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Johann Gottfried Herder

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About Me

Hi visitor!
I am Johann Gottfried Herder, a German philosopher, writer and preacher (1744-1803, so I'm 200 years older as it is shown on MySpace).
When I was young I have been a student of Johann Georg Hamann and Immanuel Kant, later - in my late days - I wrote the first critic against Kant's "Critic of pure reason", my "Meta-Critic of pure reason", because I was fearing that the powerful being of emotions and mystical, religious feelings may getting absolutely lost in philosophy.
Travelling on board of a ship to France and other countries I was the centre in the middle of the ocean, the whole world with its unthinkable great variety was my horizon. This impression was the birth of a period called "storm and impulse".
I worked as a christian preacher of wide, free and open Humanity - any kind of dogmatism was alien to me!
When I was 21 years old I've joined the order of Freemasonry in Riga (June, 1766). On the one hand I really was not an active Mason in my life. That means I have visited no lodge since I left Riga in the year 1769 (I didn't like the system of Masonry of that time - called Strict Observance). On the other hand there was and is a wide influence of my philosophy of humanity on coming Freemasonry. So my relation to the brotherhood is a little bit strange, because I am important for the development of modern Freemasonry without being an active member of the early years. Mainly I've been a part of an order founded by Adam Weishaupt in Ingolstadt, 1776, which became prohibited soon. After the prohibition of Illuminati I turned back towards Freemasonry (without being in a lodge) and wrote some Masonic rites with my friend Friedrich Ludwig Schroeder.
I've got a title of nobility in the year 1802, but I never cared about much, such a title makes no difference to me.
One of my biggest hobbies was the translation of foreign poems, I am said to be a pioneer of Romanticism. With this work I tried to enable the Germans to become open-minded by the impression of world wide feelings in literature, by hearing the voices of every nation. (Not like the nazi-idiots in the first part of the 20th century.)
Yeah, I've done a lot in my life. The young Johann Wolfgang Goethe for example would be a lawyer and no writer, but he met me in Strasbourg and we've talked a little. Than he started to write his "Faust", which became one of the greatest tragic plays of German literature. Some people are thinking that I am the origin of the figure Faust.
Now I am an old man, physically dead since 1803, but alive on MySpace.
Nice to meet you here!
Yours Johann Gottfried Herder
Pictures by my biographer Bro. Robert Matthees :
(Copy the code and put these pictures in your comments.)
Here is an etching by Bro. Jens Rusch :
More information about Johann Gottfried von Herder:

My Interests

fine arts, writing, preaching, the human

I'd like to meet:

you? :-)


the chants of my children


What the hell is that?


Horaz, Bible, poetries of all countries


my fellows of Weimar Classicism!

My Blog


Der FriedenskoenigDer Friedenskoenig kommt heran,Bereitet ihm den Weg!Streut Palmen auf die SiegesbahnUnd ebnet jeden Steg!Sanftmütig kommt er, Hass und StreitIst fern von seinem Sinn.Demuetig komm...
Posted by Johann Gottfried Herder on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 03:37:00 PST

god - soul of the world

I do not comprehend what you want with that being exterior the world: If god is not existing in the world, everywhere in the world, videlicet everywhere unlimited, entire and indivisible (because the ...
Posted by Johann Gottfried Herder on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 12:05:00 PST

In Mitte der Ewigkeit

In Mitte der Ewigkeit Ein Traum, ein Traum ist unser Leben auf Erden hier. Wie Schatten auf den Wegen schweben und schwinden wir. Und messen unsre trägen Tritte nach Raum und Zeit; und sind (und wisse...
Posted by Johann Gottfried Herder on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 08:47:00 PST

Denken und Sein
Posted by Johann Gottfried Herder on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 08:48:00 PST