A nearly unique line-up, classical roots, a deep love for all kinds of music and a lot of fun with the audience - that's us!
Living in Leipzig/Germany but many months a year travelling around the world.
And if not we rehearse, arrange or compose for you.
Hope to see you somewhere out there because:
We love to entertain you! ;-)
Here you may contact us:
Erika Esslinger Konzertagentur
Spittlerstraße 6
70190 Stuttgart
[email protected]
And here are some comments about us:
(Classical Voice of North Carolina 2007)
"[...] The most (but by no means the only) impressive part of the program was their performance or Bach's Motet "Jesu, meine Freude". I have heard this piece many times, have sung it, and have listened to many recordings of it. It is often done as a daunting Teutonic task, where the struggle is all too obvious. The amazing thing is that these five singers who grew up with it sang it more lyrically than I have ever heard it before, not undisciplined, but lovingly with clear melodic lines and expressive phrasing. It was stunning. I sat through the performance with my mouth agape and a smile on my lips. [...]"
(Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, 2007)
"[...]Vom ersten Ton an wagte man kaum zu atmen, so schön war die Musik. [...]
Wunderbar mischen sich hier die Stimmen von Sopranistin Anja Lipfert, Altus Sebastian Krause, Tenor Tobias Pöche, Bariton Ludwig Böhme und Bass Joe Roesler zu einem homogenen Ensembleklang. Klarheit und Ruhe strahlen die polyphonen Werke aus - dank einer Interpretation, die die großen Linien herausarbeitete.
Lupenreine Intonation, rhythmische Präzision, fein ausdifferenzierte Dynamik und eine absolut entspannte, natürliche Stimmführung: Bei diesem Ensemble stimmt alles. [...]"
“[...]From the first note on one nearly didn’t dare breathing, so beautiful was the music. [...] The voices of soprano Anja Lipfert, alto Sebastian Krause, tenor Tobias Pöche, baritone Ludwig Böhme and basse Joe Roesler are blending wonderfully to produce a homogeneous ensemble sound.
The polyphonic works radiate clearness and calm – thanks to an interpretation that brings out the great lines.
Flawlesss intonation, rhythmical precision, finely adjusted dynamics and a totally relaxt and natural voice control: this ensemble is faultless.[...]â€
(Sächsische Zeitung, 2007)
"[...]Alle noch so feinen Stimmregister zogen sie, waren Samt und Seide, bestachen mit selten guter Atemtechnik und Bestartikulation. [...] Perfektion und Präzision auf Höchstniveau. [...]
Nicht zu beschreiben sind die Intensität und der atemberaubende Klangsinn des Ensembles, dem Beifallsovationen und Blumenflor für einen A-cappella-Abend der Superlative dankten. [...]"
“[...]They pulled out all the stops with their voices, velvety and silky, entrancing with a good breathing technique rarely found and best possible articulation. [...] Perfection and precision on highest level. [...] Indescribable are the ensemble’s intensity and the breathtaking feeling for sound, thanked by the audience with ovations of applause and flowers for an a-cappella-night of superlatives.[...]â€