my boyfriend. balancing between doing things that are new and doing things well. performing, friends, learning new systems/organizations, my cat, food, eating food, eating out, eating at friend's houses. acting, modeling, dancing.
Please note that I use this myspace profile as a means of keeping in touch with people I've met in real life, whether last night at the party or at Carmel River School.If we haven't met in real life, please consider adding Orange Kiss instead.
Please sign up for the Orange Kiss/Merge Events/Origami mailing list! We won't email you more than once a week (usually a lot less), and you can always instantly unsubscribe.
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I hope that the myspace universe will connect me with networking opportunities for performance art/acting/dancing/modeling --especially ones that will help pay for grad school.
And to the romantics:
seriously. I'm not here for dating as I have a most wonderful boyfriend!
Thank you for reading!
Check my top friends, my club , or the list I wrote for Merge Events.
This profile contains a song that plays in Internet Explorer, but doesn't in Safari or Firefox... life is mysterious sometimes!
The Guru, Pooty Tang, Baran, Queen Margo, Secretary, the Unbearable Lightness of Being, everything by Almodovar, Nine Queens, John Sayles movies, Coen Brothers, Meet the Feebles (I esp. enjoy singing the songs), Radio Favela, Latcho Drom, Devdas, Flamenco, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Earth Girls Are Easy, Dirty Dancing, Ferris Beuler's Day Off, Vacas (and most Basque cinema), Harold and Maude, A Room with a View, Tampopo, Like Water for Chocolate. The film series at the SD Library.
Secretos, 12 Corazones, Buscando Amor, Veronica Mars.
Tropic of Cancer, Love in the Time of Cholera, The Time Travelor's Wife, The Mists of Avalon, 100 anos de soledad, Ways of Seeing, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance, The River Why, Mujeres de Ojos Grandes, The Clan of the Cave Bear, Middlesex, Afoot and Afield in San Diego, Tender at the Bone; Toni Morrison, Vonnegut, Lorca, Borges, Garcia Marquez, Julio Cortazar, T.C. Boyle, Tolkien, Poe; random stuff like Godel, Escher, Bach; Non-fiction like Jonothan Kozol, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Classics, Psychoanalysis; plays like Arcadia, Equus; and much more. ---I'm always down to book swap/trade/give away to someone who appreciates.
Magazines I read on the regular: RE-UP, Gourmet --a gift from Brooke (Parsons) Moranda.
my mom. my dad. matt. angell estrada. kathryn noonan. priscilla blight. thomas ogden (i miss you!!) julia child. marilyn monroe. margaret mead. irving yalom.