Greek Fire |
A little fixated this week.By these Images:
mlI can't stop going back to these images. They aren't the greatest photos ever taken. Some are ... Posted by on Sun, 21 Dec 2008 11:55:00 GMT |
Rhythm, Love, and Jerks |
I believe I have figured out the secret to one of life's most impenetrable questions: Why do chicks dig Jerks?After reading and discussing a whole slew of theories for this phenomenon, none of them le... Posted by on Thu, 04 Dec 2008 03:48:00 GMT |
Prop 8 is Gay |
But I'm not. Let's get one thing straight: me. Straight as an arrow. So straight it's probably un-cool. I'm not even a twinge bi. There are some pretty men out there, but I won't be sleeping with any ... Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 18:06:00 GMT |
Fiction Clemens Issue TWO - Now in Stores!!! |
Heya folks!Fiction Clemens issue 2 has arrived from space, and can be found in comic shops all across the land.This book's cover was illustrated by an old friend of mine, Freedom Drudge, and colored b... Posted by on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 22:59:00 GMT |
Excerpt from ZooTown |
Every woman I've ever been with has been like a story that did not want to be told. I have no idea if that makes any sense to you, but it makes perfect sense to me. Here is my prime example: a lon... Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 17:59:00 GMT |
Missoula Independent Celebrates Fiction Clemens (also, theres a Missoula signing on Saturday) |
The Missoula Independent, Montana's best newspaper (and I'm not just saying that), ran a feature story on the making of Fiction Clemens this week. The article was put together with elegance and class,... Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 11:32:00 GMT |
Fiction Clemens Issue 3 now available for pre-order |
Heya Fantastic Fans and Friends of Fiction Clemens!!This is IT, y'all, the final act of the saga of Fiction Clemens (issue 3) is available for pre-order. Thanks to everyone for spreading the word, bug... Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 22:43:00 GMT |
Fiction Clemens NOW in Previews |
..And what this means, my fantastic friends, is that NOW is the time to go to your local comic shops and DEMAND (politely) that they pre-order copies of "Fiction Clemens issue 1".If you do ONLY ONE th... Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 22:29:00 GMT |
Publication Announcement (for really reals!) |
It's been a wild two years for Fiction Clemens. As if it weren't enough of a hassle just trying to stay alive, he's floated from convention to convention, in and out of the hands of publishers, and en... Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 19:40:00 GMT |
Havasu-la-la |
Can't stand myspace's blog interface anymore, but you can see pictures from our latest grand adventure in Arizona here: Posted by on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 14:51:00 GMT |