As I am always short of time, I haven..t been able to design my page as I..d like to. Just hope that I get it together!
Now to start with, that´s what I can tell you ABOUT ME:
You may think it..s weird to say that - so far - lived 3 different lives during my lifetime, but that..s what it feels to me, because each “life†was/is completely different from the others. I suppose it is an evolution everybody experiences in one way or another.....However, at least I can lean back thinking:..."I not missed out on something!"......
The only thing that has never changed over the years is my taste in music.
Therefore rock music is also going to be the basis for my ”4th Life” which is just beginning....
Let me give you an idea of each life and how I lived it. Who knows maybe one day I.. ll write my memoirs, giving more details of some episodes
1st Life:....Childhood, Capitalists and Rock´n´Roll
I was born in Western Germany in a small town near Frankfurt/M, as my parents.. first child. My father became quite wealthy, one could even call it “rich†after the 2nd world war, although due to his death in an accident in 1975 all the fortune vanished overnight.
I grew up as a spoilt little girl, well looked after (if not to say well isolated).
I had everything but love and affection.
At the time I lived in a big house, having two rooms on my own, kind of a loft. Generally I used to play all alone with nice toy cars and plenty of toy animals, whilst listening to AFN (American Forces Network) on the radio.
ELVIS PRESLEY was my favourite, the walls of my living room where covered with photos of him. Some of my first singles bought were Jailhouse Rock, Hound Dog, One Night, Tutti Frutti, Heartbreak Hotel......Sometimes, during the week, I did not meet my parents for several days, as I choose to get my meals served to my living-room by our maid.I suppose this somewhat unusual childhood-lifestyle did after all have the advantage that I soon became rather independent. Elvis influenced the rest....I did not like it much to go to primary school because I found it difficult to deal with other children, all the more because my parents tried to choose classmates and friends of the “right kind†for me, boring well educated female company who did not share my interests.However my interest to attend school took a drastic change when ElVIS PRESLEY settled down in my hometown Bad Nauheim during his military service in Germany.
.....There he was! Right opposite my school!..... What a privilege!!!.....
Needless to say were I was hanging around during the afternoon from then on.
Thanks to Elvis I learned English fast. His influence on me was tremendous.....Every weekend two things happened:
I had to accompany my parents to ballroom dancing on Saturday afternoon in a five-star hotel and on Sunday I had to go to church.
The elegant dancing party was rather a bore because of the participants, I felt I had nothing in common with. However still being a little girl, I took a special like for the drummer (who – by the way – later on opened up a funeral home) Sure nowadays he would have been playing in a death metal group!
Concerning religious activities, I went to the American Mass at noontime for two obvious reasons: The Mass was always quite fun because of the gospel-influenced-participants and there was NO NEED TO GET UP EARLY.When I was 17 I had my first groupie experiences. Apart from the local scene with groups playing in NCO-clubs and town halls there were many nightclubs in the area where bands would change every couple of weeks.
One week after my 18th birthday I moved away from home. I should have studied for some professional carreer, but instead… I did it My Way
My 2nd Life:....Love and Peace and Rock´n´Roll...
This period of my life as a Hippie and Groupie was rather long lasting. I was here and there and everywhere, always “on tourâ€, living in small bedsits, vans, apartments and flat-sharing communities.
I moved house 23 x , often long distance, got married (to a musician of course), got divorced, almost got married again but instead we split up just before.....
the best thing to do.
All the venues and discotheques to go to, like Middle Earth, the Roundhouse, Speakeasy, Revolution, Tiffany..s, Sugar Shack, Star Club, PN, Blow Up, Zoom just to name some of my favourites, I do now remember with nostalgic feelings, all the Festivals, those free concerts in Hyde Park.....Love and Peace and Rock..n..Roll, that..s what it was all along......
Yes, I had a great time. Don.. t regret nothing, except that I refused for some silly reason, to go on tour with Deep Purple in their private plane. How stupid I was.
Can.. t have your time twice!.....
It seems that I was always in the right place at the right time, always partying,
always......., well I wasn..t much into dope really except for a some speed. I continuously lived in the danger zone, but I wasn.. t addicted, instead I soon tried (unsuccessfully) to help my junkie-friends to get away from drugs. However thinking about my lifestyle now, I wonder myself that I didn..t drop down dead somewhere, like so many of my friends......Until 1975 I was financially supported by my family and did not have to worry too much about earning money. Ever since I had to work, do something, yet my Hippie-lifestyle helped to get along from one day to another.
I won..t tell you more about my 2nd life right now. It did go on until 1996
My 3rd Life:Animals, Responsibilities and Rock´n´Roll
In 1996 I decided to start working "seriously" (something I had never done before) as I was in need of more money because since 94 my activities and responsibilities helping stray dogs and cats on Gran Canaria had got me in a stranglehold.Therefore I decided to promote groups from the Canary Islands, making use of my contacts in Germany and England and being able to travel while earning money. Also I wanted to organize concerts in Gran Canaria, because this is what I knew best after 30 years “on the road†and there isn..t much going on down here anyway.
Well, I started of fine, getting booked LAS RATAS from Tenerife as the opening act for the SEX PISTOLS in Germany during their Helter Skelter Tour 1996.
We didn..t get paid for it, but never mind, I thought it was good promotion and that..s what it was.
However due to peculiar ways of acting by the "Canarios" - whenever it comes to business matters - I am still struggeling along. Mañana, Mañana…(tomorrow)Canarios are well known for putting things off.
All I got over the years were more and more dogs being responsible for. Of course I did not keep them all myself. I find new homes for them in Germany where they live happily ever after....
I love animals, specially dogs, can..t resist to help them when they are in need. I don..t regret giving up most of my freedom just to take care for them... WILLOW, one of "my own" dogs (the one you see on the photo) was the greatest love of my life............................Animal welfare activities changed my life completely. I suppose it was my destination to get stuck on this island in the Atlantic Ocean being useful to others,but changes have come to my life in 2007..................................
To start with, I met the right people for the foundation of a cultural association called ROUTE 99 the legal basis for future projects. See also:
Then moved to a more useful house. Last December, WILLOW and TEDDY, two of my three old dogs died. Although I feel sad about it, now I have got a lot more freedom to work and travel again.
My 4th Life keeps me busy and I am planning to make the best of it.