, Chess, Alan Lomax recordings for the Smithsonian, Stax/Volt, Southern Soul, Massive Attack, P-Funk or for that matter, anything created by Black people on acid, Psychedelic Folk Music...and that's just at this moment...


I'm Not There, Pan's Labryinth, anything by Floria Sigismondi, The Libertine, Easy Rider, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Tenth Victim, Fearless Freaks, any Wim Wenders, Kubrick, the ones i have music or songs or music in...


The Beat (obscure local Memphis R+B music show, circa 1965 - 1968), The Prisoner, VH1 Classics, any show i have music or songs in...Madmen...


The Revenge of Gaia, Layla and Majnun, Mapping Human History, Neuromancer, Big Book, 12 + 12, Toward A Cosmic Music by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Storming Heaven, Communication With the Spirit World of God (Its Laws and Purpose), Understanding Jung, Miles Beyond, The Diamond Age, The Age of Spiritual Machines...


My Sister, my Mom and my Dad for their unconditional love..courageous musicians - John Lennon for putting his career on hold to stop a war...Bob Marley for uniting the Third World...Bob Dylan for walking hand in hand the Freedom Marchers...Brian Eno and his wife for founding War Child...

My Blog

Recent Paul ILL I’view by Bobby Owsinski for his next book...ENJOY!!!

"TIGHT BUT LOOSE!"What gear do you use for playing live?I play live under varying and diverse conditions so it depends on the environment I'm going into. I will always bring a Fender P-bass with LaBe...
Posted by paul ill on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 11:02:00 PST

Heal Yourself Tuesday Night

I just got home from seeing Robert Plant and Allison Krauss. They changed my brain chemistry forever. So much Truth, so much emotional reality, so much affirmation of the Healing Power of Music. If I ...
Posted by paul ill on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:29:00 PST

My Fascinating Relationship

I have a fascinating relationship with music, and so did my sister. Six years older than me, she was a prenatal (born knowing how to play!!!) piano player who by 14 was way into the Russian Romantics,...
Posted by paul ill on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:00:00 PST

Meetings With Remarkable Musicians, Vol 1

Meetings With Remarkable Musicians, Vol 1 Quite a few musicians I know feel they are running uphill backwards. Or hovering paralyzed, standing in the shadows feeling like ostriches that wish they cou...
Posted by paul ill on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:44:00 PST

The Muse

Ahh, The Muse All pretensions aside, if you like or create music, you chase the Muse. What is it? Is it yours? Is it tangible? Ephemeral? I know only a little, but this I know for sure I used refer to...
Posted by paul ill on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 08:30:00 PST

What Love Is and What Love is Not

What Love Is and What Love is NotWe all need it to survive. We often confuse it for other things. Since I am grief-struck beyond anything by my Mom's transition to the spirit realm 6 months ago tomorr...
Posted by paul ill on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 08:09:00 PST

The Dwindling Power of Rock Celebrity

The Dwindling Power of Rock Celebrity There was a time when another singing drummer ruled a huge empire of his own creation and his name was Phil Collins. He too had the help of MTV, but that was ...
Posted by paul ill on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 02:48:00 PST


LOVE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING AND FEAR NOTHING or...ACID IS IMPORTANT Why, you ask, Would someone say such a thing? Suspend judgment  the cultural explosion known as Psychedelia resulted from a m...
Posted by paul ill on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 07:59:00 PST