A long story cut short...
"After 4 years of intense musical training under the violin virtuoso, Ken Aiso, I graduated with honours from The Birmingham Conservatoire in the summer of 2006. As a 'classically trained' violinist (as that seems to be the title awarded to me) I've been performing with orchestras and string quartets for the most part of my life".
"What really interests me, however, is the power of ROCK! I was 17 years old when I purchased my first electric violin (it was a transparent red Ted Brewer 'VIVO') and ever since then, sought out other rock musicians that wanted to play with me. My initial band endeavour was to come under the name FIRESWITCH - a Birmingham based prog metal band".
"At the same time as playing 'metal' violin, I met another Birmingham based band - The Wonder Stuff and as of March 2005, joined them! As a result of my work with The Wonder Stuff I secured full sponsorship with Ted Brewer Violins (www.tedbrewerviolins.com). Since then I've been demonstrating these ace violins at music conventions around the world".
Recent session work includes:
Damien Dempsey. I had the honour of playing an acoustic set with Mr Dempsey live at Guilfest '07 - a gulpingly dream-come-true experience if ever there was one for me.
Primitive Painters. The super-chilled Californian rockers asked me to feature on a new track of theirs, entitled 'It's Not Enough'. Have a little look - www.myspace.com/primitivepainters
Captain.You'll also be able to hear my violin stylings recorded on the awesome new Captain album out 2008 (www.captaintheband.com).
The Proclaimers. After Miles Hunt and I supported the Scottish legends, the twins approached me to play guest fiddle for their home coming show at Edinburgh Castle. I took the solo on Sunshine On Leith on July 19th '08 in front of a sold out, roaring crowd. Thanks for having me guys!
EXHIBITION is a side project I'm working on with Miles Hunt of The Wonder Stuff. It's an odd bin for any of our music that doesn't fit the jelly mould of anything we're known for, it's quite different from the noise we make in The Wonder Stuff. Please get in touch with us if you need any music composing for film or television. Take a listen @ www.myspace.com/exhibitionmusic
I'm always on the look out for interesting projects to session on. If you are an artist looking for violin or strings for either recording or live, please get in touch.
New releases...
'Shared' is the new acoustic compilation album featuring specially recorded pristine Miles & Erica tracks, produced by Miles Hunt. The CD will be available from the official album launch party where some of the CD's artists will perform - 25th July 2009 @ The Horseshoe Inn, Bridges, Shropshire. Artists include Miles & Erica - Wayne Hussey - Dirty Ray - Timothy Parkes - Rob Dunsford - Matthew Derrick.
The new single 'Stay Scared, Stay Tuned' taken from the new Miles Hunt & Erica Nockalls album 'Catching More Than We Miss' is available from the following link...
'Catching More Than We Miss'
...is the new album from Miles Hunt & Erica Nockalls. TO BUY IT - click here .
@ The Luminaire, London 17th July 2009.
Recent releases...
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of The Wonder Stuff's debut album, the band are playing some very special UK shows in May '09 to commemorate the occasion.
The Wonder Stuff have re-recorded 'The Eight Legged Groove Machine' with the current line up (more details can be found on The Wonder Stuff's official myspace site). Let it be said that all involved with this project are more than happy with the outcome of this record!
To pre-order the new album within the UK, visit www.irl.org.uk/shop_wonderstuff.htm
For international orders outside the UK then go to www.irl.org.uk/internationalshop.htm
'Not An Exit', recently completed album project with Miles Hunt and Andres Karu of The Wonder Stuff released 30th April 2007 (now available on itunes).
The Wonder Stuff's 'LIVE' album is now available in stores and for download. Order now from www.myspace.com/irlrecords or visit us on tour and buy direct.
Upcoming projects...
...is my new string quartet, formed and fronted by yours truly, we play my own arrangements of rock and metal tunes! EP out in early 2009, keep checking www.myspace.com/lovenemesis for more info (also in my top friends below).
A HUGE thank you to...
Ted Brewer Violins.
Exciting, awesome, inspired electric violins @ www.tedbrewerviolins.com
Pirastro. My preferred choice of violin strings @ www.pirastro.com
The Sound Post: Distributors of bowed String instruments
Suppliers of violins, cellos, basses, violas, strings, and accessories to the UK retail trade.
Erica also uses an interpretation of
“Il Cannone†by
Giuseppe Guarneri
del Gesù,
Cremona 1742
"This violin sounds so sweet. There's a sonorous illumination on the the low end, it has the ability to deliver the most meaningful and beautiful intentions. With a glittering warmth that radiates from the E-string that's notable... this really is a fine instrument." - Erica Nockalls
Visit www.thesoundpost.com
Vivien Of Holloway. Gorgeous 50's-style clothing @ www.vivienofholloway.com
Maya Hansen. This lady invents and creates outlandishly sexy corsets @ www.mayahansen.com
Bitterapplephotography. Artistic, truthful and dangerously real photography @ www.bitterapplephotography.com
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