Rychard profile picture


Fuck me? Fuck you!

About Me

I love Music and Art for me it's escapism I can draw for hours quietly and delicately whilst being unalert to world around me. An with music i can do the complete oppersite and release all my frustration and be a banana and stuff.Erm...Anything else? Im 20 Im a tea boy at madhouse (groovey job groovey people)! I have lazy-i-tus which limits me to not alot with not much effort. I require a daily dose of 20 cups of coffee to keep me awake, a cigerette every minute to keep the fresh air at bay....and plenty of alcohol to keep a smile on ma face. Im a health freak!!!Oh yeah an im that little shit that keeps starting fights!click here
to change your
online now icon"PLEASE dont add me if your some myspace spamming whore or jus feel the need to 3 all the time....Tar".

My Interests

Booze, Fags & music...also sleep!

I'd like to meet:

I've met the one girl I want and wouldn't change anything for the world. She's the single person that keeps me smiling! :)


I like it, I like it alot!?


There's far to many to list: Tim burton's films, Wicca man, Fightclub, Monty Python everyfilm, Deer hunter, tron, Seven, StarWars, Aliens, Preditor, GreenMile, Dune, RobZombie Films, Cannabal holocaulst, StillCrazy..for now it shall do


PeepShow, NathenBarley, TheSimpsons, Futurama, Kerrang!, HouseOfRock, MonkeyDust, League of gentlemen, father ted, Alan Partridge, Spaced, Jam, Brass Eye, Trailer park boys, all mainly comedy etc etc.

