The entirety of urban/ underground/ cultural art, and what I don't know I look to discover. Dance, music, Grafitti art, Fashion, traveling, people- learning from them, creating and making things- i can be quite Martha Stewartish at times, Laughing so hard i cant breath, good wine, good tequila ,starbuck coffee, water, sweating my ass in a dance class or on the dance floor-cuz thats whan I really let go and @%^$ it up. live performances,performing live,my family, my friends, my cats, fabulous foods, going on adventures,hugging and OMG...KISSING and that's about enough for now.. there's toooo much ....................................... ol'school crazy video of my first band....GOOD FUCKIN TIMES
SICK!!! and nicely shot I might add...Stanley Clark
House, hip hop, trance, Latin (many genres of)Classical, Punk,funk, anything with good beats, rythm, drums and soul
there are tooooooooooooooo many in a video
I've read some
my mom & dad & certain friends...u know who u are. You guys ARE my superheros