docschwop's snacking leprechaun profile picture

docschwop's snacking leprechaun

mannequinn armed tarantula

About Me

My track 'Gasleak' will be the Experimental Electronica track of the day on Monday, October 30th on
My track 'Toad' was the classical track of the day on on Tuesday the 17th of October.
I write music by inserting it directly into a piano roll. Piano rolls on computers mimic the original Piano Rolls that were used in player pianos. Piano Rolls were originally rolls of paper with holes cut in them that a player piano would read in order to play music. In electronic music, a piano roll is graphical and you insert bars that coincide with notes. With this, you can control the pitch, the start time, and the velocity (or how hard the note is hit). In some programs you can control other things like the mod wheel, the pitch wheel, and breath control through the piano roll editor.
I started writing music with a soundblaster pro soundcard in 1990 or '91. My parents were annoyed by the constant low quality beeping coming from my room. In 1993 I went to college majoring in computer science and aquisitioned my very first synthezer, the Boss Doc Synth. In 1994-5 I majored in Music at the University of Montana and I didn't "play" any instrument. I was still strictly composing using Voyetra and the Doc Synth. In 1995 I changed my major to communications and learned how to play the bass and bought my Emu Morpheus. In 1997, I was one of the founding members of the Folk/Rock band "Mr. Schwoo Presents:" I picked up a couple of poetry awards in 2000 and graduated college with a degree in English Literature from the University of Montana. Since college I have bounced around and have jammed with a number of musicians, but have yet to form a serious band.
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My Interests


Member Since: 8/21/2005
Band Members: docschwop = Joshua Ludwick
Influences: Depeche Mode, Aphex Twin, Johann Sebastian Bach, Beethoven, The Beatles, Future Sound of London, Information Society, Meat Beat Manifesto, Mozart, Nine Inch Nails, Duran Duran, The Gorillaz, Radiohead
Sounds Like: Sort of but not really like:

Depeche Mode, Aphex Twin, Johann Sebastian Bach, Beethoven, The Beatles, Future Sound of London, Information Society, Meat Beat Manifesto, Mozart, Nine Inch Nails, Duran Duran, The Gorillaz, Radiohead, Boards of Canada
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

North to Alaska

I am headed to Alaska to work on a fish processing boat.  I'll be back May 31rst.  I'll have no internet access while I am there, so if you add me or message me don't feel bad that I am not ...
Posted by docschwop's snacking leprechaun on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 03:41:00 PST

Name change

Just found out that Disney has a division called 'The Secret Lab'.  I don't want them to sue me, so I am shortening the name to docschwop for the nonce.
Posted by docschwop's snacking leprechaun on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 05:46:00 PST

Song of the Day!!
Posted by docschwop's snacking leprechaun on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:38:00 PST

I hit 666 plays on christmas eve.

Seriously. I am not yanking on your tibia.
Posted by docschwop's snacking leprechaun on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 10:23:00 PST

The Book of Grace

I.His false teethsit on the edge of the sinksoaking in a glass of water(Tweety stares at his buttonswhile the old man rescueshis choppers and slips them in.) II.He was off to a good beginning.(The sil...
Posted by docschwop's snacking leprechaun on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 12:29:00 PST

A hook I'm going to use someday (still looking for the song)

the king can't handle her the king can't handle her the king can't handle her he just shuffles his feet
Posted by docschwop's snacking leprechaun on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 12:23:00 PST


Book Of TwilightI.I can always shine tomorrow.she says setting.II.Something the sun said once in passing.III.I'm passing up a great opportunityTo surf the rays of silver moonlightto soak up the...
Posted by docschwop's snacking leprechaun on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 12:16:00 PST