I love to draw, read books, play videogames, and sitting in pretty places.
Here's my first pencilled short story called "VIOLET" for Nightmare World MY FIRST ONLINE COMIC STORY! YAY!
Maggie Smith. She is a goddess. :)
Probably something weird no one else likes. I do like me some JT or Seal at times :)
I love horror movies. Not the gory slasher films, but the actual creepy make you feel terrified kind. I'm really fond of Zombie movies especially :) The slow walking ones.
Always love South Park, and now I'm totally obsessed with LOST. What the HECK is going on on that Island???
fantasy, sci fi and horror. Everything else is, well, not as good :)
In love with:
The Wheel of TIme Series by Robert Jordan
Pretty much anything Stephen King
Harry Potter!
My mother. She was the most wonderful woman I've ever known. I will miss you always mom :)