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ape shit or die

About Me

visions in my head, not dead, why ???† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †Well what can i say i love guitars,guitars and more guitars, i also love to party hard, drink,drugs + Fucking heavy as all hades bastard METAL but dont get me wrong i also love to chill and get mellow from time to time. Now since i started my journey of life ive endevoured many situations but one thing ive allways wanted to do is make my mark on the world some how and for people to respect who i am and what i do!! Now what i do is play guitar, which is my main passion i love to write songs it lets me get the daily stresses out( if you know what i mean), for me the is no greater feeling than writing a song playing out live and hearing the response from the people that take time out to watch what i do and see them getting so into it( Fucking hey). Ive allways love music even from an early age, Now i have got cheesy shit( we all have) but the main groups that have inspired me in the years are: Megadeth, Metallica, Pantera, Nile, Morbid Angel, Korn , Slayer, Slipknot these are just a few to name there are several more but it would take me a long time to type. Now i have to say that Megadeth are probably my main influence, there just awesome Dave Mustaine is a legend Despite what some people might say, he's gone through so much shit but come through a very focused person and if i the same kind of life he's had and come through it i'd be a fucking happy person. They write such technical music its a joy to watch and hear. But there are other bands which have also influenced me which are awesome at what they do to. Now also i like to socialise as much as i can i dont like being on my own (Boring) And i try to keep in shape as much as i can as it is obviously good for you( If you dont look after it nobody will) but sometimes we all slack off abit but i do try. Now obviously im sure i could tell you all my shit but that,s personal so FUCK OFF ( Na only joking please dont fuck off ) but im still not telling you. On a serious note Live long and prosper in what ever you do and my lastwords THUNDERCATS HO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This Alicia the girl that makes me happy and that i love dearly.....

My Interests



These are some of my favourite album's