As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra profile picture

As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I love to discuss the things on my page that you wonder about, disagree about or want to know more about. I promise you there will be something that is important to me that will offend you...from my faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour (the ONLY way to Heaven), my political views, my stance on the Bible, my take on our current world situation, and even the way I evangelize...or the fact that I do evangelize! Your messages are welcome! My intention is not to offend, so if I can explain why I believe something, I will. Truth does hurt sometimes though. Sincerely, ~sandra
I also have a myspace page for my business: Maranatha Massage Therapy (check under my "friends" here. A safe haven for Christians ~and others~ to receive massage. I work for myself, and also on the weekends at Vanity Salon and Day Spa (also under my friend's list) Go click my "pics" to see witnessing photos from 6th Street. 12/08/07 UPDATED WITH SOME NEWER PHOTOS!GO SEE... Why the King James Version?
Add to My Profile | More Videos If you don't have an Authorized King James Bible ~ then you don't have a Bible! Find out God's Truth about the issue. ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

This makes me laugh every excuses! Get out and share your faith! :D

My Interests

No Christian should ever support a CFR member,nor those endorsed by the CFR. Presidential candidate wants to overturn Roe vs Wade. Copy and paste this: Ron Paul (R-TX)

******* RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT 2008!******* Recently overheard quote from Dr. Paul: " Mr. Republican Robert Taft didn't even want us to be in NATO and you're saying now that we have to continue to borrow money from China to finance this empire that we can't afford?Let me see if I get this right. We need to borrow $10 billion from China, and then we give it to Musharraf, who is a military dictator, who overthrew an elected government. And then we go to war, we lose all these lives promoting democracy in Iraq. I mean, what's going on here?(APPLAUSE)And you're saying that this isn't appealing to Republicans? Where did this come about? I think this is the Republican message. I defend the platform. It used to say we'd remove the Department of Education. It doesn't say that now.We, as Republicans, went and doubled the size of the Department of Education, so where have we gone? I think we've lost our way. And then the insinuation that I am less Republican because of that?" YOU CAN PUT HUCKABEE ON THIS LIST TOO~HE OPENLY ADMITS HE HAS CFR ADVISORS...please look into Huckabee's record! on-s-ten-most-wanted-corrupt-politicians-2007

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Friends (being a good person isn't required...but please go take the test! Click on the white banner to take the "GOOD PERSON TEST" (the cool banner with clouds will just get you to photobucket :PI DISLIKE GLITTER COMMENTS THAT ARE OF CUTE BLINKING SPARKLING THINGS!!!! Especially half naked faeries and other seductive things. I LOVE receiving your comments, but will only keep the important, the witty, and the ones I like.If you name Christ...PLEASE scroll down and listen to Paul Washer below in the video clip. Being lukewarm won't cut it on Judgment Day - examine yourself!If you are using "grace as an occasion to sin"...scroll down!...and read 1 John.HELLS BEST KEPT SECRET copy and paste the address below to listen... Washer - Shocking Message (full length)

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Listen to Johnny Cash...wake up to what is going on.


No thanks to television. Copy and paste to hear "TV Loves Me":*** TURN ON YOUR RADIO ~ STREAM ONLINE!! GO TO: We The People Radio Network ~ www.wtprn.comClick below to listen to WOTM radio online(go to archives)

Below you can watch as Pastor Paul Washer tells the story of a man who was given 3 weeks to live. This man was lost and seeking God, but was not convicted of his sins. Pastor Paul never gave up on this man until he understood what Christ did for him. This is an awesome description of the difference between understanding the Gospel and what it means to be transformed and born again. Saying a superstitious prayer, getting baptized and inviting God into your heart,does not a Christian make. Salvation is not a flu shot!REVIVAL HYMN - a must hear for every Christian ..Good information here - click on the fool4given banner:


THE BIBLE(King James-Authorized Version) Which manuscripts do you read? NASB,NIV,NLT,CEV, ETC...all counterfeits. Only the King James Bible is translated from the correct texts. Research if for yourself. It's not a matter of opinion - it's a matter of 2 different God and His righteousness...Did you know this about the NIV??? Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, a lesbian who worked on the New International Version. Mollenkott is a pro-abortion feminist who claims to be a 'left-leaning' Evangelical. In reality she denies the very God of the Bible and worships an idolatrous female god of her own imagination.You can google info on Dr. Woudstra as well.


Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour

My Blog

Videos That Impacted Me...maybe they will you too?

These aren't the only videos I recommend, but the best I could do while hastily compiling ones I could remember while searching thru Google and You Tube. I have some other clips I recommend you watch ...
Posted by As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 03:36:00 PST

My Day At The GOP County Convention (whew!)

Where do I begin? I guess the thing that stands out to me is the intense desire NOT to go. I stayed up late the night before, had a fitful, dream-filled sleep and woke up late the day of the conven...
Posted by As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 09:45:00 PST

Voting As a Christian - candidate info

THIS IS LONG BUT PLEASE TAKE TIME HERE AND READ THROUGH!!!This was written by a friend - not my words, but important information to share. With his permission I am submitting this in my blog.No Christ...
Posted by As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:22:00 PST

$1.50 for a gallon of gas could be possible...

Would someone confirm or deny the rumor that this man (Lindsey Williams) is now missing?This is a very important video...please watch!Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28...
Posted by As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 06:19:00 PST

Whats With All These Clueless Christians?

What's With All These Clueless Christians?by Chuck BaldwinFebruary 12, 2008"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the ...
Posted by As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:41:00 PST

Ron Paul’s Israel Problem (Excellent!)

RON PAUL'S ISRAEL PROBLEM By Pastor Chuck BaldwinJanuary 15, 2008NewsWithViews.comIf evangelical Christians are hesitant to support Ron Paul's candidacy for the Republican nomination for President, tw...
Posted by As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 08:53:00 PST

Evolution- science or religion? Evolutionists...can you answer these questions?

  A Creationist's Challenge To EvolutionistsAuthor: Robert CongelliereIn Time Magazine, August 23, 1999, evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould asserted that "evolution is as well documented as any phen...
Posted by As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 08:25:00 PST

Separating From Sinning Christians

When does a Christian separate from sinning christians? ...and, yes, of course...we ALL sin. Pray for Biblical discernment!  This refers to those naming Christ and living a lifestyle of sin.http:...
Posted by As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 08:02:00 PST

Purpose Driven, Seeker Sensitive, Ecumenical, Churches Exposed... BEWARE OF RICK WARREN!

Purpose Driven?Seeker Friendly?501c3?Mixes of Bible versions?Emergent?Maybe you should rethink your church. Please take the time to watch this and pray about it. edited to add on December 1s...
Posted by As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 11:59:00 PST

Eternal Security is different than Biblical Assurance

Why do so many people who name Christ...who live like the world, love the world and are of the world believe they are saved, just because at one time they had an emotional experience, maybe they said ...
Posted by As In The Days B4 The Flood ~~~~~~sandra on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 02:46:00 PST