trac profile picture


Music Traditions Wales : Traddodiadau Cerdd Cymru

About Me

trac is Wales' Folk Development organisation; its rôle to promote and develop the music and dance traditions of Wales - both within Wales and beyond.
You can see pictures of some of trac's work in the slideshow below - work such as support for tune-clubs and traditional music workshops, teaching local songs in schools, a day for singer-songwriters with Martin Joseph, international exchanges for young musicians, and many more projects across Wales, as well as lobbying at governmental level. trac provides an information service and e-news, a free magazine (Ontrac), and a website listing performers, events and contacts.
trac came about through a shared belief in the unique qualities of traditional cultures, an awareness of their continuing relevance to the present, and a passion for sharing what music traditions have to offer. It is supported by the Arts Council of Wales.
Sefydliad Ddatblygu Gwerin Cymru yw trac; ei swyddogaeth yw hyrwyddo a datblygu traddodiadau cerdd a dawns Cymru - o fewn Cymru a'r tu hwnt.
Mae lluniau o rai o'n gwaith yn yr ail sleidsioe uchod - gwaith fel cefnogi clybiau alawon a gweithdai gerddoriaeth draddodiadol, dysgu caneuon lleol mewn ysgolion, diwrnod ar ganu-gyfansoddu gyda Martin Joseph, teithiau cyfnewid rhyngwladol i gerddorion ifanc, a llawer mwy o brosiectau ledled Cymru, a hefyd lobio ar lefel llywodraethol. Mae trac yn darparu gwasanaeth gwybodaeth ac 'e-newyddion', cylchgrawn am ddim (sef Ontrac), a gwefan yn rhestru perfformwyr, digwyddiadau a chysylltiadau.
Daeth trac i fod drwy argyhoeddiad amryw o bobl ynglyn â natur unigryw diwylliannu traddodiadol, ymwybyddiaeth o'u perthnasedd parhaus i'r cyfnod presennol, ac awydd angerddol i rannu'r hyn sydd gan draddodiadau cerddorol i'w cynnig. Cefnogir trac gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests


Member Since: 10/8/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Board Members/
Aelodau'r Bwrdd:
Danny KilBride, Stephen Rees, Annette Davies, Jim Blythe, Rhiain Bebb, Meg Browning.
Director/Cyfarwyddydd: Sian Thomas
Blanche Rowen
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Big Experiment update - diweddaru’r Arbrawf Mawr

Well - the leaflet (and registration form) for The Big Experiment it out and the registrations are rolling in.  Starting a new project is always nervewracking but seeing those first registrations...
Posted by trac on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 03:56:00 PST

Croeso in traciau newydd

Dyma ddewis newydd o draciau oddiwrth ystod o berfformwyr gwerin gorau Cymru, rhai newydd a rhai sy' wedi hen ennill eu plwy', gydag amrywiaeth o ganeuon ac alawon traddodiadol, a rhai newydd sbon. Ma...
Posted by trac on Thu, 22 May 2008 02:20:00 PST

Welcome to our new tracks

Here's a new selection of tracks from a range of Wales' folk performers, both new and established, with songs and tunes both traditional and recently-written. All of these artists are our MySpace...
Posted by trac on Tue, 20 May 2008 04:19:00 PST

The Big Experiment

Arguably, it's the fastest growing music in Wales. Traditional music is undergoing a quiet revolution. Now we're ready for The Big Experiment. The Big Experiment is workshops; it's sessions; it's song...
Posted by trac on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:54:00 PST

Yr Arbrawf Mawr

Gellid dadlau taw dyma'r gerddoriaeth sy'n tyfu cyflyma' yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd. Mae 'na chwyldro tawel ar gerdded ym myd cerddoriaeth draddodiadol yng Nghymru. Nawr 'dyn ni'n barod am Yr Arbrawf M...
Posted by trac on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:53:00 PST

And heres what the music actually sounds like ...

As you'll have noticed, the trac page is now graced by a selection of music from our MySpace friends - more tracks will be uploaded over the next few days, and the selection will change regularly, giv...
Posted by trac on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 04:43:00 PST

Celtic Connections

A new year - a new blog.  And a new web presence for trac thanks to Our B.  I'm just back from the Scottish Showcase at Celtic Connections in Glasgow and am completely knackered.  Made...
Posted by trac on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 07:13:00 PST