Music( composing, recording, playing,listening), distant walks, discussing with friends, learning about cultures, making jokes, persecuting goths.,small things that make me happy, languages, finding pieces of myself in other animals, humans or objectsGraveyardsHistoryVisiting Weird Places
Alexander The Great and his phalanx, The Ceasars of the Holy Roman Empire, The Marbled King Great Constantine to teach me about liquid fire and more, Nikola TESLA, Allah to explain me how he possesses the Mujahedin, My past life personalities, John of Necrovore, Storm of Master's Hammer, Lori Bravo of Nuclear Death (to share abnormal thoughts), Marquis De Sade, Hot ass and cute faced chicks, people of morbid thoughts, The singer of the most evil necroblackmetalofdeath band called ELEFTHEROI, M. Kalashnikov,Otto Skorzeny,Erwin Rommel, My executed great grand father, the great god PAN, more to come...
Heavy Metal of the 80ies mainly, only male stuff,no gay bullshit. Music with spirit and truthfulness.bands like : Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Witchfinder General, Demon, Necrovore, Nuclear Death, Rigor Mortis, Imperator, Mortuary Drape, Bathory, Slayer,Tormentor(Hun), Sodom, Destruction, Possessed, Celtic Frost/Hellhammer,Funeral Nation, Pentagram(Chi),Acid, MARQUIS DE SADE, Masacre, Reencarnacion, Repulsion, Parabellum, Headhunter D.C., XarkeneX, Goatlord, Varathron, Stigma (The best Death Metal band in Greece,from my hometown THESSALONIKI), Perdition Hearse, Darkthrone, Burzum, Mayhem, Grave, Asphyx, Grotesque, Svartsyn, Carnage, Wanted, Roxy Bitch, Jailcat, Ulver, Cadaver, Dodheimsgard, Mortem (Nor),Bombers, Old Funeral, Antidrasi, Manilla Road,Frozen Glare,Dick stink,Goatvomit, Necros Christos,Funebre,Misery,Mockery,Enshadowed,Rotting Christ,Minotaur,Repulsion,Mutilator,Beherit,Discharge,Necrod eath,Bulldozer,Unholy Archangel,Necromass,Alastis, Holocausto, Old Sepultura, GG Allin, Goat Molestor, Turbonegro,Zemial, RAMONES, Cirith Ungol, Amebix, BOOTSTROKE,Vomit, Kaamos, Mordor,Balvaz, Thergothon, Rotting Corpse,Kawir, Malmsteen, GODS TOWER, Ghoul (JP), Chainsaw (from chile), Death Yell,Impostor, Macabre, Impetigo, Autopsy,Black Sepherd, Treblinka/Tiamat, Moonblood/ Nachtfalke (gods), Mpikakis, George Tamkatzoglu, Dark Angel, Typhon(col), Agony(col), Warlord, TROTYL, Pestilence, Demigod, Death Courier, Blasfemia, Ekhymosis, Skrewdriver, Transgressor, Samael, Messiah, Rory Gallagher,Angel Witch, Coroner, Protector, Steve Ray, RAZOR, Slaughter, Los Tromos, Wishbone Ash, Hawkwind, Jethro Tull, Pagan Altar, Thin Lizzy, Kat, Dr.Rock. not bored yet?
Fulci, Romero, Argento (The Holy Trinity).Coffin Joe, Braveheart, Airheads,Nosferatu,Overlord Tsakonas, Psaltis, Gardelis, Swarzenegger, Stalone, Bronson, Steven Seagal,Gibson,. Cannibal movies of the 70ies. Zombie movies (even the very decadent ones), sometimes i need vacant movies, demanding low iq, just to relax. you know, american college movies with exposed teens. Some of asian cinema of course.
I cant really recall how many years have passed since i last opened this shit to watch a program. Only History/Discovery/National Geographic Channels.Animal Planet as well.
120 days in sodom, The Antichrist, Of The Dead Brother, Apology of Socrates (by Plato).
Never had any hero or idol, but i had some significant influences from people like Kabamaru (Ninja Boy)