passive consumerâ„¢ profile picture

passive consumerâ„¢

The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth

About Me

passive consumerâ„¢ is the one man audio project of J. Pogue. Operating out of Dallas, Texas. His music is slightly difficult to define. "I would rather float between several different styles that share common elements". P.C. is currently writing material for his debut disc. He also hates speaking of himself in the third person. It makes him feel like Bob Dole.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/23/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: J. Pogue - Digital Mayhem and Analog Anarchy. All forms of media.
Influences: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, Skinny Puppy, The Chemical Brothers, Negativland, Early Pigface, My Government, Various Neuron Inhibiting/Exploiting Drugs-FDA Approved and Otherwise, Chemlab, 24 Hour News, My Computer, The Revolting Cocks, Pink Floyd, My Television, Anything Cevin Key or Ohgr Touch, The "Teachings" of Bill Hicks, Terrance McKenna and Noam Chomsky, Ministry, The Pharmaceutical Industry, KMFDM, Rx(Ritalin), "And on and on and on..."
Sounds Like: It's been called, "Post-Music-Sound-Core". If you think of something that sounds cooler than that, fuck it. Drop me a line, I'm all ears.

Record Label: Looking for distribution...
Type of Label: None

My Blog

"Wee...The People"

Well, folks, if I haven't contacted you personally, yet, "Wee...The People" has been shelved for the time being. I really wanted to get it out before the mid-term elections, but with a move of locatio...
Posted by passive consumer" on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 09:17:00 PST