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Get your myspace counterYou! I do read ALL of my mail and reply as often as my hectic schedule allows. Some of you have commented that you notice that I read your mail but do not reply right away. Please note that my publicist assists in the maintenance of this site and that is why my biography is written in the third person. Thank you for your love and support!Warmly,-GabrielleMy Space or Yours? and I are proud supporters of (RED). Do your part. Educate yourself JOIN (RED).com
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I Love it All!!!!!
I am playing the role of "Milan Six" in the upcoming independent feature film, "BAR STARS" (
You can catch me on "The Price is Right"!
Seven Spiritul laws of Success, The Celestine Prophecy,The Power of Now, Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting, The Alchemist, The Kabbalah Book
Princess Di, Mr.& Mrs. Gates, Dr.Martin Luther King, Oprah, J.F.K., My Grandmother and Grandfather, The Men and Woman who serve in our military, and everybody who takes time out of there lives to help others!!!! We can all make a difference!!!!!