bianca falco/labilab profile picture

bianca falco/labilab

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me
labilab video/theater choreography
I have been choreographing for theater (shakespeare productions, experimental theater..) and music videos check some samples in the video section...
labilab dance
One of my interests is to explore the interactions and ties between people and between people and objects/living creatures in all situations. I combine modern dance with the use of props, costumes that modify the human form and aerial skills (trapeze, fabric and other apparatus found or built). I (Bia's Labilab) create stage performances as well as site-specific dance that sometimes involve improvisation and interaction with the audience. ....I see life like a constant "surfing" exercise to keep balancing between having ideals (what kind of ideals have people today?) and goals and compromising with what's out there (outside my own perception of reality). I'm in a constant learning process….
I am studying clarinet and just joined the MWE, Manhattan Wind Ensemble and I am part of "SEMILLA", a son jarocho group, the instrument I play is called "jarana" (mexican folk instrument), check us out!

My Interests

"Just because something starts differently, doesn't mean it's worth less."

Created by ..

mattress in nyc...

I'd like to meet:


Jazz,Ballake Sissoko, Bebo and Cigala cd,Bjork,Bruno Martino,Busta Rhymes,Son Jarocho, Fugazi,Son Cubano,el personal,Eric Satie,Fabrizio De Andre,Blues,Me'shell' N'dgello,Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare,Nick Cave,Paolo Conte,rage against the machine,Ruben Blades,Sonora Santanera,Tuxedo Moon,yo yo ma,Mozart,Pink Floyd....a lot more and no specific genre...especially all my talented friends...great musicians...

semilla music group


8 1/2 Fellini,Bukowski: Born Into This,Santitos...mmm...I watch so many movies...


The Hagakure, Disgrace (Coetzee), Ella Cantaba boleros (Cabrera Infante)....and a lot more...I read often...


The Samurai, Alwin Nikolais, Buster Keaton, Che Guevara and this picture Don Elias Melendez (mi abuelo mexicano)
nonna Bianca e nonno Luigi da fidanzati, 1924

My Blog

Alwin Nikolais Biography ...
Posted by bianca falco/labilab on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:54:00 PST

...Then I took your picture out and taped it to my heart...

Saul Williams - List Of Demands (Reparations)I want my money back. I'm down here drowning in your fat. You got me on my knees praying for everything you lack. I ain't afraid of you. I'm just a victim ...
Posted by bianca falco/labilab on Tue, 27 May 2008 10:37:00 PST

..amor c’ha nullo amato amar perdona...

Dante: Inferno: Canto V (indice)[Canto quinto, nel quale mostra del secondo cerchio de l'inferno, e tratta de la pena del vizio de la lussuria ne la persona di più famosi gentili uomini.]Così discesi ...
Posted by bianca falco/labilab on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 12:39:00 PST


Posted by bianca falco/labilab on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:42:00 PST


"Los relámpagos se ven, rompen el aire y después se escuchan, porque lo que se oye camina más despacio, 5 segundos por milla, si ves el relámpago y 10 segundos después escuchas el trueno es que estas ...
Posted by bianca falco/labilab on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 10:44:00 PST


Pantelleria:where i'll join my parents for the month of august....happy bia!!!...
Posted by bianca falco/labilab on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 01:23:00 PST


Es martes, hace un buen que no llueve. La vida es buena, buena es una palabra que me gusta, me gustan las palabras que no dicen mucho como canalla en las traducciones de la tele. No hay mujeres canall...
Posted by bianca falco/labilab on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 07:53:00 PST

Napoli in serie A!!!!

Posted by bianca falco/labilab on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:02:00 PST

textos de naufragio en altanoche de omar pimienta

Enterrar los restos de mis pequeñas muertesprofundidad adecuadalos cubro con sábanas más cuerposEncuentro huesos camino al bañolos piso confundo con zapatosbajo la cama entre la ropa sobre el buróal r...
Posted by bianca falco/labilab on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 09:37:00 PST

Adam, I miss you so much...

Adam Goldstone, born June 3 1969 in Boston, MA and became an ancestor August 29 2006 in Black Rock, NV. He died of heart failure stemming from a congential heart defect that had been repaired when he ...
Posted by bianca falco/labilab on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 12:20:00 PST