zines, DIY, independent publishing, self publishing, collage, art, poetry, fiction, perzines, politics, radicalism, glue sticks, photocopiers
zinesters, people who love to read, radical librarians
Fish with Legs, My First Punk Rock Coloring Book, the Believer, the Little Book of Ass, Puke Zine, the Book of Zines, Factsheet 5, Cometbus, Mixed Reviews, Zen and the Art of Brownie Baking, Krazy Katlady Cookbook, Ginger, Journalsong, 28 Pages Lovingly Bound with Twine, Maximum Rock N Roll, Punk Planet, Ben is Dead, Adbusters, No State Solution, Psycho Ex, Jane, Bitch, Bust, Women's Self Defense Survival Guide, Hot Pants, Hot Sex, Driving Blind, Harvard Lampoon, Create!, Abolishing the Borders from Below, Love and Rage, Race Traitor, Quench, How I Learned to Love Myself and Occasionally Other Men, Art!, After the Beep, Emergency, Be There or Be Square, What's Government Good For?, Marriage and Love, Mother Jones, the IWW Songbook, Church of Seitan, Stolen Sharpie Revolution, Dishwasher, Action Geek, Apollo Astro, Intro to Lockpicking, Rock Out, Homeschooling Magazine, Placenta, Baby Bloc, Paraphilia, Hic Jacet, Sea of Seed, Slug and Lettuce, Profane Existence, Slingshot, Making Love, DIY Guide, the Walls Are Alive, Evasion, Bridges Freeze First, The Cool Cool Shirt, Chart Your Cycle!, Mutant, How Mountains Die, Newspaper, Northeastern Anarchist, Break the Chains, Arm the Spirit, Zapata Rides, Turtle, Papercut, Essential Slogans for the Revolution, Red Hooded Sweatshirt, Looks Yellow Tastes Red, Adorn, the Census Taker: War and Kittens, Kurt Cobain was Lactose Intolerant, I Go There With Jack, the T Word, Lesbian Moments, Dispatches from South America, Miami Model, Paranoia, Scavenger Punks, Tight Pants, Riot Grrrl, Teenage Gang Debs, Feh!, Cracks in the Wall, Feral Forager, Wild Fermentation, I'm Johnny and I Don't Give A Fuck, My Bad Poetry, the CIA Makes Science Fiction Uninterested, the Perfect Mix Tape Segue, Half a Person, Please Don't Feed the Bears, Blurt, Grrl Kunt, Burn Collector, Echo Voice, Outer Space in the Future, Do As I Do, Skydiving Paper Cows, Trackstar, Upheaval, the World is Broken, Blood Makes the Best Lubricant, Obese, Suburban Voice, Heartattack, No. 13, the Assassin and the Whiner, Moshtrogen, Off the Map, Inside Front, Change Zine, Barricada, Barricata, Arm the Masses, Beatles Monthly, On Subbing, Doris, Bogus Bonzai, Panache, Fuck Tooth, Mad, Cracked, Crazy, the Uncanny X-Men, Objection!, the Dentist, Angry Tooth, Constant Rider Omnibus, the Joy of Revenge, Media Whore, Found Magazine, Soy Not Oi, When Women Attack, Men Can Stop Sexism, Green Anarchy, Greenzine, Does George Bush Own Our Country?, Socialist Review, Rethinking Marxism, Rethinking Feminism, Anarchy 101, Streetpixie, Mister Fujiyama Loves You, Scam, Go Fuck Yourself, Paul the Punker, No Depression, Pets and Publishers, Hit It or Quit It, Beer Frame, Chain Breaker, Life in the Bike Lane, Ghost Rider, the Stake, Fighting for our Lives, Harbringer, OK Not OK, Life Sucks, Thrift Score, Temp Slave!, Icarus was Right, Cool and Strange Music, Girl Swirl, Brainscan, Pocket Full of Chumpchange, the Big Takeover, Cheerio Wisdom, 12 Items or Less, Boston Brass Digest, Skinhead Cat, Skatoons, the Arcadian, the Boston Hardcore and Punk Factsheet, Flipside, All You Can Eat London, Pirates Cookbook, 2600, Angry Tenants Union Newsletter, Austin Javelineer, Support Your Local Video Store, Cigarettes and Pin Up Girls, Cherry Battery Acid, Quiet Rumors, Fulcrum, Xenophilia, Haunted House, Poesy, Dreams at Au Bon Pain, Wig Out, Go Metric, Getting Louder Everyday, Just Another Damn Zine, Murder Can Be Fun, Impulse, Stay Free, Bananafish, Double Negative, the Whisp, Typewriter, Rollerderby, the Match, Black Flag, Antidote, Iron Feather Journal, Arsenal, Red Sky at Night, New York Rat, Razorcake, Broken Records, Cultor Sore, Emma Goldman, Geraniums and Bacon, Mickey Rat, Giantess, Grandma's Attic Bathtub, Horizontal Stripes, Infecticitis, the Pleiades, Oddfellow, Quantify, the Rabbit Fodder Addict, Sisu, Suburban Gothic, Burnt, Do or Die, Deal with It, Mixed Tapes, Radical Carols, intertwined, subhuman, ghostride, the exterminator, city arts, connected, pink poodle, the secret pages of libraries...and WAY MORE.