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aura blue collective

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Member Since: 18/04/2008
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Amanda Nicolas Montanaro.



Gen wh(Y)? "

Providing an infinite stretch of her ethereal "neo - punk ca$h(mere)"



iAnd she aloe can wrap both the nude and "ovexposed" in her soon to be signature sound.

"Trustafarian" chanteuse,


and accidental prophet.......





Babynine shifts sInE and TiMe....

Shhhhh !
(A Muse, an enchantress; and the unwittingly bemused...)

Purveyor of fine psychiatrists and chinese herbalists alike. "Babynine" - AuraBleuCollective's "Factory Girl?"

Channeling old energies from the Warhol Factory, or perhaps our girl Edie? ( Sedgwick)

Or merely having high tea with Angels?....Maybe Andy* can tell us. We shall have to make a point of asking him to the next tea party. XxoOXxXOo /

Is borne from a Manhattan/Connecticut Country School "tribe" of artists.

First and foremost; we are each-others family. Creatively and emotionally these are some of the most incredible loving, dynamic, colourful-and yes; complex- humans I have met.

For the most part- we have grown up together since kindergarden. The rest of us gelled in high school-and the rest is her-story.
Self-proclaimed "Trustafarians"in mockery: We are the reluctant east-coast celebutantes. While crossing paths with the tragically hip jet=set there is a sense that life is quite amazing. Unlike typical young Hollywood, the Trustafarian is uninterested in fame for the very idea. We have all done are time in the Hills , Soho- and Cannes-or "doing europe".

Most of us will for a while. Even a far off as Thailand..

Manifesting the concepts that we have collectively set forth; in golden hours when we were dreaming out loud... These are our missions. The universe works in mysterious ways. We are miles away from the false perceptions of passe and entitled "brat pack" kids.

We have all had our personal reasons for swimming upstream; boldly marrying our art, and not easily letting down families who expected nothing less than the child from their "preppy handbooks".

The magic of our connection is in part our support for one another- complete and void of any envy. We have been feeding each others souls since we were kids.... our common history is amazing, and the circle of blue is cast far and wide.

The AuraBlueCollective crew are intensely passionate, current, creatively self-reliant; and emotionally wise beyond our years. Aura Blue Collective After all- we are the artists- we all have our little secrets that nobody driving through the sleepy idyllic town would ever imagine. Yes, many of the aura blue crew are "rasta-" or were... and that phase ultimately played a role in our earlier formation.
Trustafaria, however- is the land of never ever; and on the other side of the looking glass- ever never.
We are a family. We are a tribe. We saw the future; imagined the possibilities of what we could do "one day".
We tripped the wires together and turned on.
As we grew up, we were surprised more and more by our parents liberal views and crazy days. Remarkable stories....
Anything we dream- so they let it slip; we can create.
But there is a price in debt of karma and society.
It is our responsibility to follow our unique paths in life- as we have the "luxury" of education, location, and inspiration.
We Trustafari are priveledged; but we are also amongst the last true watchguards of social disruption, clothed as rebels of modern ideology.
We are akin in many ways to Chelsea's "Warhol Factory". Questioning and reflecting upon more conservative social conventions, we are individually touching every aspect of the media and entertainment.
Art is the most powerful way to shift the zeitgeist. We may be "Trust"-afarians- but Aura Blue Collective is keeping us conected!
Bonded in the blue, we are indeed simultaneously breaking all stereotypes of the atypical "Trust Fund Baby".
We are on a spiritually guide mission. Blue light rays in the dark connect us like an electrical storm.
Blue light, as the number nine- has become a theme within our collective consciousness that won't subside- and in a way it's very presence is a powerful confirmation of our resolve and connected-ness.
Do you do blue?
Aura Blue Collective, our official artistic common- was dreamed up many years ago: Endless arrays of common serendipitous events; brilliant dreams we never imagined see come true- or art for seeing tragedy; and our role center stage in the re-birth of its aftermath. These are amongst the synchronistic trends we see as time passes, these are the cosmic ties that bind our collective in an unbreakable bond that can only be lived.

It so happnened: that among us, we had "factory members "as parents.

(and ghosts in our bedrooms)

