Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] profile picture

Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !]

About Me

Palm Oil: An Environmentalist's Perspective s I get a lot of questions about GM, here are a few links : ttp:// the proceedings of the last European NGO Network on Genetic Engineering in January 2006 : ----------------------------------Just attended today a very interesting visit of a botanical garden next to Roland Garros in Paris, where the French open will start in a few days, commented by Bruno from Friends of the Earth. He is really good. I will only publish one figure : 140 species disappear everyday, i.e. one every ten minutes, just because of the primary forests destruction. And what really upsets me, almost nobody cares.. and most of the people will think : it's not a big deal, the scientists create new molecules everyday, no reason to bother.. while we are losing an irreplaceable treasure. How can mankind be that stupid ??---------------------------------------------------------- --After having spent long years working for telecom operators, I am now an independent consultant working in the area of submarine networks and strategy & business development and I am very much involved in the commercialization of IT products. I am also promoting various events or artists, mainly in the area of digital art. See ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Working hard to have the biggest bamboo forest in Europe (somewhere in Perigord), with chinese gardens and ponds covered with water lilies and lotuses ! Might take some time, it's quite a challenge (and my main cometitor in Anduze is quite a big place) ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ I am however very worried with the direction this world is taking, and with the hates which seem to exacerbate everywhere. There have probably been wars all the time during the course of history, but it just seems to aggravate and to generalize. This world seems to become crazier every day, which is a daily concern, especially when I look at my son and wonder what his life will be. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- I have the feeling that there are some very important things that we miss in our short lives, so I would like to be more active in a few other areas : - art, as I am trying to help & promote some contemporary artists (e.g. - ecology as it is extremely worrying to see how the men can destroy so quickly the only real value that we have in this world - human rights and support to developing countries... which is a big task, but it is the responsibility of everyone to bring its small piece : small springs make big rivers ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- Last but not least, I am strongly against Genetically Modified Organisms. Men should be more humble and realize that their knowledge is very limited, and shouldn't play with our health. I think it is a fundamental freedom to be able to decide which kind of food you want, and I am not willing to expose my son to additional cancer risks. The issue is, as there will be some GMs in almost every kind of food, we won't even have anymore this elementary freedom ! I have put below a few links to some web sites about GM, but there have been so few real studies on this subject that it is quite limited. I would appreciate if you could send me an email if you are aware of some good sites. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Sorry for this pessimistic note, life can be wonderful, especially if you are surrounded by the right people ! ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- GM Here are a few links to some interesting sites on alternative solutions or GM dangers : This recent article from Wired : Attack of the Metal-Eating Plants,1282,66575,00.html?tw =newsletter_topstories_html is a good illustration of the issues we are facing and of the temptation to use GM solutions, and the potential risks. What worries me is that most of the time, people don't follow the basic principle of precaution, which consists of being sure that there won't be any uncontrolled side effects before introducing a GM specie in the environment. Another conclusion is that prevention is much easier and much much cheaper than the medicine. But we live in a civilisation which acts on short term goals and will leave the bill to future generations. Benefits of SRI (System of Rice Intensification) : and 8 D-I&CFID=697518&CFTOKEN=36597635&Men uPoint=D
t r u t h o u t | No to Edvige!

My Interests

Ecology, Travel, Art, Cinema, Bamboos, Bio, Fair trade, Sustainable development, nature preservation, Tao, Wine. NATURE PRESERVATION : I have thought a lot about this, we can't count on politicians. I believe in local actions, which can be really efficient. All the citizens of the world should be a member of one of these ecology organisations (e.g. Greepeace, Friends of the Earth, etc...). Please act locally and spread the word ! World Rainforest Movement

I'd like to meet:

nice and interesting people


Watch more PETA videos at .


Loose Change 53720&q=loosechange reproches-radio_news


Watch more videos at Open Letter to European Food Security Authority: EU urged not to approve Bayer´s GM Rice Bayer urged to pull Dangerous Pesticides from Indian Market Bayer´s Levitra: Impotence drug push falls flat etc, etc ...


I would highly recommend : Dan O'Brien books, especially "Buffalo for the Broken Heart: Restoring Life to a Black Hills Ranch" (Les Bisons du Coeur-Brisé) -- "Collapse : How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed" (Effondrement : Comment les sociétés décident de leur disparition ou de leur survie) by Jared Diamond -- Yves Paccalet "L'humanité disparaitra, bon débarras !"


As a consumer, I do not want to eat GM food. As a taxpayer, I will be responsible for fixing any problems that occur with it in future. As a scientist, I am seriously worried about the potential health and environmental risks of GM crops. As a father, I am concerned at the legacy this decision will leave for our children. As a voter, I don't accept decisions are taken to satisfy big industrial interests.

My Blog

Sarah Palin prank call - Sarah Palin next President ! ;-)
Posted by Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 01:03:00 PST

Europes secret plan to boost GM crop production

Gordon Brown and other EU leaders in campaign to promote modified foods.. s-secret-plan-to-boost-gm-crop-production-973834.html...
Posted by Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 03:00:00 PST

Facebook accounts deleted

Just to let know Facebook users that your account can be deleted at anytime if they decide. WITHOUT ANY REASON ! It just happened to me, I have several other friends who are in the same situationBestG...
Posted by Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 11:07:00 PST

Nous deviendrons immortels

Join me on ard...
Posted by Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 03:09:00 PST


We are proud to present you the Combat Monsanto project, a coalition of NGOs against the biotechnology firm Monsanto. Our objectives are to get citizens of the world to see the true face of Monsanto ...
Posted by Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 05:43:00 PST

the biofuels report they didn’t want you to read

The implication of the report is that crop-derived fuels have been the ultimate cause of food riots, starvation and high prices around the world
Posted by Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 03:13:00 PST

Wildlife extinction rates ’seriously underestimated’

Wildlife extinction rates 'seriously underestimated', The Guardian, 02/07/08..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> Ian Sample   Endangered species may become extinct 100 times faster than previously thought,...
Posted by Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 02:26:00 PST

Greenpeace outraged over illegal cargo in capsized vessel

Greenpeace outraged over illegal cargo in capsized vessel..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   MANILA - Greenpeace on Friday night expressed outrage regardin...
Posted by Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 04:26:00 PST

Saving the Honeybee Through Organic Farming
Posted by Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 02:53:00 PST

Most oil leases on public lands go unused

Most oil leases on public lands go unused
Posted by Gerard Dupin [Ban GMO !] on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 02:52:00 PST