zebrachic profile picture


Rock N Roll Ain't Noise Pollution

About Me

OKAY.. I took the mean shit out of here for a while, but I gotta put it back. It's pretty damn simple.. if you have absolutely nothing about yourself or your interests on your page - do NOT bother sending me a friend request. Even if you have something about yourself on your page, I will not accept if you do not take time to send a message along with the request.
THE 1 possible EXCEPTION - bands that have music and bios that I can check out first. Even with that I am much more likely to take time to check out your band if you message me along with the request.
Call me a bitch if you wish, but I'm not here to collect numbers.
Now - for those of you who really take time to read profiles first....Here's a bit about me and the pics and shit on my page should also tell something about my interests :)
Just a southern girl :) Working for a living, waiting on that winning lottery ticket. Of course if I didn't lose them after I bought them, my odds might increase.
I have a wild side that seems to be connected to the addition of crown royal to my Dr Pepper ;-) I love that Rock N Roll will never die and everyone out there that keeps it going.
Going to concerts are just about my favorite thing. I love taking my kid to see the bands I grew up listening to, which are now the bands he is influenced by. Years ago, we had a half-ass decent scene where I live. We were lucky enough to have Jackyl, Tesla, Warrant, Blackfoot, Ted Nugent, even a couple of KISS tribute bands... and several others play here, but that has been killed by a society that is fucked in the head. The dance scene took over and now we have to make road trips for a good show. We still have a small amount of live venues that occasionally have some good talent out on the weekends, but that's about it. I LOVE ROCK N ROLL -- bottom line. Not rap, not country, , just pure fuckin rock and REAL heavy metal.
I also enjoy having a bunch of friends come over, get drunk as hell, burn some ribs, throw darts and horseshoes at anything that moves, and spill alcohol on my furniture... so I can get up and say I'll never do it again! Then start planning the next party.
So mostly I love music, but I also love the sunshine, fast ass roller coasters, classic camaros, trans ams & corvettes, and being a part of my kid's life - which for the time being means 'Friday Night Lights'. Nothing like a good rowdy crowd at a high school football game :) 'It's December now' which means Friday Night Lights are over til next year. That just means the kid has time to go to concerts now.. and I get to listen to him shred on the ole geetar a little more often :) I enjoy it.. I got him started in it and I will never, ever tell him to turn it down.
Diver Down & Destroyer at Firewater October 27th! These 2 bands KICK ASS!

My Interests

Rock N Roll, baby. Gotta have music on, no matter what. I'd have to quit my job if they took my radio away. Love playing hostess to backyard cookout parties with friends. And of course there has to be the one night a week at the club, occasionally finding a good rock band in this area. Road trips to the Big D - Dallas, Texas are mandatory for party weekends ;)

And cars.. cool ass cars!

I'd like to meet:

I've met some really cool people from a lot of different places in the world.The people on my friends list however, are people I either met before myspace, or met on myspace and share common interests and enjoy sending messages and comments to. THEN, there are some on my friends list that would fall more under the category of 'who I would like to meet'.. I have had the chance to meet and see a show of several of the bands on my friends list and they all fuckin rock!
Basically, I'm just here to make some friends and discover some new bands and learn more about other cultures.


Eighty's, 80's, and back some & forward a bit. (I fucked up and deleted my original list,so here it goes again and trying to remember more than before) My heart belongs to all the bands that rocked my bedroom walls and the windows of my car in the 80's (and still do - if it's too loud....... you're too old). No way I could list them all, but here goes: Aerosmith, AC/DC, Van Halen - NOT Van Hagar, Ozzy, Judas Priest, LA Guns, Poison, KISS, Whitesnake, Steelheart, Danger Danger, Bulletboys, Babylon AD, Motley, GnR, Ratt, Tesla, Jackyl, Damn Yankees & Ted, Deep Purple, Def Leppard, Lynch Mob, Heaven, Axe, Skid Row, Ugly Kid Joe, some Pink Floyd, Twisted Sister - for the rebel in me, Iron Maiden, Every Mothers Nightmare, DLR Band, Accept, XYZ, W.A.S.P, Pink Cream 69, Nazareth, Cinderella, Heavy Bones, Helix, Slash's Snakepit, and on and on & of course all the classics like Zepplin. I'm sure I haven't covered it all here, but I'll add as I remember.

THE ULTIMATE frontman - Diamond Dave

Son of zchic - checkin out the goods

Guitar Gods...


hmmm..... I suck at remembering the names of movies. Gotta have kick ass comedy and psychological thrillers.....


Not too much time to watch TV. Pretty much comedy channel, late night when they quit bleeping all the good parts.


Like TV, not a lot of time for books, but 'The Dirt' is the best fuckin read ever. When I have time I love to read books about bands where the stories come from the members and not some outsider looking in. Don't go too much for fiction.


Not very original, but Mom and Dad. Dad passed in 2004 and I miss him terribly, but I know he is still here in my heart. My mom is the strongest, most giving woman I've ever known. I hope I can only be half the woman she is in my lifetime.

AND.. this guy behind me here.. He's been behind me for 12 years, supporting me and putting up with me.

My Blog

Hidden friends...

In case anyone is wondering.. I did not intentionally hide my friends. I removed my custom list because I don't have time to keep up with it any more and I have to get my profile fixed to display the ...
Posted by zebrachic on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 02:22:00 PST

Still busy.. but finally made some updates!

Finally... I have updated my pain in the ass custom friends list. I don't think I'm done yet, but it's a start. You ALL rock!  Since this custom thing I created is such a pain in the ass, the ord...
Posted by zebrachic on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:36:00 PST

Busy... and my page needs updated

Well shit.. I hate when so many things are in control of my time that I can't get to anything that I really want to do. I have a project with memorabilia collected from concerts, etc stacked here and ...
Posted by zebrachic on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 02:05:00 PST

Back to school?? I didn't know that meant me too

Guess it's that addictive behavior of mine.. it's spread to a college addiction or maybe I'm just a sucker for self punishment. I thought I was free when I finished up in May with a 2 yr degree. Turns...
Posted by zebrachic on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 03:33:00 PST

my videos

I just wanted to say I think the video upload kicks ass. It's a cool way to add videos without putting them on your page making it take forever to load. So, thanks to anyone who checks out what I've p...
Posted by zebrachic on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 07:16:00 PST

Damn Ripway...

Maybe it should be called Ripoff.  I was trying to find a way to show support for the bands I've met here, so I found Ripway.com and it was a nice fast easy code to add the player and mp3's to my...
Posted by zebrachic on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 04:49:00 PST

No Info...

I like to think at least I gave it a shot when I filled out my profile so that anyone who might take the time to read it would know a bit about who I am and my interests. Nothing is more fucking annoy...
Posted by zebrachic on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 04:53:00 PST