Other members of the Sons of Spanish American War Veterans, the Daughters of 98', and the Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans. Anyone interested in preserving the Memory of the Veterans of 1898 to 1902.
Can We Forget the Maine.
Franklin R. Carpenter
Not for a conquest, Lord, we fight,
Nor sail our fleets for gain;
But, Lord of Host, avenging God!
Can we forget the Maine?
Be with us, Lord, as with our sires,
When Spain’s Armada sailed;
Raise thou the storm, loose thou the bolt!
Show them thy hands are mailed!
Three hundred men in peaceful sleep,
By Spanish treachery slain;
O, Lord of Hosts, avenging God!
Can We Forget The Maine?
T.N.T.'s "Rough Riders."
History Channel, AandE, and Biography
Major General Fitzhugh Lee, U.S.V.
The Veterans of 1898 to 1902.