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About Me


My Interests

"I was held back by a secret fear that I might perhaps be like him [Friedrich Nietzsche], at least in regard to the 'secret' which had isolated him from his environment. Perhaps, who knows? he had had inner experiences, insights which he had unfortunately talked about, and had found out that no one understood him."
-- Carl Jung, talking about himself

"It is not the sight of a human creature which removes us from solitude, but the sight of one who is faithful and modest and helpful to us."
-- Epictetus, Discourses: Book 3, chapter 13

Constraint is the mother of desires.
-- D'Argens

Videogames, writing, reading, music, film, photography, cabaret, science, urban exploration, cats, toys, clothes, religion, philosophy, occult, etc.

I'd like to meet:



Every decade & every genre. I go through phases. Lotte Lenya, Robbie D & Jer Ber Jones, Dirty Sanchez, Squeaky Blonde, Liza Minelli, Marc Almond, Dalida, Tiga, Scissor Sisters, Soft Cell, Architecture In Helsinki, Ute Lemper, Niagara, Claudia Brucken, Frazier Chorus, Thompson Twins, Naked Eyes, Alphaville, Nina Simone, Paul Whiteman, Mechanical Cabaret, Opera, Bea Arthur, Bee Gees, Belle and Sebastian, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, Eartha Kitt, Francois de Roubaix, Kudu, Ladytron, Nico, Plastic Operator, Sarah Cracknell, Swing Out Sister, etc.


The Loved One, "Metzengerstein" from Spirits of the Dead, Klute, Images, Joyhouse, Logan's Run, Harold and Maude, The Legend of Hell House, Daughters of Darkness, Eyes Wide Shut, Satan's Blood (Spain, 1977), Early John Waters, Zardoz, Dune, Children of Dune, Manhattan Murder Mystery


Space 1999 , Night Gallery, Logan's Run, Golden Girls, Star Trek: The Animated Series, CSI: Las Vegas, Weird Documentaries, Public Access, For the Love of Reason, Astronomy Shows, Nova, True Crime Shows, & PBS. CNN, C-Span, History Channel, Rosemary and Thyme, Mystery!, Charlie Rose, Stargate-SG1,Sesame Street. More often than not, my tiny old tv is being used by the Nintendo Wii.


Torah, How To Talk To Anyone About Practically Anything by Barbara Walters, Scientific American monthly, Anais Nin, Jean Genet, Ngaio Marsh, Noel Coward, H. Rider Haggard, Judaica, Occult, New authors and new ideas.


Delphine Seyrig, Alice Krige, Ann Firbanks, Barbara Bain, Kathy Griffin, my cats, Santiago Calatrava, Little Toby, Cuntessa, & Jackie Beat. Most of the others are on my friends list.
Our whole life is like a play.
-- Ben Jonson, Discoveries de Vita Humana
Almost the whole world are players.
-- Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon
Our happiness in this world depends chiefly upon the affections we are able to inspire.
-- De Praslin
How few friendships would be lasting if we knew what our best friends say of us in our absence.
-- Pascal
Hope is a sarcasm.
-- Mercier, La fille du pretre
Coming events cast their shadows before.
-- Campbell, Lochiel's Warning
I had a dream which was not all a dream.
-- Byron, Darkness
Every great passion is but a prolonged hope.
-- Frucheres
What makes life dreary is the want of a motive.
-- Eliot, Daniel Deronda. Bk. VIII, ch. 65
It's better to love today than tomorrow. A pleasure postponed is a pleasure lost.
-- A. Richard
Love knoweth no lawes.
-- Lyly, Euphues
We condemn vice and extol virtue only through interest.
-- Rochefoucauld
Art is power.
-- Longfellow, Hyperion. Bk. III, ch. 5
Architecture is frozen music.
-- Schelling, Philosophy of Art. 1. 576
The perfection of art is to conceal art.
- Quintillian
I only feel, but want the power to paint.
-- Juvenal, Satirae. vii, 56
Illusion on a ground of truth is the secret of the fine arts.
-- Joubert
A crowd is not company; and faces are but a gallery of Pictures.
-- Bacon, Essay XXVII. Of Friendship
The conscious utterance of thought by speech or action, to any end is art.
-- Emerson, Art
Experience teaches that a good memory is generally joined to a weak judgement.
-- Montaigne, Essais. i, 9
Love cannot be mixed with fear.
-- Seneca, Epistolae ad Lucilium. xlvii.
Stolen kisses are always sweeter.
-- Hunt, The Indicator.
Love begins too well to end well.
-- Daumas
Happiness seems made to be shared.
-- Corneille, Notes par Rochefoucauld
Self sufficiency is a sordid achievement.
-- Eugene Savov, Theory of Interaction

My Blog

My Current Mood

The End - The Doors[Note: No, I'm not suicidal. I'm just feeling fatalistic about the near future.]This is the endBeautiful friendThis is the endMy only friend, the endOf our elaborate plans, the endO...
Posted by Tally-Ho! on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 08:48:00 PST


Alone - E.A. Poe From childhood's hour I have not been As others were; I have not seen As others saw; I could not bring My passions from a common spring. From the same source ...
Posted by Tally-Ho! on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 05:03:00 PST

If He Swing By the String

If He Swing By the String - Marlene Dietrichif he swing by the stringhe will hear the bell ringand then there's an end to poor tommyhe must hang by the noosefor no hand will cut loosethe rope from the...
Posted by Tally-Ho! on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 09:17:00 PST

I Can Always Tell When Lupe's Been Slackin' Off - Part 1

I Can Always Tell When Lupe's Been Slackin' Off - Part 1i can always tell when lupe's been slackin' off.'cuz i'll sit down to watch one of my of my regulars that i really look forward to....
Posted by Tally-Ho! on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:54:00 PST

I Can Always Tell When Lupe's Been Slackin' Off - Part 2

I Can Always Tell When Lupe's Been Slackin' Off - Part 2contessa was such a wonderful person.she didn't deserve none of what maury had did to her.lyin' to her like that and leadin' her on.but it's so ...
Posted by Tally-Ho! on Tue, 02 May 2006 10:07:00 PST

I Ordered These New TV Trays.

I Ordered These New TV Trays.i ordered these new tv trays.'cuz i just loved the ones that maury and me used to was that little davy lynch who broke the first one.just bent the leg right off.bu...
Posted by Tally-Ho! on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 10:20:00 PST

So We Got This Old Friend, Santiago...

So We Got This Old Friend, we got this old friend, santiago...and the other night we was out to dinner with him.he was in from outta town.a very good friend.he's an architect.what's his ...
Posted by Tally-Ho! on Tue, 02 May 2006 02:33:00 PST

Im Not A Name Dropper, Maury.

I'm Not A Name Dropper, Maury.I'm not a name dropper, Maury. We just happen to know a lot of people in Manhattan. And I can't go around speakin' in code all the time, Maury. I've tried that. ...
Posted by Tally-Ho! on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:46:00 PST

I Was At My Doctor's Office.

I Was At My Doctor's Office.i was at my doctor's office.pickin' up some of my prescriptions.and i was sittin' in the waitin' room with my friend irene.she usually comes along to keep me company.cuz sh...
Posted by Tally-Ho! on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 04:07:00 PST

You Know I Always Wanted A Piano

You Know I Always Wanted A Piano oh god, maurie. you know i always wanted a piano. it's been my dream for so long, maury. how can we pass this up? it's the fulfillment of a lifetime desire, ...
Posted by Tally-Ho! on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 04:54:00 PST