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Just a band?

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TEmas de Just a Band? en el reproductor:Tema:"Toast to us", musica:Just a Band?+ Juan Arencibia, Letra: Juan Arencibia Tema:"Get Lost", musica: Juan Arencibia, Letra: Juan Arencibia Tema:"In debt to you", musica:Just a Band?+ Juan Arencibia, Letra: Juan Arencibia Tema:"Fruitless", musica:Juan Arencibia, Letra: Juan Arencibia

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Army of the future............................TOAST TO USI’ll always be… I’ll always be your lover I guarantee our bond will never break Yes, I can see our future With crystal clarityTrust me, believe me, honey Let’s drink a toast to ourselves Cause there is no hurdle in our way That we cannot saveJust like the older days Kissing in public Just like teenagers You got me wantingWe’ve reached a bottom line No matter how hard is To be so far apart We keep together in Heart and mindJust like the older days Your eyes enlighten The only truth I can tell You are my soul mateGET LOST! Excuse me, where can I buy a ticket? Not here, on the other side, You would’ve known If you’ve read the sign Has it dawned on you How pointless would be To spend our lives Reading every ad and signGet along with my baby is easy Get along with the herd is hell Get lost, come back when you’re English Get lost, strangerThese words didn’t get to my lips Instead I said thank you I was feeling good I didn’t want him to ruin my day But every now and then I have to confront a clerk Who thinks ‘I’m hot-shit’ But only can wind his springIN DEBT TO YOUYou give more Than I ask for The guilt falls I still owe you so much more I fall short of everything That you expect from me I’m in debt to you Is this how am I supposed to feel?Let me fly away from the nest Now I believe I’m ready for the world Not everything depends on youLove must flow (downwards) You must understand I’d spent a lifetime Giving it back to you I took your care for granted I thought that it was a gift I took your care for granted I shouldn’t have, I am sorry I was so selfishFRUITLESSBaby girl didn’t like what I said Well I think it’s fair Cause you don’t deserve the truth This spring was fruitless My harvest laid to rot For being so reckless Now a worm dwells my soul Confined to this town You refused to elope with me To lands of which You could’ve been the queenI’m brooding over I can’t find a way to be friends I’m getting closer Everyday I’m chasing youBut you put me down And I’m lingering around I may have to leave To find some relief This spring was fruitless So were my efforts For being so reckless This is what I got Confined to this town You refused to elope with me To lands of which You could’ve been the queenI pretend And all remains the same You pretend And all begins to shake And I know, yes, you know

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Member Since: 23/02/2008
Band Members:JUST A BAND?Nuestro nombre viene de un tema de DAN LE SAC vs SCROOBIUS PIPSomos JUST A BAND?La banda esta compuesta: por Jose Bravo en la voz , Ernesto Hernandez guitarra, Rober Veiga guitarra, Gustavo Gonzalez bajo y Gustavo Vidueira en la bateria. Just a Band? nace de juntarse Aday, Ernesto y Gustavo Gonzalez para crear una banda de estilo rock en el verano del 2006. Con el paso del tiempo nos vimos en la necesidad de buscar un cantante y aparecio Juan, el habia coincidido con Ernesto y Aday en el grupo Tafac. Con esta formacion se consiguio afianzar el estilo del grupo, ROCk en definitiva . El año pasado(2008) se ha unido a la banda Gustavo Vidueira en la bateria, antes Aday era el bateria. La vida hizo que Aday y Juan dejasen la formacion, siendo sustituido por Rober como guitarra y Jose como cantante, terminando de definir la estructura actual. Nuestras influencias son muy variadas desde Pearl Jam, Soundgarden y todos los clasicos de la epoca GRUNGE hasta el rock mas actual de The Strokes, The Hives, Queens of stone age, Eagles of death metal, Foofighters y demas grupos comtemporaneos.JUST A BAND? Nuestro nombre viene de un tema de DAN LE SAC vs SCROOBIUS PIP. Los vimos en directo en F.I.B. y nos flipo su directo, en especial el tema "thou shalt always kill" en el que el estribillo "just a band" acompaña a toda una lista de grupos que nos encantan a los componentes de la banda.Nuestro estilo es rock, canciones con gran pegada y contundencia como "Get lost!" que da nombre a la maqueta que grabamos a pricipios del 2008 "Get lost!" que cuenta con cuatro temas:-Get lost! (stranger) -In debt to you -Toast to us -Fruitless.Actualmente contamos con un repertorio de 10 temas en los que hay desde baladas a temas muy rockeros y de gran pegada... a los antes escritos se les unen los temas.-Edgard -Climb -Hangman -She is going -Army of the future -SlowTambien hemos participado en festivales como el "nucleos ^00" de este año 2008.A traves de participar en este festival nos incluyeron en un programa de television sobre bandas de la provincia de Las Palmas. Este es un trabajo que esta en edicion en este momento. Actualmente nos estamos moviendo para conseguir mas conciertos y participando en concursos de bandas.
Influences: rock , mucho rock..contemporaneo y pasado.
Sounds Like: un grupo que esta ensayando...directo y duro.Lo que hace que tu pie no pare.....
Type of Label: Major

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