{ Mr.Craig } profile picture

{ Mr.Craig }


About Me

Better known for . . .
{being a trifle short}{sulking, moaning and being stuborn}{changing the colour of eyes}{use of make-up}{art}{wearing nice shirts, ties and big boots}{getting drunk and forgetting things}{being that goth guy that sells new rocks in the oasis market}{and basically being a charming young man, most of the time anyway}
Loves . . .
{my girlfriend. she looks after me}{immediate family. my parents and my two baby brothers}{my friends. you know who you are!}{going out}{laughing}{music. in particular rammstein, depeche mode, and the smiths}{painting pictures on canvas’ for people}{fine art}{marvel comics. spiderman and x-men}{seeing bad things happen to bad people} {black and white photographs}{classic films. especially horror and sci-fi}{cartoons from the 80’s and early 90’s}{take away indian and chinese food}{meat, good meat}{nature programmes}{waking up on a day off work}{reminiscing}{an ice cold beer on a hot day}{going to the bank and finding out you have more money in your account than you thought} {loads more . . .}
Hates . . .
{racism}{gross narrow mindedness}{steriotypes}{pointless wars}{organized religion}{arrogant twats}{parents who don’t look after there kids}{chavs and wannabe gangstas}{the emo movement}{people tapping me on the back}{large queues at the bar}{getting stuck in traffic or being delayed on a train}{robbie fuckin williams}{burning toast}{when there isn’t anything on good on tv}{superman}{moths!}{many many more. i’d probably explode in a fit of rage if i thought about them all . . .}
R.I.P Edwards No.8

My Interests

In my spare time (i.e. The weekends) Id be doing the norm…that would be going out with my band of merry men/women to have a few drinks and have a good time. Going to gigs…that’s if anyone decent is touring, cinema (I’m a big film fan) or if I’m not going out I enjoy staying in and doing nothing because its cheap and I can some quality time with my better half.

"Spiderman vs Venom 2006" (acrylic on canvas)

The one true pastime I enjoy and get the most out of is Art. I’ve tried various other avenues but after spending 20 odd years drawing, painting and making things Art is the one thing I’ll always enjoy. I have many favourite artists, but I think Dali and HR Giger are probably my all time favs. I’m also a big fan of Marvel Comics and comic book artists like Mark Bagley, Jim Lee etc etc. Growing up I got involved with drawing my own comic books but now I enjoy most painting on canvas, although I tend to give most of my stuff away as presents, I’ll get round to painting myself something again one day.

I'd like to meet:

Thats an easy one. I would love to be able go back in time and meet myself as a kid...and then I'd probably play with all the cool toys I used to have! Oh probably and most of these people on these videos bellow...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dyPBdnndUc.. width="425" height="350" .. Depeche Mode - Clean (Bare Version) [Playing The Angel DVD, 2005]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpqKA9_ddFk.. width="425" height="350" .. A Perfect Circle - Imagine (eMOTIVe, 2004)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgaOVthRsU4.. width="425" height="350" .. Morrissey - November Spawned A Monster (Bona Drag, 1991)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9_40z6WLRU.. width="425" height="350" .. Spiderman 3 - Official Movie Trailer (2006)



I'am and always been a huge fan of movies. I could make an endless list of all my favourites but I'm not going to...

Star Wars (the original trilogy), Aliens (1986), Predator (1987), Psycho (1960), Nosferatu (1921), Night of the Living Dead (1968), The Shining (1980), The Thing (1980), Dawn of the Dead (2004), Falling Down (1993), Indiana Jones (the trilogy), Commando (1985), Robocop (1987), Rambo : First Blood (1982), The Last Samurai (2004)...


I love classic British comedy, you know the sort of programme you'd watch time and time again and still makes you piss yourself. My all time favourites are...

Bottom!!! Fawlty Towers!!! The League of Gentlemen!!! The Two Ronnies!!!

I generally dont like any American tv, but I've got to give a nod of the head to Family Guy and Lost.


I cant say that I read many books, I've tried to read many but I dont recall finishing anything (including the ones you get at school), I'd much rather read an issue of Spiderman or X-Men. I guess I'll never grow up in that respect but I dont care.

My Blog

8th July 2006 - Wedding

Me, Adam and a very small dog Me and my 2 brothers, Richard and Adam Kids at a wedding eh... "Family Picture" Don't we look alike? Doesn't he look cute in a shirt and tie?!  My Mommy.....
Posted by { Mr.Craig } on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 01:16:00 PST