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The Lone Warrior

I am here for Friends

About Me

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I'm a plain but complex guy from a small southern town.
I say complex because I've heard myself describe numerous times as such.I've No doubt that I am but I'll explain later.
I say I'm plain because I'm pretty well just me.
I'm plain because well,I don't go around like alota people this day and time putting on airs or wearing a mask.I don't pretend to be someone I'm not in the hopes of people liking me.I learned along time ago to be myself and if people don't like me well then so what your never gonna have everyone like you anyway.I'm not a person who wants to look back on my life and wonder if those people who loved me,loved for me or loved the image I gave them.Thats not living anyhow.
I'm not a real hard person to please either.I like to cut up and joke around.I've always liked to make people laugh
My creed is "Its better to laugh than to cry."
So don't go getting pissy if I pick on you if I don't pick at you I don't like you.
I guess I'm one of the few people left that can be labeled a romantic.
It's not that I'm a cuddly person mind you.I just happen to have lofty ideas of how things ought to be in the world.
I've learned not to be too quick in judgement on anyone or any situation they maybe in.Sometimes you have to take people as they are and just be there to see them through.No body knows what someone else maybe going through,and who knows by showing some kindness you just might end up saving that person,and just maybe even wind up saving yourself.
By doing this you shed alittle light onto the path before yourself as well as others,prayin you both reach where you needs be,and grow into what you ought.
I like anyone else in this world just want be happy,but I don't want to nor will I step on people to get there.You're not going to be getting ahead it'll only seem that way.When it all catches up with you AND IT WILL CATCH UP TO YOU,those same people you met going up you'll see 'em coming down.The trials and test we face in life teach us how we are to handle the pain we all must face."Man is Born of a woman,is of a few days,and full of trouble."
So why should one go around adding hardship upon that trouble we are already promised in life??
Told you I had Lofty Ideas
I'm both an introvert and an extrovert,
I Love to be with friends and be apart of whatever is going on,and be in the know.Then there's times when I want be left alone.Just left to myself and my thoughts,this is mostly during a period of great stress when I've alot on my mind.I've found that during these times I learn who the truest of my friends are.These are the ones who come looking for me and want to talk.Sometimes I do,and then hopefully they know that by doing so I'm bestowing a great honor upon them...
I used to trust people alot but nowadays hardly ever.Only those I've grown to have complete confidence in,they are quite few in number.
If've any grievious fault it is mainly that...
I'm loyal to a fault.
I've been known to defend my friends and family even when I know in my heart of hearts they are in the wrong,but I'm very quick in private to round on them when they are wrong and tell them that they really need to get their head screwed on straight!...
My Loyality knows no bounds it seems.I've even sacrifice myself and often have to my own consternation found that its either goes un-noticed or simple un-appreciated.
I'm one of those types that over extense himself and is more often that not hung out to dry for it.I try to be an all around nice guy and end up hating myself for it.Seems it only gets me into trouble because I find that while being a loyal friend I,at times,end up defending people who clearly brought their troubles on themselves.In turn I myself end up getting drug into a hornets nest of controversy.Well its just the way I am and I doubt I can change it,but I'm tryin.When I make a friend I stick by them and I don't leave them out to dry whether they be right or wrong.I'm not about do do some one that way,I've been done that way myself too many times by too many "so-called" friends.A friend in me is a friend indeed,like it or not.I'm gonna say this though,when it comes to my friends I've a mountain of patienace and understanding;and I always make a point to make myself avaiable to them,but given enough slights,that will grow thin in time.I'm loyal yes,but I expect the same in return and will not tolerate betrayal of any kind.Once that happens,well in short forget you ever knew me because I've no use for you anymore.As strong as my loyality is so goes my stubbornness.
Well didn't I say I was described as Complex?
As for my personal Hobbies...
I enjoy the typical good ole boy pass times...
Camping,hiking,hunting,fishing,swiming,to name a few.
I like watchin American Football (SEC,& I root for the Valley Head Tigers) and Football,also known as Soccer,but its Football to everyone else (Favorite National team is GERMANY and my favorite league team is Bayern Munich).
I like playing card games such as Poker,(5 card,7 card,and Texas Hold 'em)Pitch,rummy,and canasta.
I practice kenjutsu and iaido...
(handling of the Samurai Sword)
I collect coins and miltaria,I have my late Grandpa Larson to thank for this as he left me his coin collection,as well as his World War II uniform;in the care of my parents until I was old enough to take care of it myself.I've simply built upon these.I also collect knives,guns and swords.You'll find in short order I know how to use them,and have no fear of doing so if pressed to the issue.
