Benevolent to a fault
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
Name: Galen
Birthday: July 24
Birthplace: Texas
Current Location: could be almost anywhere today...
Heritage: Captain John Smith and Pocahontas
Best Physical Feature: being alive and healthy
No. of Piercings: 2, and they're always exposed
Number of Tattoos: 0... but I got ideas...
Right or Left Handed: right
Shoes Worn Today: Reefs flip-flops, Keens casual, or Nocona boots
Shower Daily: uh, yeah
Bedtime: usually anytime between 10pm & 2am
No. of CDs owned: enough to need a bigger hard drive to rip them all on to...
Play an Instrument: a couple
Sing: to myself
Been on Stage: yup, all over the world :o)
Been in Love: yep, thank goodness
Broken Up With Someone: not recently
Want to get Married: someday
Swear: yes, but I never say 'fuck' in front of the K-I-D ;o)
Get along with your Parents: sure, we get along just fine
Countries I would most like to Visit: South Africa, Antartica (does that count as a country?), definitely back to Australia and Japan, also China, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Peru, Russia, Thailand...
Ever been Beaten up: once, in the 4th grade - decided I didn't like it so never tried it again
Like Thunderstorms: very much - they were a big part of growing up in west Texas
Skinny Dipped recently: unfortunately not
Done Drugs recently: I plead the fifth, but no - nothing illegal anyway
Eaten Sushi recently: oh yeah, you know it!
Cappuccino or Coffee: yes, please
Pepsi or Coke: Chimay Gran Reserve... ;o)
Lipton or Nestea: sun tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: peanut butter-fudge
McDonalds or BK: In-N-Out
Perfect Pizza: pesto w/roasted garlic, pine nuts, and feta cheese...or...pepperoni w/onions
Weaknesses: food, particulary Tex-Mex... also jazz chanteuses, hair stylists, girls with guitars, girls in jeeps, girls with genuinely happy smiles, cute sassy rock chicks, one particular former airline counter agent... and...
Fears: just the usuals: inadequacy, embarrassment, failure, success, rejection, confrontation...
Thoughts First Waking Up: "What time is it? Where am I? Is there a show today...?"
Most Missed Memory: oh, uh... crap, I can't remember right now - I guess that's why I miss it
Number of things in my Past I Regret: none that I haven't blocked from conscious memory
Goal To Achieve In The Next Year: buy my own place again... DONE!!!
What I want to be when I Grow Up: happy
How I want to Die: happy
In a Girl, I Like..
Eye Color: yes
Hair Color: yes
Short or Long Hair: yes
Height: yes
Weight: yes
Clothing Style: clothing optional
Gis forGeeky
Ais forAdventurous
Lis forLiberal
Eis forElitist
Nis forNeat
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