About Me
What you are hearing is likely only a small sampling of the breadth of Karyn's music. What you will find upon deeper inspection is "something old, something new"...something soft, something hard, something melodic, something crunchy and raucous. Highly eclectic, and easily bored, Karyn aproaches music on several different fronts, just to keep things interesting.The first recordings were soft and acoustic for the most part. This is partially due to the influences at the time, and partially out of necessity since she was strictly a solo act when recording commenced.Since then a band has formed, and consequently the music has changed. Over time, so shall this page. We will be using this site to share the process as we record, overdubb, ect., so be sure to check back regularly to see the changes, and let us know what you think!If you love the soft, acoustic stuff have no fear - that will always be a part of the equation. We just can't be limited to that. Have guitar, must rock."...she has a fabulous voice..." says Susie Mudd of Music Monthly.Karyn can be seen with her band, the Knock Offs, and also performs as a solo or duo acoustic act. She has provided guest vocals on the recordings of artists such as, Joe Spatarella, Lea Jones, and Woody Lissauer. Karyn serves as President of The Baltimore Songwriters Association, is a performing member of indiegrrl, and is currently working on her debut CD.Karyn also hosts a local music show weekly on Baltimore's WLOY, along with Ty Ford. The show airs Thursday from 11 am - noon, on 1620 AM, or can be streamed at http://www.wloy.org.If you would like to be considered for airplay, send 2 CDs to:Karyn Oliver, P.O. Box 42182, Baltimore, MD 21284