manchester, ENGLAND profile picture

manchester, ENGLAND

on a scale of 1-awesome, i'm THE SHIT

About Me

it's the first thing on my profile, and y'all still don't get it.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
I'm Theresa. I like color, flair, and shiny objects. I collect unique/hard to find clothing and it's become an obsession. Born and raised in suburbia, city-bound as of lately. I'm probably the least hip person you will ever meet. I've been described as "Nicole Richie on crack" by Dana DeArmond and "My Little Pony mixed with Mother Theresa circa 1985" and both are fine with me. I care very little about what people say, because it's ALL already been said before, and I'm quite over it now. Try to insult me with something I haven't heard yet, and you'll get points for creativty. I like to quote negative comments said about me in my photo section, because they're hilarious, and inspire me to speak more positively of others who do not do the same.
I'm a much deeper person beyond my love for the aestethic and superficial things in life like hair and makeup. I think I'm just one of those people who turn creativity onto their own body instead of canvas, and who make themselves appear on the outside how they feel on the inside. My one goal is to live an absolutely amazing and crazy life so I can one day write a damn good memoir. I have strong sexuality and strive to create erotic art in both performance and in photography, and I honestly don't care what you have to say about it. I am nothing but myself, and that will never change for anyone, no matter what. I have no idea where I'll be 5 years from now but hopefully it will be somewhere much warmer and not in the midwest and *cough* perhaps SOMEWHERE in NoCal...
I love hanging out with awesome people, going on adventures, and having as much fun as possible. I have a lot of interests. I have a poor short term memory - horrible with names, and I won't know who you are if you approach me from the internet - BUT, I will smile and chat you up regardless. I'm very approachable - don't be scared! I probably won't know who you are until I meet you 5 times ha, although once I got your face down I'll never forget. I'd like to do more artwork / modelling/preforming in my free time, as I'm a very creative person by nature, so why the hell not. Want me to do something like model or perform or hang out? Okay. I will if I like yer stuff, or if you're not a total creepazoid. Creepazoids get turned down. So just message me.
I enjoy long walks in the park with my best friend Obi-Wan, and lazy afternoons with my kitty Ava. I love beer, especially craft beer, it's my hobby. I believe in changing minds, changing the world, and rising against the American holocaust soon to come. These are the formative years, and I will make a diffrence; I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me.
"You know you're famous when people who you don't even know hate you."
Paris Hilton.'re from England?
I don't know, can you read?
So... are you from St. Louis? No, not at all. The four places in my profile that say I'm from "St. Louis" are completely LYING to you. Even this statement is a pure falsity.
Will you go on a date with me or engage in sexual relations? You're totally hot
You don't know that. My pictures are probably stolen from some other chick's profile, so I wouldn't risk it if I were you. I will smother you with SIF.

My Interests

I enjoy
;a good chai
;pole dancing
ganguro girls;
;LOLing at haters
;trying a new drink
;drag queens and kings and trannys
;anything japanese
;fake eyelashes, etc
;dread falls and fake hair
;alright, fake anything really. yes, boobs too.
;beer. beer. beer.

;medical anomalies!
;movie popcorn
;summer time
;making money
;roses and flowers

I detest
;bro-core. any core.
;bug bites
;waking up
;being unorganized
;vehicle theft, thanx
;body hair. on ANYONE.
;greasy skin
;men who honk or motion at me from their cars
;when my dog eats my underwear
;meat, usually
;hipsters. no, not really.
;hang overs
;sleeping by myself
;cheap asses. thrifty vs cheap. difference.
;men and their manliness
;smokey clothing smell
;non paying ebay bidders
;SUVs and the people who drive them

Don't even try to categorize me, it won't work. And I'll laugh at you.

I love going on random adventures and finding new/interesting things to do.

My goal is to travel and see as much as possible while I'm still young and capable.

I'm a true gemini. I'm everything and anything.

And if you don't like it, you need more hobbies.

I'd like to meet:

Ceiling cat.

Boys, I just don't care. I will probably just post your silly come-ons to my livejournal community where we will all be entertained by your lameness and total lack of tact. Not that you would know, because you won't ever take the time to actually READ anything about me and go straight to staring at sexy pictures - but hey, at least I'm on to you and laughing already.

You are a private profile
You have pictures of yourself exposed that I would rather not see
You have pictures of yourself, NOT from Halloween, of you trying to be Kat Von D. NONONONONONO.
You have no pictures of yourself, or a bunch of pictures of stupid shit
You have a ring through your monroe piercing. THIS IS UNFORGIVABLE. NONONONONO.
You were born in the 90s
You are only pretty because you wear ten pounds of black eyeshadow then desaturate and high contrast all your photos. You do not interest me
All of your top "friends" are hot punk chick models, because I am not a hot punk chick trading card and I am not getting paid for you to view me as jerkoff material. Cash only plz, set up your appointment today.

(If you are my friend in real life, all above requirements are probably exempt.)

I love eclectic people. Diversity is where it's at. If all my friends looked the same, dressed the same, acted the same, did the same things and listened to the same music... I'd go insane. I find friendship in quality - not a certain body type, a certain hair style, a certain dress, or a certain lifestyle. Don't try to categorize me, I will laugh at your naivety and closed mindedness. I am nothing that your generic little label could possibly predict.

I like pretty dudes who look like girls.
and this guy:
And THIS guy:


The Dresden Dolls

and lots of terribly whiny pop punk and emo.

everything else is completely irrelevant and superfluous.
you would disapprove of it all anyway.


The Last Unicorn
Moulin Rouge
Harold and Maude
Hot Fuzz
House of Yes
The Lion King
Snakes on a Plane
Hot Fuzz
The House of Yes


Court TV
National Geographic Channel
Cartoon Network
old school nicktoons


currently reading:

Mein Kampf, authentic 1945 printing.


Michael Caine
Stephen Colbert
Eric Sprague
Al Gore
Daniel Johns

My Blog

christmas wishlist 07

Alright kids. I KNOW some of you have some spare moneys lying around. So here's my Christmas wishlist if anyone is feeling froggy. black/white/black or white/red/white legwarmers or white/purple/whit...
Posted by manchester, ENGLAND on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 08:07:00 PST


This is a sad first blog entry ever. I had to take out my surface bars on my chest. I feel like I've lost a piece of me. Ugh. Senior pictures tomorrow?
Posted by manchester, ENGLAND on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST