Hanging Doll Dan profile picture

Hanging Doll Dan

If it Feels Good Do it!!

About Me

Heya how the fuck are ya?! Splendid!My names Dan and i'm the 23 year old gothicy misfit guitarist in Hanging Doll. Introductions over lets get on with the meat of it!! I'm studying music at the Birmingham conservatoire which clashes with my very active social life a little too often for my liking! I love going out with my friends as much as possible cuz thats possibly the only thing that keeps me sane! Most of my time not going out and getting pissed with my friends (and studying of course!)is spent writing and gigging with hanging doll, reading copious amounts of Anne Rice & Raymond E. Feist, watching as many movies as possible and laughing my little ass of to comedy programmes (in the name of the partridge, the brent and homer simpson: the holy trinity of comedy!!!!!). I can come off as a little loud and full of shit when you first meet me (especially if i've had a few drinkies) but it's not serious, you just need to get to know me to love me!! lol. Erm, what else... oh yeah, i hate being around people who try and give me stupid fucking advice on being in a band (things like "y'know what you should do?? you should get yerself famous and be a millionaire!!" oh yeah i never thought of that ya twat!)I tend to swear a lot more than necessary too but who gives a fuck eh?! everyday day swearing is fucking marvellous! theres no such thing as bad language( unless its low vocabulary like 'at the end of the day, basically, y'know what i mean?' all that shit, i hate it!) erm, hows about some pointless small things about me to fill the space eh? ok: i take my coffee black with 2 sugars (tea is white with no sugar), i hate mayonnaise with an almost religious zeal, my fave red wines are anything Italian (a language which i'm learning), i've just quit smoking and its fucking horrible!!!, i use rimmel eyeliner exclusively, i have a small nearly invisible birth mark in my right iris, i have a disturbing infatuation with lois (the mom for those of you who don't watch it) from Family Guy, i think dogs are more intelligent than they let on, just the thought of the ending of ET can make me well up with tears (same goes for the green mile & the shawshank redemption ), i'm a pathetic escapist who reads endless amounts of raymond feist fantasy and anne rice vampire/witch novels, i believe marmite is the best food substance EVER!!!, i'm totally fascinated by serial killers (especially if it involves cannibalism) and i've read charlie mansons' autobiography, my fave colour (apart from black of course!) is red, i've got 9 piercings and 2 tattoos (one's a half finished half-sleeve), my favourite words in the english language are MESH, SQUASH and TORTOISE, i'm agnostic with leanings closer to atheism, erm, think that'll do for now so just get in touch if the fancy takes ya TTFN!!!XxX ..This profile was edited with Brads MySpace Profile Editor
You scored as Bondage. Your turn on is bondage... all out. You don't have a specific part of kinky sex that turns you on more than any other... everything working together turns you on. And why shouldn't it? Sex isn't sex without all the trimmings.











Blind Folds

What..s Your Kinky Turn On?
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You Are 84% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?
You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble What Kind of Kisser Are You?
Who Would Slaughter You in a Horror Movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
You scored as Rocker, Mosher. Your A Rocker!

Rocker, Mosher










Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev



What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ect
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My Interests

Music (listening to, playing or writing), reading, films (sci-fi, fantasy, action or as gorily splatter filled as possible, anything with tits and guts on the same bill has got to be good!!), Make-up (thank the gods for Rimmel!), Clothes, tattoos, piercings, dogs (not in that way you dirty minded lot!!), gigging and recording, tortilla chips and hot salsa dip, cigarettes (my best non-human friends in the world), beer, whiskey (scotch not bourbon) and red wine, getting drunk and dirty at festivals and anything to do with vampires (sorry to pick summat so obvious hehe). Erm...i'll keep you posted if anythin else develops
You Were a Snake
You have a primal energy that drives you to explore the mysteries of life.
A nearly immortal soul, you'll live a very long life. What Animal Were You In a Past Life?

I'd like to meet:

Daniel Johns, Maynard James Keenan, The one and only Ms Dita von Teese, Billy Corgan, Adam Jones, George Lucas, Slash, Tom Waits, Cristina Scabbia John Williams (hats off for the Imperial March...dum dum dum dum de dum dum de dum...), Tim Burton, Poppy Z Brite, Raymond E Feist, Anne Rice and Eileen Daly (my Lilith Silver
You scored as Pinhead. You are Pinhead. You come straight from hell. Your curiosity has caused you to make some mistakes in life. But you are now more powerful than you have ever been. You enjoy pain just as much as you enjoy pleasure. Unlike most killers, you like to make sure your victims suffer for all eternity.





