Hungry for music with substance, The Malnourished formed a small co op to gain more control of the music they were feeding on. As it turns out, the music they were eating dished up by the good ol US of the mAinstream, just wasn't suppling them with enough nutrition to play their instruments effectively. So, by chance, they met one John the Baker and they asked him to join the co op and help them get music that wasn't sugar coated and loaded with fillers and stuff. John the Baker, with some experience up against the music industry, its icons, divas, cops and buisness minded asses with a capitolistic foot in the doorway of the flow of good nutitional music, took a leadership role and has since assisted The Malnourished in their recovery from music made for Monsanto by making more informed decisions when gathering new music.
"These GMOs are whats doing it" , claims John the Baker, when asked whats the main factor in The Malnourished Ears. "They have been putting GMOs in the corn and high fructose syrup is everywhere, so now in America, there are people literally starving for good music".