\...Ice...\ profile picture


Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they h

About Me

What do you want, victim ?)
People so often try to seem better, than they are really, in order to be pleasing to others, they waste time, and they feel a disappoint after, because they did not justify hopes of each other. If you open this page in hope to read about how lovely and pretty I am - you have made an error, because I am harmful, and I am not pretty sometimes . - I have enough changeable mood and when it bad be happy if you far because in such moments to find a reason for insult or senseless quarrel madly easily. But then certainly I will strangle you in the cuddles after, and I will reward your by chocolate medal in favor of your willpower, but in fact it better than to sit and smile, smile by emptiness, to smile through sadness? Though, anyway everyone tries to wear on himself a mask of insouciance from time to time. During a writing of this text my mood already has changed repeatedly :P In the beginning I wished to write how little things like a smile of the casual stranger or like the puppy that run up against to you in park make a life such remarkable, but now I think, that is devilishly silly to sit and write this similarity of the autobiography during hours (because English Is not my native language - my native language - Russian - I was born in Moscow and in the middle of August, 2007 I am moving to London), knowing that the majority of people in general seldom read this section, well, i too but if I write someone the message on one’s own initiative - I will always check out the information about person before because probably I will simply feel drop of a wish to write, that was already many times. Therefore I shall not think at all to answer messages like “ you are such interesting, where are you from ? “ Or on any other questions, answers on which are given in my profile.
The porcelain fairy, the eternal child inside , your the most sweet razor and teddy bear simultaneously
In this world you are only a person , but for someone you are all world .
Life is too short for doubts and reticences.
Give the go-by and do not look at - easier than everything.
To be proud - that is mighty easy. And it is absolutely not necessary to have especial actor's talents for wear of the one new next mask .
If you like to live in illusion of own lie and are afraid to be yourself it is your choice , but please do not write me in that case - because it is not my way .
Well if you still read it for some reason i will continue:)
I am madly and hopelessly in love in this world, in each of its part.
I like to learn new things, new people and all that is able to throw into ocean of unusual engrossing emotions, probably I can be named as emotional maniac : P
I love feelings which cause a enjoyable shiver somewhere in between of ribs
I love unexpectedness and absence of rules.
I love beauty. The beauty exist in everything. Even in destruction .
I like to look at eyes - they are one of the most awesome things in the person, I like to read by glance, I like to speak without words sometimes.
I love people. They are my drug! Evening in the companies of pleasant talk or conversations about meaning of the life and other riddles of the Universe what can be better? Also there are things which I simply do not tolerate, namely - people who are not able to listen because they hear only themselves, unjustified self-confidence and arrogance - it is funny considering that fact that there was a period when I had all these features, but I have realized how insignificant and silly it is, and yes I simply hate it because I know a reverse side of this little illusory world in which everyone considers himself as the god.
I write poetry and prose since childhood. First it were fairy tales and funny poems, now it is essay and miniatures, my stuff seldom have the certain story, usually it is something chaotic, I write about lives inside of me. For me very pleasant, that other people like to read what i write, it inspires me to develop and write even better, even more interestingly. Recently I have found great interest of the writing of a blank verse, verses without rhymes where it is possible to express all emotion more deeply because you do not conduct a pursuit to catch a rhyme. I even studied at university at faculty of journalism, and had an experience in work at TV and taking of interviews, but I have left uni because of my crossing to London. Bye-bey Moscow : P It is my choice, someone speaks, that it is risk, but the life it is risk, is not it ? The risk it when every day you leave the house and have chance to receive a brick on a head or chance to be run over by a car passing road. I do not consider it as the present risk, I am not afraid of changes, I adore them.
Blow up my world by your,
So up to a limit that to crack along seams.
And mirrors would break to pieces off our electric tension
Also stars from the sky would be going by volley as a snowfall
Dance decides everything
Scanning of impulses on touch of fingertips
Also might we will be sewn by thread to each other
Let's dance?

My Interests

Cultures of different countries
Analysing people
Theatre and drama
Butterfly in a stomach
Trust and belief in close people
Desire of leadership and domination
I adore a rain. Any rain in any weather. The rain makes me to smile.
Pleasant unexpectednesses
People which are capable to surprise
Kisses that take breath
To receive and to present gifts
Danger and feeling of risk
To cuddle with friends Parties and gigs
Clubbing, dancing
Make-up and make-up artistry, body art (I like good tattoo's & piercings)
Platform boots
Red Lipstick
Animal print
Ice cream
Synthetic beauty
Big hair
Meeting new people and new emotions
Teddy bears
Writing letters that will never be read
Alive dolls
Pale skin
Psychic vampires
Beiylis and Jack Daniels Emotional maniacs
Challenge in glance

I'd like to meet:

- People which have purposes in a life, interesting interlocutors, someone who have what to say
- Leaders, kind people who believe in themselves , with ambitions and positive
- Freaks, androgynes, cyber-goths, glamers, fans of synthetic beauty and make-up
- People with interesting life experience, poets, writers, any others creatively souls which like to create new and marvellous
- Someone who still do not afraid to trust people and feel
- Professional photographers
P.S : People here ask me so often about my tastes, that I have decided to answer this question. Well, first of all the present man should respect woman - independently – is she his girlfriend or not independently thin she or fat, independently is she the same age as he or the same age as his mum. I am very happy : in my life exist such people. Many of my friends deservedly may be title as ' present the man '. Secondly, this person, should be able to do something and push the matter through. The present beauty of the person - inside of his.I always paid attention on internal qualities of the man, on his character, on his charm, intelligence and kindness, i feel only pity to people who " judge magazine by a cover," when i was 15 years I too did it, but after i realised how silly and erroneously it was, but hey so many people think by that - much below than heart and they are not fucking 15..

Please do not write me if
- we have not the same interests or something like that
- you use myspace that to find someone for sex
- you the victim of a society and a stage which has deprived you own opinion and able to be honest

My Drugs
Lovers, friends and other bitches..)

.....Ice..... ( friends only)


Mr self destruct

Kaily Kit



X Darling Lia X





Miss Candy


Plastique Princess






My mum


69 Eyes
Angels & Agony
All The Ashes
Absurd Minds
Apoptygma Berzerk
Astral Projection
Anders Manga
Alien Produkt
Bella Morte
Boards Of Canada
Bisexual cyborg
Christian Death
Cinderella Effect
Chicks On Speed
Clear Static
Catastrophe Ballet
Cinema Strange
Depeche Mode
Dopestars inc
Dead stars
David Bowie
Diary Of Dreams
Deine Lakeien
Das Ich
Einsturzende Neubauten
Emotional Violence
Escape with Romeo
Fusspils 11
Faith Assembly
For my pain
Fear Factoury
Funker Vogt
Front Line Assembly
Girls Under Glass
In Strict Confidence
Icon of Coil
Imperative Reaction
Infected Mushrooms
Joy Division
James Roy
London After Midnight
Lacuna Coil
Life Cried
Massive Attack
Man and Machines
Mechanical Cabaret
Massiv In Mensch
My ruin
Marilyn Manson
Melody club
Negative Format
Nine Inch Nails
Project Pitchfork
Pride and Fall
Psyclon Nine
Rob zombie
Razed in Black
Red Flag
Rhythmic Symphony
Samsas Traum
Static X
Siva Six
Terminal Choice
The Retrosic
Tyske Ludder
The Pain Machinery
Umbra et Imago
Unter Null
VNV Nation
Virtual Victim
Welle Erdball
Yersinia Pestis


200yers old man
Beautiful Mind
Butterfly Effect
Blade Runner
Fight Club
Forest Gump
Requiem For A Dream
The Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
The Silence of the Lambs
The Matrix
Twin Peaks
Mulholland Dr
What Dreams May Come
Sleepy Hollow
Corpse Bride
Edward Scissorhands
Vanilla Sky
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
Sin City
Pretty Woman
Autumn In New York
Girl, Interrupted
Interview with a vampire
Phantom of the Opera
The Illusionist


BBC news
Family Guy
South Park


Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs
Junkie.Confessions of an Unredeemed Drug Addict y William S. Burroughs
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
The bridge through eternity by Richard Bach
One by Richard Bach
The Teaching of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda
Tales of Power by Carlos Castaneda
The Second Ring of Power by Carlos Castaneda
The Eagle's Gift by Carlos Castaneda
Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxle
The master and Margarita by Mihail Bulgakov
Diary of the addict by Alister Krouli
Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
Lost Souls by Poppy Z Brite
Drawing Blood by Poppy Z. Brite Sixty-Nine by Ryu Murakami
Moonage Daydream: The Life & Times of Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie and Mick Rock
What Is to Be Done? by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
Dialogues by Platon
Eneida by P. Vergilij
The Divine Comedy by Dante
Three Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque
Shadows in paradise by Erich Maria Remarque
Human comedy by Honoré de Balzac
Lost Illusions by Honoré de Balzac
Faust by Goethe
The old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Across the River and into the Trees by Ernest Hemingway
Internal voices by Victor Hugo
Ode to Venice by George Byron


My Blog

haha my pic without make-up))

I am stil alive ))Haha i look as fucking teenager without  make-up, so funny : D can not believe that i am 19. I do not use myspace too  much in last time because i spend all my free time ...
Posted by Your_Goddess on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:20:00 PST

Give to person freedom and he will not need in it.

Good news - we again together with my bf :)Bad news - I was such angry, that have broken my favourite cup, when tried to explain to him something (But I wished to write not about it.There is such...
Posted by Your_Goddess on Tue, 08 May 2007 08:55:00 PST

Shadows Of Love

"Shadows Of Love". So many voices are in the maze Of lost hearts We feel the darkness, baby We won't be able to stop the game for us& 666 Ways to our Love And no chance to stay alive We've lost our p...
Posted by Your_Goddess on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 09:11:00 PST

We have parted with Vlad or i am idiot \

It is possible to escape from everybody and anywhere, but it is not possible to escape from yourself.People who know me well, already know..we have parted with Vlad. Little spoilt girl has come bac...
Posted by Your_Goddess on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 02:25:00 PST

The first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin has died

The first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin has died. Yeltsin has died in the Central clinical hospital of cardiovascular insufficiency. Nothing foretold such outcome  Boris Yeltsin was on a regular...
Posted by Your_Goddess on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 11:30:00 PST

A bit of positive :)

Let me captivate you, listen to my tune. Power of the rhythm intoxicate you, feeling vibration, no more restriction.If it would be possible, I would include Depeche Mode, ATB and Portishead on all lo...
Posted by Your_Goddess on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:20:00 PST

I am dancing :) Create yourself :)

Create Your Own PaloozaHead - Visit Lollapalooza.com haha if u do not listen music wait :) create u))* ...
Posted by Your_Goddess on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:43:00 PST


If think over , it is easy to realize, that in this life achieve something only those who precisely knew and REALLY wanted realization of their desires. Those people who has not surrendered after t...
Posted by Your_Goddess on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 12:58:00 PST

I am fucking ill (:

I really do not remember, when I last time had temperature. It seems, when I was the little girl. My daddy has bought to me many toys and sweets, that I would smile and actually it was so pleasantly ...
Posted by Your_Goddess on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 06:32:00 PST

My grey little friend :))) pic

I love her so much !)) My grey little friend with beautiful eyes..in fact today she will be 4, happy birthday, cat : D ...
Posted by Your_Goddess on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:11:00 PST