there's so much to do and so little time......
If i ever sober up...i'm going to hate you...and you too...
there are reasons why all lonely days don't end in suicide.
did you ever see the one with that guy?
some T.V.s have a "sweet spot", like a golf club or tennis racket. if you hit it hard with a blunt object it lets out a yell that is more felt than heard, and it releases a little blob of smoke.... like an aborted genie.
they are best read by imagining away all the spaces and making the words out of every twenty-sixth letter. it is with that approach that i found Finneagan's Wake to be a truly moving story of love and loss.
J.P. Morgan had a cousin who, after blasting off three fingers on his left hand, would still play the accordian at family holiday gatherings. It was in the spring of 1909 when he met his wife, with whom he had three children (a butcher, a baker, and a palsied boy), and it is generally thought that they had sex parties with the Lindberghs. Now screwing the wife of a nazi-loving american icon may not seem like much to you, but it means a lot to me.