Rock N Roll, baby. Gotta have music on, no matter what. I'd have to quit my job if they took my radio away. Love playing hostess to backyard cookout parties with friends. And of course there has to be the one night a week at the club, occasionally finding a good rock band in this area. Road trips to the Big D - Dallas, Texas are mandatory for party weekends ;)
And cars.. cool ass cars!
I've met some really cool people from a lot of different places in the world.The people on my friends list however, are people I either met before myspace, or met on myspace and share common interests and enjoy sending messages and comments to. THEN, there are some on my friends list that would fall more under the category of 'who I would like to meet'.. I have had the chance to meet and see a show of several of the bands on my friends list and they all fuckin rock!
Basically, I'm just here to make some friends and discover some new bands and learn more about other cultures.
Eighty's, 80's, and back some & forward a bit. (I fucked up and deleted my original list,so here it goes again and trying to remember more than before) My heart belongs to all the bands that rocked my bedroom walls and the windows of my car in the 80's (and still do - if it's too loud....... you're too old). No way I could list them all, but here goes: Aerosmith, AC/DC, Van Halen - NOT Van Hagar, Ozzy, Judas Priest, LA Guns, Poison, KISS, Whitesnake, Steelheart, Danger Danger, Bulletboys, Babylon AD, Motley, GnR, Ratt, Tesla, Jackyl, Damn Yankees & Ted, Deep Purple, Def Leppard, Lynch Mob, Heaven, Axe, Skid Row, Ugly Kid Joe, some Pink Floyd, Twisted Sister - for the rebel in me, Iron Maiden, Every Mothers Nightmare, DLR Band, Accept, XYZ, W.A.S.P, Pink Cream 69, Nazareth, Cinderella, Heavy Bones, Helix, Slash's Snakepit, and on and on & of course all the classics like Zepplin. I'm sure I haven't covered it all here, but I'll add as I remember.
THE ULTIMATE frontman - Diamond Dave
Son of zchic - checkin out the goods
Guitar Gods...
hmmm..... I suck at remembering the names of movies. Gotta have kick ass comedy and psychological thrillers.....
Not too much time to watch TV. Pretty much comedy channel, late night when they quit bleeping all the good parts.
Like TV, not a lot of time for books, but 'The Dirt' is the best fuckin read ever. When I have time I love to read books about bands where the stories come from the members and not some outsider looking in. Don't go too much for fiction.
Not very original, but Mom and Dad. Dad passed in 2004 and I miss him terribly, but I know he is still here in my heart. My mom is the strongest, most giving woman I've ever known. I hope I can only be half the woman she is in my lifetime.
AND.. this guy behind me here.. He's been behind me for 12 years, supporting me and putting up with me.