Sons of Span. Am. War profile picture

Sons of Span. Am. War


About Me

THE MICAH JOHN JENKINS CAMP NO. 164 Sons of Spanish American War Veterans.Visit Our Website at!
The Sons of Spanish - American War Veterans is a patriotic organization, affiliated with the United Spanish War Veterans, Inc. The first Camp of the Order was started in New York City in 1927 and grew into a National Group at Columbus, Ohio, 1937. Let us be reminded of the services rendered by the Veterans of the Spanish - American War, the Insurrection in the Philippines, and the China Relief Expedition, the memory of which services this organization was formed to perpetuate. Freedom. That condition enjoyed by the people of this nation through the leadership of George Washington and which the Spanish - American War Veterans in their youth carried to the people of Cuba. Patriotism. The love of one’s country that inspired the volunteers of 1898 to forsake all ties of home and business and offer their lives, if necessary, to bring liberty to an oppressed people struggling against tyranny. Humanity. That sense of duty to our fellow men which animated our fathers in the performance of duty, that relieved the starvation in Puerto Rico, took happiness to the Philippines, provided for the open door in China, and stamped out yellow fever in our Southern States.
MEMBERSHIP IN THE S.S.A.W.V. Membership is open to Male Descendents of Spanish American War, Philippine Insurrection, and the China Relief Expedition Veterans, and Present or Former Members of the United States Armed Forces.
There is an initial Membership fee of $10.00 to join and that can be sent in along with the application, and an annual renewal fee of $7.00. These dues cover the cost for things like the Camp's Newsletter, etc..
We also do have Associate Memeberships for those who do not know if they have a relative or not. If you are uncertain as to if you are related to a Veteran of any of the above conflict's but believe you have one, we will try to help you find that individual.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Other members of the Sons of Spanish American War Veterans, the Daughters of 98', and the Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans. Anyone interested in preserving the Memory of the Veterans of 1898 to 1902.


Can We Forget the Maine. Franklin R. Carpenter
Not for a conquest, Lord, we fight,
Nor sail our fleets for gain;
But, Lord of Host, avenging God!
Can we forget the Maine?

Be with us, Lord, as with our sires,
When Spain’s Armada sailed;
Raise thou the storm, loose thou the bolt!
Show them thy hands are mailed!

Three hundred men in peaceful sleep,
By Spanish treachery slain;
O, Lord of Hosts, avenging God!
Can We Forget The Maine?


T.N.T.'s "Rough Riders."


History Channel, AandE, and Biography


Major General Fitzhugh Lee, U.S.V.
The Veterans of 1898 to 1902.