I Personally Love History.
I'm a War between the States Reenactor and proud of it.I'm a 1st Lieutenant in the Confederate Cavalry.I was an extra in the films;Gods and Generals,Gettysburg,Glory,and Ride with the Devil.I I've to date takin part in 50+ engagments,including several major battles and numerous lesser ones.When not in the saddle,I can be found on the skirmish lines or in deep thickets with the sharpshooters.Nor I'm above lending a hand on the guns either if the tide of battle deem it so.
I've a deep respect for my ancestors who fought in that conflict.If'n you don't like it then you'd best not say anything about it.
For that matter know this,I've a deep sense of family pride.
I'm from
To me things fall in this order:
Cross me over any of these points and woe be it unto you...
That doesn't make me a racist either,if you think so well then your ignorant and you need to sit down somewhere and get some sense.I can't stand people who view regional pride or pride in heirtage as racism or the people who give the ignorant masses the excuse to view it as such because of their own actions.You be a racist,say and think whatever you please,I can't stop you from that,but don't you bring that mess up around me;I'm not putting up with it.
I'm a peaceable person for the most part,but I'm not about to deal with a bunch of retards who stir up a stink due to their ignorance.Come Start that mess with me and see how far you get afore I put you on the high road with your backside dusted with rocksalt!!!!
I like Foriegn films namely anything directed my Akira Kurasawa or that the late Toshiro Mifune was in.John Wayne,Historical,Horror,Comedies,Classic,Sci-Fi,Mystery,Thil ler,and Military films.I'll just cut this part short.I like alota different types of movies.
I've a varied taste in Music.
Before I go I want everyone to see this clip.It is by far the best advice I've heard in all my nearly 26 years on this earth.It might be long and might even make my page load slow but these are true facts of life.It may apply to dating or just in friendships in general but remember what you hear here always...
So there you go folks... Want to know more look at the questions and answers below if your still curious just ask me.
Until then
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life
* So Basically... *
Name?: Louis Daniel Larson Nicknames include Paul Bunyan,Kagetora,Daniel-san,Ace,Lt.Dan,and Preach
Age?: 26
Sex?: Male
Birth Date?: 17th of January 1982
Hair Color?: Dark Brown
Eye Color?: Hazel
Height?: 6'0
Weight?: 245
Body Type?: Average
Piercings?: none
Tattoos?: none
What are you wearing right now?: blue jeans t-shirt boots
Hair style at the moment?: Short
* Favorites *
Soda?: Cherry Coke
Food?: Sushi
Drink?: Red Bull
Alcoholic Drink?:
Time of day?: Night
Season?: Any
Day of the week?: Saturday
Song at the moment?: Spread your wings
Band/Artist?: Queen
Book?: Shogun
Subject in school?: History
Place in the USA?: DIXIE, The states and territories of the CSA
Place outside the USA?: Germany or Japan
Color?: Black and Red
Style of clothes?: Casual
Store?: F.Y.E.
Mall?: Hamilton Place
City?: Orlando
Website?: Myspace
Magazine?: Black Belt
Kind of pet?: I got a dog Named Jack but wouldn't mind owning a wolf or a tiger
* Worst *
Place to be?: Where I don't feel welcome
Class in school?: Math
Time of dayr?: early morning
Season?: N/A
Kind of pet?: N/A
Drink?: Pepsi
Food?: None really
Mall?: Madison Square
Store?: N/A
Style of clothes?: Thug
Celebrity?: Britney Spears
Color?: pink
Book?: N/A
Type of music?: scream
Website?: N/A
Magazine?: N/A
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: 4-5 am
What is your first thought?: What time is it
What do you do first?: Shower
What's your usual outfit?: Uniform
What's the first class of the day?: N/A
When does school end?: N/A
Do you see your friends?: Co-workers
What do you do when you get home?: whatever needs done
What time do you go to bed?: when I'm tired
* Do you...*
Brush your teeth daily?: yes
Brush your hair daily?: yes
Shower daily?: yes
Sing?: not well
Dance?: not well
Party?: sometimes planning to do so more often now that I'm single meet and greet
Get drunk?:
Have sex?:
Read books?: all the time
Listening to music a lot?: my i-pod needs to be glued to me
Read magazines?: sometimes
Go online a lot?: as often as I can
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: have before
Have a religion?: everyone does
Have an IPod?: yeah
Want an IPod?: why would I want another one?????
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: I did til 20th Nov. 2007 Now I'm Single and in the words of McDonalds
Play an instrument?: used to
Get sick a lot?: only of retards,morons,and ignorant people in general as well as of people who need to grow up,that whine and cry to get their own way
Watch TV?: yeah
Like MTV?: not really
Like VH1?: not really
Like the History Channel?: YES
Have Digital Cable?: YES
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: YES
Listen to the radio?: yeah
Still use your CD player?: yeah
Stalk people?: no
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?: no
Have dial-up internet?: no
Have AOL?: no
Know HTML?: yes
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: I did in school
Get H's in honors classes?: lol
