MySpaceTV Videos: Going Home by johnbarney
Staying on the Path I walk. Knowing Myself, Life, Exploring Nature, Astronomy, Anything that has to do with the arts, Landscaping, Hiking, Adventures, Sightseeing, Camping, Helping others, Children, Animals, Ghost Hunting And some ADULTS. lol
I like to stay in touch with all my reenacting buddies and friends. It is you, that are the truest of friends. You have given me a place to belong. May every image I produce become a cherished item to you and your family. I promise to always give it the best I can do. It's always good to hear of an event that I don't seem to be aware of. I'd also like to network with the film industry. Why have an actor pretending he's taking a photograph, when you can have an actually 19th century photographer make one, right on screen, in front of the camera? Great for making the actors look real, as well as producing stills to be used during the rolling of credits.Other than that? The type of people I'd care to meet would be HUMAN BEINGS. People I can trust and believe in. I still belive there is a place for Truth, Honesty and Honor, in this world. It seems at times, I live in a world where COMMON SENSE isn't all that common.And for that ONE woman still out there, I've yet to meet? Well, it's like one of the lines, from one of my poems. "Yes I'm been given much, in my journey through life. Gifted with eyes, that truely SEE. Yet still waiting to SEE the greatest GIFT of all. That's the love, that's looking for ME" To all my friends out there, Thank You for walking with me. To all the friends I've yet to meet? I look forward to crossing your path, as I make my way HOME. Take care of the day
Classic Rock, Bluegrass, Island, Blues, Dixieland, Folk, etc... Oh did I mention "Buds of the Brier"?
Somewhere In Time, The Five People You Meet In Heaven, H.G. Wells "The Time Machine", Oh yes! My Brothers War, Wallace & Gromit, Hoodwinked
Science and Nature programs, mostly. Has to be something I can learn from
Celestine Prophecy. Text books mostly. That learning thing. lol
People that dedicate their lives to improving others lives. People with Insight, My Angels