Was this "channeled" concept destiny? A plan- or merely virtue of our upbringing?Aura Blue Collective crew is filled with producers, photographers, film-makers, thespians, painters, Fabulous queens, rockers,- who write, writers who rock, Angels and Aliens, undercover lovers, classical musicians, opera divas, poets, models, and the odd political socialite:Between us we could put together a guest list that woud rival (and include)Wu-tang Clan, Bill Clinton, Paris and Bono..... to name a few.......not to mention the spirits!Imagine this collective of intelligent and highly sensitive kids in the late 1990's coming of age in a place very much like "Stepford"...We were no angels- but we were unique in that we got to a "higher consciousness"... and worked together always. 9 am brunches with champagne and illegal photo shoots strolled into evening and a factory in full effect.Writing plays about aliens in one corner; Wilie and Peter-Me and Matteo doing "something" with my coiff- tragic I dye to dye- and I get into the bath in my Y2K wedding gown; ask Lane to get candles and shoot.(my art lies within living itself.... there is a buzz about the place in rememberance of that gown.... they think I am absolutely mad to have it in the first place- let alone submerge myself in a bath for art.)I think the reason I bought the gown wasn't to wait for prince charming on New Year's eve...I had told my plan or "proposal" all my ex-s; who were all with me in Trustafaria - and I was clear accross the country from Vegas. Serious buzz kill.Maybe the gown was meant to be worn not on New Year's, but that night (which was any night, and may have been any gown..)Alex comes and pitches her spin on the scene....while taping with a bottle of her parent's cellar wine in the other."Kachew!"- she says "look at you!""I know..... but I don't care, I love the feeling of th water on this fabric. Come in, actually?""Goo goo kachew?"- She leaves foe a cigarette and new ballyhoo is brought.Drama.Drama fuc%ingrama.Oliver is finally back; and we try to convince him not to sell out....He is the most talented musician- too bad we lost him to investment banking.But as the typical day in a life rolls on- Casey rolls in with a digideroo, and new dreads... bonds with link over his Safari pictures- and Me in my soaking white dress and eyeliner bring evryone into a drum circle- get the guitars...and as they start to do that magic; as we are "playing" together, as we did as children....Dauer and Hush- symbiotic and sarcastic; but brilliant.They all know me better than I know myself.It is all so "classic"-...I am "ano" they say; but I constantly play hostess. "Know about the guinea bride?"- D taunts...It's so from my Wasp Mom...and Martha, but I love the famiglia!So it is as typical betewen running in to refresh drinks,brew tea, and change as if I were on stage- I procure a tascam, some mics; and of course lay down some off the cuff hooks and verse.(This is now referred to a "zodiological zoo flow"- don't ask me why...)We are all driven and talented on or own- but when the "factory"...or the Aura Blue crew finds ourselves together? These are the moments that the world stands still as we alone spin a web of beautiful chaos.There is a energy unlike anything I can explain... A creative force which runs deep and long.All of our best friends are already friends..even if it has been a while; so in time this scenario only gets exponentially renaissaince taboo and court- like.Perhaps in the days of the Tudors, or Camelot? Perhaps then we lived such a gorgeous and complicated existance.The catch is that "to whom much is given more is expected."~ my mom,(before Elliot Mess)It is a near impossible feat to surpass your parents achievements when they are literally brilliant artists, entrepreneurs, rock-stars, fortune 500,model and commercial scene, presidents, prom queen-ivy league Donna Reade.The inner drive to achieve never left any if us. We have all had our "fifteen minutes" of fame.Once you have even five minutes of fame, you change your perceptions of what it is really all about it.The illusion of some great wizard is gone, and much like Andy "created" a star out of Edie....So too do we have the power.The question remains why we are creating what we are when ego and self gratification disappear.For me, I do it for my sanity; for the boys that kicked me out of the band... for the same boys that are my soul brothers, and have inspired me to take chances.I continue because I have always been the one with the crystal vision.Vision that Aura Blue crew manifested and surpassed~In many ways I feel as if I am "Wendy lady"- and they are my lost boys, and tinks.I still do.More than ever.But it takes a tribe of TrustafarianS to get aura blue coming through!with Mothers that could give the Stepford wives a run for their money.We were not Gen X, not yet named....wh(Y) were we in.Remarkably, we are all still each-other's best friends, with the inspiration being contagious. Knowing we dreamed it up- that we are collectively experiencing the same dream, inter-dependant upon our blind faith; and I told every one of them I saw the blue rays.(being the gypsy)....Aura Blue Crew is kind of like the new Warhol Factory I think?They would affirmatively get it- or get lost. Of course, the circle-the "Collective" is vast; as the blue light touches those we meet and guides us to those we are meant to know.It was a black and white photo of Andy on my wall that I colored with lipstick, eyeshadow, and nailpolish that became our "oracle" that first summer.Fitting tribute, I think: don't you?We are the kids of the "next now!"Check out the R-evolution!
The A.R.T. Campaign:

*Artists Renounce Terrorism"

We are "band-ing" together in this global initiative to revive and cultivate the renaissaince spirit for the new millenium.

You are invited to join us in this historic effort.

There is no (final) military solution.

Common understanding, and unity is our primary goal.

Arts are the universal tie, crossing boundaries of sex, age, culture, language, race, religion: and now at light speed.

This is indeed the precipice of a Renaissaince!I

hope those of you who are so moved will get in contact as soon as possible.! (Because peace is not a Commodity)..Please stop in to visit, join- or spread the message!*websites at bottom of page.Artists Renounce Terrorism have our first project; a benefit relief CD which is now in pre-production. More information s available on myspace, however you should know we are making a world- class record, with a host of produers , engineers, and talent.A.R,T,. campaign will be accepting submissions from artists, songwriters and producers through July.For more information on the A.R.T. project, join the ARTcampaign and Renounce Terror!


Amanda Nicolas Montanaro



To contact babyine/listen:


If you would like to add me to IM: let me know!

.. baby9music

Influences: LsD Near Death Experiences Love Fear Childhood Creation War*PEACE* YOU!...yes YOU! (still breathing....)more 2 come
Sounds Like: Los Angeles
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Kerouac, Ginsberg & friends in New York Dreaming Up a New New York Sky...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 21:09:00 GMT

Jaime Maussan - UFO Conference 2005 Part-10 Final BabyNine Dragon Tides Aura Blue and the OTHER side 11:11 * <3 *
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 08:21:00 GMT

Jaime Maussan - Crop Circle Date May 2012 16th UFO Congress some interesting numerological ZoO-fLoWs for a NeW-Re-LiGiOn! ;-) ONE * BabyNine * LOVE-LIGHT Divine....
Posted by on Sun, 08 Mar 2009 15:51:00 GMT

your blue room U2/passengers/eno/million dollar hotel we are one *
Posted by on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 04:17:00 GMT

The Ground Beneath Her Feet - U2
Posted by on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 03:05:00 GMT

coldplay fix you you lights will lead you home
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 22:13:00 GMT

Posted by on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 17:29:00 GMT

If you drank the Kool Aid....

we believe in karmic reciprocity, badass tattoos and kids being kids... yep that's right... "Drug-Free America!" No laughing.
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 15:03:00 GMT