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap?: old school
R & B?: some
Blues and/or Jazz?: not really
Classical?: YES
Pop?: yes
Country?: yes
Emo/Scremo?: no
Heavy Metal?: some
Christian?: yes
Techno?: some
Reggae?: no
Broadway Musical songs?: some
Oldies?: YES
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Hair color?: doesn't matter
Eye color?: doesn't matter
Tattoos?: none
Piercings?: normal places only
Favorite Music?: doesn't matter
Style of clothing?: casual
Body Type?: average
Personality or Looks?: personality
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: no
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: no
Does size matter?: never had a complaint
Do they have to be popular?: no
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?: in this day and time does it matter
Where do you go on the first date?: eat movies
Kiss on the first date?: maybe
Sex on the first date?: HELL NO
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: I guess
Are you eating something?: no
Are you drinking something?: red bull
Are you IMing anyone?: yeah
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: no
Are you talking face to face with someone?: no
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?: yes
What song are you listening to?: A little too late - Toby Keith
What are you watching on TV?: nothing
What other websites do you have open?: Youtube,Myspace,Yahoo
Why are you taking this survey?: replace the old one
Where are you going to post it?: Myspace
What are you going to do after this?: Iaido
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: Seen alot of strange things in my day
The afterlife?: Yes
Aliens?: Its possible
God?: Of Course
The devil?: Naturally
Heaven?: Yes
Hell?: Yes
Scientology?: no
Hinduism?: no
Buddhism?: no
Christianity?: Duh
Taoism?: no
Judism?: no
Jesus?: How dumb is that how can one be a christian and not believe in the Word made flesh
Nothing?: everyone believes something
Reincarnation?: no
Yourself?: Yeah I guess I do
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?: Plenty of times
Where were you going?: Japan,Germany,Mexico,Canada to name just a few
Have you been to another country?: Several
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?: planning on it soon
Have you ever partied in another country?: yes
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?: yes
Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?: yes
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?: no
Talked about someone behind their back?: I'm sure I have and I'm not proud of it
Had someone talk about you behind your back?: Oh GOD knows who all has lol
Been in a fight online?: no
Been in a fight face to face?: Plenty
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?: Yeah
Been called a bitch?: no
Been called a slut/whore?: no
Been to Australia?: no
Do you like snakes?: not really
Ever cried to get your own way?: no
Ever broken a bone?: no
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?: yes a couple of times
Ever had serious surgery?: yeah on my knee
Ever looked a porn online?: no
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: no
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?: yeah
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?: no
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: no
Ever been on stage for any reason?: yes
Ever been in a play?: yes
Ever been in a choir?: in church
Ever been in a band?: 6th and 7th grade
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?: Drums
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?: no
Waxed your eyebrows?: no
Waxed your legs?: no
Cut yourself shaving?: yes
Have you ever died?: I WISHED
Was this survey an good at all?: S'OK
What time is it right now?: 2:23 pm Tuesday Nov.20th 2007
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site
civil war reenacting
your 1st event :Bridgeport,Alabama "Seige of Bridgeport"
unit you portray :Partisan
do you have a 1st person :William Davis,For my great-great-great grandfathers William Thompson and Posey Davis
are you full hardcore or farby(this means do you carry anarchorisms or not) :Progressive
what skinners (sutlers) do you get your kit from :The Blockade Runner mostly
what side do you portray :Confederate
best moment at an event :The day the Skrimish line I was commanding out flanked a federal battery and over ran it.LOL Them Blue Bellies never knew what hit 'em
worst moment at an event :the time a cassion blew up and hurt a friend of mine
what type of tent do you use :mostly none but have used an officer's wall tent
do you take hits :yeah,
if so what was the best hit you took :Color Bearer in Pickett's Charge
do you use a cooler for food, or use hardtack and salt pork in your haversack :Done Both,if alone hardtack and salt pork if with friends a cooler
does weather determine whether you go out to an event or not :no but it determine's if they call one
ever done an event in rain :a tactical
ever done an event in snow :a tactical
what type of weapon do you use :2 1858 new army remingtons and an 1861 enfield,a musketoon and a 1860 heavy cav. sabre or an 1840 artillery sabre
ever done just a living history :yes several times I enjoy debunking the lies people are taught as truth
ever been to a national :several
if so which ones :Gettysburg,Chickamauga,Wilson Creek,Sharpsburg,Chancellorsville,Shiloh,Perryville,1st Manassas,Mobile,and the Peninsula Campaigninput type='hidden' name='question20&

