Kiran profile picture


No Breathing, No Life!

About Me

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My Interests

I like to do many things, i love to play my guitar at every possible chance.I really enjoy goin out and having many good times!!

I'd like to meet:

Ooooh a lot of people, mainly some of my music idols like MetallicA, Bowie, Tom Waits etc. Plus i guess it couldnt harm me to meet Angelina Jolie, Yoda, Cyndi Lauper, Debbie Harry, cheech and chong, the incredible Dr. Frank'n'Furter and Cosmo Kramer. I'd also like to go drinking with that hardy shark hunter, good ol' Quint!


Metallica, MachineHead, Queen, Mastodon, Pink Floyd, Mr David Bowie, Blondie, Madness, Matisyahu, Johnny Cash, The Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie, JOJ, Scarling, SOAD, Motely Crue, Megadeth, Nightwish, Lacuna coil, Tom Waits, Skunk Anansie, Dylan, Led Zepplin, ACDC, Rammstein, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, etc.


The LOTR's trilogy, Star Wars trilogy, Interview with the Vampire, Scarface, Heat, The Godfathers, Casino, American History X, T1&T2, Full Metal Jacket, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Cheesy Arnie and Stallone flicks, Horrors. I do generally love films!!


Seinfeld, Simpsons, That 70's show, Partridge, Family Guy, Father Ted etc..