Besides assisting children and young people all over Brazil, the Ayrton Senna Institute aims at disseminating innovative social technologies as a way to stimulate all social players to also work on behalf of children and young people.The Ayrton Senna Institute Library Series is a strategy to disseminate the knowledge and practices that have been developed through ten years of social work. The Series is published in partnership with Editora Saraiva (Saraiva Publisher).The Institute also co-publishes in cooperation with its allies and partners a variety of publications that focus children and young people issues.
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The Ayrton Senna Institute offers assistance to children and young people through the development of educational programs using a variety of ways to develop human potential. Those programs in turn allow the Institute to design, implement, evaluate, systematize, and transfer social technologies.The Institute understands social technologies as creative, flexible, and efficient solutions to educational problems of the country, both in the formal education and complementary education fields. Moreover, social technologies must be capable of achieving large-scale impact and making permanent changes in the lives of children and young people.Through the dissemination and transfer of social technologies to different social players, the Institute overcomes the limits of the provision of direct assistance to children and young people, and implements educational programs at a public policy level as a way to promote human development on a large scale.
The Ayrton Senna Grand Prix of Journalism aims to encourage and recognize outstanding coverage of the social issues concerning the children and young people. The GP awards journalists and news organizations that report such diverse issues as education, child labour, children's rights, juvenile violence, public policies for the future generations, among many others, all of which fully discussed under the human development viewpoint. In alliance with the press, the GP's ultimate goal is to put social issues up for public awareness and debate.
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Building social equity is above all an ethical task that involves the cooperation of all social sectors. Social co-responsibility is the fundamental way to bringing together people, companies, governments, and civil organizations, their efforts and resources to overcome the country's challenge. Co-responsibility is about building alliances and joining forces to provide human development opportunities to children and young people.Based on the ethics of the co-responsibility the Institute counts on licensees, allies, partners, and contributors to support programs and actions.