Shadows Remember His Toil profile picture

Shadows Remember His Toil

Working on our full-length album

About Me

Originally starting as two seperate collabrative efforts, Shadows Remember His Toil was formed by three guys wanting to further their experimentation with music, featuring the minds behind The Hypodermic Eye, He Who Is I Am, and Selbst-Morder. This project will concentrate on blending various metal genres with forms of harsh noise, ambience, and other sound manipulations. We are currently in the process of creating a full length album that will change your perceptions of what music is. Be on the look out!!!!!
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*Be sure to check out our individual projects too!!!*
Watch our video for the song, "The Omukade"
The Omukade - Shadows Remember His Toil

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Watch our video for the song, "Stigma Sigmata"
Stigma Stigmata - Shadows Remember His Toil

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Watch our video for the song, "Host"
Host - Shadows Remember His Toil

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My Interests


Member Since: 9/4/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
-Sean Hypodermic-
guitars, bass, drum sequencing,
the voice of the damned injected into your ears

-Mr. Morder-
blackened ambience, cavernous bass lines,
bleak atmospheres, distant howls

-Shawn Ex Machina-
harsh noise, distorted ambience, tortured souls,
sounscapes of audio madness and paranoia
Influences: real life experiences, drug culture, d.i.y. esthetics, industrial machinery, abandoned constructs, the occult, medical experiments, unearthly lifeforms, extreme weather, politics, death, the power of nature, isolation, desolation, human error, abstract art, nocturnal energies, the vast cosmos, horror/B/cult movies, oddities, abnormalities, and the uneasy comfort found along this cursed journey...

Gigantic Brain, Conspirators Of The Occult, Pig Destroyer, Xasthur, Napalm Death, Celtic Frost, Abruptum, Lair Of The Minotaur, Darkthrone, Sunn O))), Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Soilent Green, Japanische Kampfhörspiele, Woods Of Ypres, Burzum, Jotunspor, Theory Of Abstract Light, Knut, Cephalic Carnage, Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck, G.G. Allin, Circle Of Dead Children, Coffins, Khanate, Cult Of Luna, Mike Patton, Merzbow, Swans, Ulver, James Plotkin, Electric Wizard, Cryptic Slaughter, Destructo Swarmbots, Atari Teenage Riot, Integrity, Genghis Tron, Dead Kennedys, Oren Ambarchi, Today Is The Day, Akercocke, Leviathan, Nachtmystium, Gaahlskagg, Nasum, Otto Von Schirach, Pelican, Cattle Decapitation, Wolves In The Throne Room, Kaada, Converge, Isis, Neurosis, Nine Inch Nails, Manes, The Melvins, Bathory, Striborg, Bastard Noise, Disrupt, Eyehategod, Blut Aus Nord, Lustmord, Boris, Attila Csihar, Extreme Noise Terror...and so many more.
Sounds Like: The combined effort of these individuals

The Hypodermic Eye
He Who Is I Am
Record Label: We are looking for one.....
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Montage Of Heck: A Sinister Tribute To Nirvana OUT NOW

"Montage Of Heck: A Sinister Tribute To Nirvana"So, the extreme tribute, dedicated to the works of Nirvana, has been completed and will be available shortly through the various labels involved. This ...
Posted by Shadows Remember His Toil on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 02:18:00 PST