Writing, reading, bookstores, music, the smell of rain, visiting the beach, collecting seashells while there, dipping my toes in the soft sand and enjoying the sun and surf, taking lots of pictures, volunteering at my kids' schools, visiting the library, dragonflies, feather masks, candles, margaritas, good friends, my kids, simple pleasures, watching hockey and baseball.
NICE people with similar interests. Creative minds...writers, editors, artists. Someone with a sense of humor and who can carry on an intelligent conversation.
Varied interests. Anything that moves me on some level really.
Rat Race, Tommy Boy, Murder By Numbers, What Lies Beneath, Secret Window, Finding Neverland, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Pulp Fiction
Don't have much time for TV, but if I do watch it, I like CSI (all of them), ER, Grey's Anatomy
On Writing, Stephen King; The Writer's Idea Book, Jack Heffron; The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, Julia Cameron; The Elements of Style, Strunk and White; Techniques of the Selling Writer, Dwight V. Swain; Sex Between The Beats: The Ultimate Guide To Sex Music, John Kale; erotica, romance, mystery, suspense thrillers