My Interests



Elvira's Career Highlights



Musashi Miyamoto


H.K. Edgerton


My Blog

A Christmas Story

..   A Christmas Story      'Twas the night before Christmas--Old Santa was pissed. He cussed out the elves and threw down his list. Miserable little brats, ungrateful li...
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10 Thoughts for 2008

  Number 10 Life is sexually transmitted. ---------        &nb sp;         &nb sp; Number 9 Good health is mere...
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..>     ..>   It may not be a surprise that a candidate for mayor in Asheville, N.C. stands in defense of the Confederate Flag, but the fact that the candidate is a black man who on...
Posted by The Lone Warrior on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 02:02:00 PST


..>     History??? It was the first day of school and a new student named Pedro Martinez, the son of a Mexican restaurateur, entered the fourth grade.The teacher said, "Let's begin by re...
Posted by The Lone Warrior on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 12:05:00 PST

Rules of Engagement

The Guys' RulesAt last a guy has taken the time to write this all down. Finally, the guys' side of the story. (I must admit, it's pretty good.) We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now her...
Posted by The Lone Warrior on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 10:17:00 PST

I've had enough

This is to address a growing concern of mine. I've had a number of messages here and on Yahoo, concerning people on my friends list, which I will no long ignore.I've tried to disregard this slap in th...
Posted by The Lone Warrior on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:33:00 PST

The List

..> As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,I've got a little list  I've got a little listOf society offenders who might well be underground,And who never would be missed  who neve...
Posted by The Lone Warrior on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 01:20:00 PST

If that is so

Katisha. There is beauty in the bellow of the blast,There is grandeur in the growling of the gale,There is eloquent outpouringWhen the lion is a-roaring,And the tiger is a-lashing of his tail! ...
Posted by The Lone Warrior on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 01:04:00 PST

Lili Marlene Lyrics

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