Hannibal Lecter




Freddy Krueger




Buffalo Bill


Michael Myers


Captain Spaulding


Jason Voorhees

Which Horror Killer are You?
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Tool (we're not worthy!!!), Silverchair, MudvAyNe, My Ruin, Manic Street Preachers, Perfect circle, System of a Down, Jeff Buckley, Lacuna Coil, Cradle of Filth, Marylin Manson, My Chemical Romance (well, 3 cheers for sweet revenge anyway), Adema, Machinehead, Metallica, Deftones, Nightwish, Within Temptation, HIM, Rammstein, Black Label Society, The Cure, Godhead, Nevermore, Breed 77, Murderdolls, Stone Sour, Nine Inch Nails, Sonic Youth (when i'm in the mood), Spineshank, Leaves Eyes, Opeth, Slipknot, Alice in Chains, Guns 'n' fuckin' Roses, Arch Enemy, Avenged Sevenfold, Dimmu Borgir, Tom Waits (a god amongst men!!), Smashing Pumpkins, Jack Off Jill, Johnny Cash, Killswitch Engage and of course Hanging Doll. And on the mellower side of things i like John Williams, Danny Elfman, Eliot Goldenthal, Howard Shore, Walton, Holst, Debussy (the fuckin' man!!), Mozart, Wagner (I know he was a fascist twat but I like his music), Berg (some of it anyway), Barber, Chopin, Ravel, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Schumann, Liszt, Grieg, Brahms and blah dee fuckin blah. There's probably more than that....


All the Star Wars flicks of course, all the Lord of the Rings' (anything with swords and magic really, NOT Harry fucking Potter though!!!! Sorry but a pre-pubescent divvy whose voice hasn't even dropped wouldn't scare me if I was a Dark Lord of evil magic for fucks sake!!), The Matrix trilogy, The Indiana Jones series, Spinal Tap (we had a Stonehenge monument that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf!!), Driller Killer, Still Crazy, Interview with the Vampire, Amadeus, LA Confidential, The Usual Suspects, The Hellraiser flicks, American Beauty, Goodfellas, The Godfather's 1 & 2, Casino, Taxi Driver, The Machinist, Willow, Labyrinth, Mystery Men, From Hell, Silence of the Lambs, Audition, Memento, Ravenous, I Spit on Your Grave, Zombie Flesh Eaters, Cable Guy (I don't care what people say, it's fucking GREAT!!!), The Crow (of course!!), May (if you can't find a friend make one.....), Donnie Darko, The Goonies (ruth, ruth, baby ruth!!!), Nosferatu, Gladiator, The Frighteners, Razorblade Smile (marry me Lilith!!), Willy Wonka, Bad Taste, Gangs of New York, Tank Girl, Plunkett & Macleane, anything by Tim Burton (especially Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Nightmare Before Christmas and Beetlejuice), anything with nympho vampire lesbians is always good and of course anything created by the wonderful world of pornography!! Y'know what, theres way too fuckin many to mention so I'll add to it later..........
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First and foremost i must put the Simpsons, Holiest of holies!!! Then i suppose Bottom, Peep Show, Green Wing, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, The Young Ones, Futurama, South Park, Dirty Sanchez, Daria, Lost (fucking awesome!!!!), Curb Your Enthusiasm, Frasier, Desperate Housewives (shut up its great!), SpongeBob Squarepants (morning gary!! miaow...)Blackadder, Family Guy, The Mighty Boosh, Big Train, Red Dwarf, Fairly Odd Parents, Only Fools and Horses, Friends (but NOT Will and fucking Grace!!!!), The Office, Extras and Black Books... -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which Family Guy character are you????
YOU PERVERT!!! You're obsessed with your best friends wife, and every other woman in the world.

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Some obvious classics in here: Lord of the Rings, Anne Rice's Vampire and witch novels (Obsessmuch!!!), Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, the Da vinci code (Fuck off you critical bastards, It's a work of fiction and a bloody good one so fuck off with your so called 'blasphemy'! its the 21st century!! think about it: one omnipotent force that controls everything??Hmmmm....), Donna Tartt's The Secret History, Poppy Z Brite's work (especially Lost Souls), Raymond E. Feist's Riftwar saga (these books are costing me fortune at the rate i'm reading 'em!!) and anything by Stephen King.


I'm not big on hero worship so everyone listed here is fictional:Nigel Tufnel, David St. Hubbins and Derek Smalls: Satanic lords of metal! Vim Fuego, Colin Grigson, Den Dennis and Spider Webb from Bad News (you big prick!!!)Homer Simpson, Yoda, David Brent, Jez & SuperHans from Peep Show, Stewie Griffin (what the deuce?!?), Alan Partridge, Richard Richard and Eddie Hitler (and why not Mr 2 planets colliding in a pair of pants??), Erm.....i'll keep you posted here too........

My Blog

Alan Partridge!!

  This is what it's come to on a bored Friday night in, random Partridge quotes. god help us all!! add any i've left out if you want............. Sack Lynn!! I'm a Zombie!! Y'know these are ...
Posted by Hanging Doll Dan on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 01:50:00 PST

Everyone who's as bored as i am, heres a little survey to pass away the wee small hours

Ok peeps, here's a little questionnaire for ya's. A little boredom inspired, nicotine/alcoholic impulsive survey for us all to enjoy. For my own desperate personal amusement fill out some answers of y...
Posted by Hanging Doll Dan on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 05:39:00 PST


What the fuck are you supposed to put in a blog? someone help me for chrissakes!!!!
Posted by Hanging Doll Dan on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 02:24:00 PST